



Bethesda Hiring For Next Console Generation

Bethesda Hiring For Next Console Generation


If you’re looking to break into the gaming industry, now is as good a time as any to get your resume over to Bethesda. The Skyrim developer is hiring a swath of upcoming talent to prepare for the next generation of consoles.

Now, I know that there are naysayers among us who still don’t believe that Microsoft and Sony have plans to release their next-gen consoles in the near(ish) future, but if Bethesda’s job posting doesn’t convince you, nothing will: “Bethesda Game Studios is looking for experienced programmers to work on cutting-edge technology for an unannounced game on future-generation consoles.”

Naturally, the posting doesn’t give any details about the game itself, but it does mention that “Experience playing Bethesda Game Studios games a plus,” which could potentially mean that it’s a continuation of an existing franchise.

By Josh Engen

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