



Borderlands 2 Gets a Colorblind Mode

Borderlands 2 Gets a Colorblind Mode

Gaming hasn’t been very nice to color blind people. Color is one of the biggest indicators of status in video games; screens flash red when you are injured, items are blue and purple when they are rare, and arrows are different colors in rhythm games to notate beats. Not to mention the flashing background colors in these games which are used to indicate that you are currently at a sweet rave party.

Luckily, some gaming companies are integrating color blind modes to help color blind people enjoy their games as well. Sometimes these modes simply use a different color palette which depends more on hue and saturation than color. Borderlands 2 is taking a different approach however. When it is played in color blind mode, the color of the gun is spelled out right in its description. If it’s green rarity, for example, the text for the gun will simply say “[Green].” They will also be introducing new graphical color palettes that can be customized depending on what sort of color deficiency you have: Deuteranopia, Protanopia, or Tritanopia.

Source: Gearbox Blog

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