



Brothers In Arms: Road To Hill 30 Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables for PC

Brothers In Arms: Road To Hill 30 Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables for PC

Brothers In Arms: Road To Hill 30

Cheat mode

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Enter ” BAKERSDOZEN ” as a profile name to unlock all levels and extras including “Infinite Ammunition”, “Super Squad”, and “Old Movie” modes.

Old Movie mode

Successfully complete the game on the easy difficulty setting to unlock Old Movie mode. This mode allows the game to be played in black and white.

Infinite Ammunition

Successfully complete the game on the normal difficulty setting to unlock the “Infinite Ammunition” option. Additionally, to do this easier, successfully complete the game on the easy difficulty setting. Under the same profile, replay the intermission sequences on the normal difficulty setting, beginning with the “Brothers In Arms” scene, then move to complete “Rendezvous With Destiny” to get the first two medals. Once you receive the medals for those two scenarios, quit, then play the “Victory In Carentan” intermission sequence on the normal difficulty as well. When you begin the game again, the “Infinite Ammunition” option will now be accessible. Note: This cheat must be reactivated after each chapter.

Authentic mode

Successfully complete the game on the hard difficulty setting to unlock the authentic difficulty setting. This mode has no checkpoints, saves, icons nor reticules.

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Super Squad

Successfully complete the game in authentic mode to unlock the “Super Squad” option. Additionally, to do this easier, successfully complete the game on the hard difficulty setting. Under the same profile, replay the intermission sequences on the authentic difficulty setting, beginning with the “Brothers In Arms” scene then move to complete “Rendezvous With Destiny” to get the first two medals. Once you receive your medals for these two scenarios, quit, then play the “Victory In Carentan” intermission sequence on the authentic difficulty setting as well. When you begin the game again, the “Super Squad” option will now be accessible. Super Squad increases the amount of hits your team (including tanks) can take before losing health, but does not affect you. If your squad begins to lose health, simply deactivate and reactivate the cheat to reset the hits and health. This works well for assaults on positions. Note: This cheat must be reactivated after each chapter.

Speed This The Heck Up

Successfully complete the game on the easy difficulty setting. Choose the last level at the chapter selection screen and play it on a different difficulty setting.

Squad healing

If your character is killed three consecutive times, you will be given a chance to heal any injuries to your squad. To quickly get to this point, intentionally throw grenades at your own feet.

Cheat Codes

Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup copy of the file before proceeding. Use a text editor to edit the “bia.ini” file in the “system” folder in the game directory. Look for the “[Engine.GameInfo]” heading, then enter the line “bCheatsEnabled=True” below it. Then, look for the “[Engine.Console]” heading and change the “ConsoleKey=0” line to “ConsoleKey=192”. Then while playing the game, press ~ to display the console window. Enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function. Also, there is no confirmation that a code has been entered correctly. Note: You must reset the cheats every time you play (i.e., retype everything with the exception of the line “bCheatsEnabled=True”). You must move it under “[Engine.Console]” and must re-enter “ConsoleKey=192” in order for the console and the cheats to work properly in the game.

Result Cheat Code
God mode god
God mode for squad supersquad
Flight mode fly
Disable flight and no clipping mode walk
No clipping mode ghost
All weapons allweapons
Extra ammunition allammo
Togle invisibility invisible [0 or 1]
Kill everyone killall
All items loaded
Remove all items unloaded
Old Movie mode oldmovie
Toggle blind AI blindai [0 or 1]
Toggle deaf AI deafai [0 or 1]
Toggle blind enemies blindenemies [0 or1]
Toggle deaf enemies deafenemies [0 or 1]
Map select loadspmap [map name]
Spawn indicated item summon [item name]
Unknown lightperiod
Unknown lightcone
Unknown getfirstmission
Unknown pawnanimextra
Unknown soundocclusion
Unknown smiteevil
Unknown avatar

Item codes

Use one of the following values with the ” summon [item name]” code:



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