



Borderlands 2 Takes A Turn For The Retro

Borderlands 2 Takes A Turn For The Retro

Gearbox knows it has a nearly automatic hit on its hands. The original Borderlands was tremendous, and Borderlands 2 only looks to expand on its strong base. With a reputation for servicing its fans and the hype train at full speed, the company has now tapped its tremendous (and hilarious) staff to provide a look at the Borderlands that might have been had the game come out in the SNES and Genesis era.

The Borderlands 2 “demake” is playable right in your browser and, for the most part, is a Smash TV or Robotron 2084-esque, top-down shooter. Navigate the small arena blasting your way through each wave of enemies as they pour in from the gates.

The twist in Borderlands 2, which makes it all the more entertaining, is that some enemies drop the unmistakable Borderlands weapon caches. Walking over one will give the player a choice between two guns, categorized by type, with a trio of other stats indicating power, clip-size and, well, I’m honestly not sure what the third is. Never really took the time to look, since the game doesn’t stop while you make your decision. Neither is also a valid choice, if you like the gun you already have.

Piece of advice: grab a railgun. They can shoot through terrain.

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