



BioShock Infinite Adds “1999 Mode”

BioShock Infinite Adds “1999 Mode”


If you found yourself thinking that BioShock just wasn’t hard enough, BioShock Infinite has you covered. Irrational Games has announced a new “1999 Mode,” which will supposedly be the most challenging mode we’ve seen yet.

In 1999 Mode, gamers will face “permanent consequences of their gameplay decisions” and will have to “sweat out the results of their actions.” The mode will also force players to pick specializations and stick with them, reducing character build options.

“I’m an old school gamer,” said Ken Levine, Creative Director of Irrational Games. “We wanted to make sure we were taking into account the play styles of gamers like me. So we went straight to the horse’s mouth by asking them, on our website, a series of questions about how they play our games. 94.6 percent of respondents indicated that upgrade choices enhanced their BioShock gameplay experience; however, 56.8 percent indicated that being required to make permanent decisions about their character would have made the game even better.”

1999 Mode will also require far stricter weapon, power, and health management. Ammo will be far more scarce, and health restoration options will be slim at best. In addition, respawning will cost you resources, and if you don’t have the resources available you will be taken to a “Game Over” screen.


By Angelo M. D’Argenio

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