



Burnout Revenge Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables for Xbox 360

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Burnout Revenge Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables for Xbox 360

Burnout Revenge


Madden Van

Watch the Madden NFL 06 trailer in the Special Features menu to unlock the Madden Van.

4×4 C165 MID

Win a medal in Smash My Ride in Rank 5 Sunshine Keys to unlock the 4×4 C165 MID.

4×4 C180 Super

Win a medal in Off The Beaten Truck in Rank 1 Lone Peak to unlock the 4×4 C180 Super.

Black Elite Racer

Reach the “Elite” rank to unlock the Black Elite Racer.

Classic Crasher C170

Win a medal in Cry For Alp in Rank 10 White Mountain to unlock the Classic Crasher C170.

Compact C180 Lite

Win a medal in Deconstruction Site in Rank 1 Motor City to unlock the Compact C180 Lite.

Compact C185 Super

Win a medal in Circle Of Strife in Rank 2 Eternal City to unlock the Compact C185 Super.

Criterion GT Racer

Successfully complete the White Mountian Challenge Sheet to unlock the Criterion GT Racer.

Criterion M-Type DX

Win a medal in Traffic Attack: Forwards in Rank 7 Lone Peak to unlock the Criterion M-Type DX.

Criterion M-Type GT

Win a medal in Eliminator: Short Forwards in Rank 9 Central Route to unlock the Criterion M-Type GT.

Criterion M-Type ST

Win a medal in Grand Prix 4 in Rank 4 Motor City to unlock the Criterion M-Type ST.

Criterion R180 ST

Win a medal in Road Rage: Reverse in Rank 4 Angel Valley to unlock the Criterion R180 ST.

Criterion R195 DX

Win a medal in Grand Prix 7 in Rank 7 Lone Peak to unlock the Criterion R195 DX.

Criterion R205 GT

Win a medal in Traffic Attack: Long Reverse in Rank 9 Eastern Bay to unlock the Criterion R205 GT.

Custom Classic

Successfully complete the Sunshine Keys Challenge Sheet to unlock the Custom Classic.

Custom M-Type DX

Win a medal in Traffic Attack: Lower Link Forwards in Rank 6 Eastern Bay to unlock the Custom M-Type DX.

Custom M-Type GT

Win a medal in Eliminator: Long Forwards in Rank 8 Eternal City to unlock the Custom M-Type GT.

Custom M-Type ST

Win a medal in Grand Prix 2 in Rank 2 White Mountain to unlock the Custom M-Type ST.

Custom R170 ST

Win a medal in Race: Long Forwards in Rank 2 Eternal City to unlock the Custom R170 ST.

Custom R185 DX

Win a medal in Eliminator: Lower Link Forwards in Rank 6 Eastern Bay to unlock the Custom R185 DX.

Custom R202 GT

Win a medal in Race: Forwards in Rank 8 White Mountain to unlock the Custom R202 GT.


Successfully complete the Central Route Challenge Sheet to unlock the EA GT.

Etnies Racer

Successfully complete the Motor City Challenge Sheet to unlock the Etnies Racer.

Euro Classic LM

Successfully complete the Eternal City Challenge Sheet to unlock the Euro Classic LM.

Factory M-Type DX

Win a medal in Road Rage: Reverse in Rank 5 White Mountain to unlock the Factory M-Type DX.

Factory M-Type GT

Win a medal in Traffic Attack: Short Reverse in Rank 8 Eternal City to unlock the Factory M-Type GT.

Factory R175 DX

Win a medal in Race: Long Reverse in Rank 5 Eternal City to unlock the Factory R175 DX.

Factory R190 GT

Win a medal in Road Rage: Forwards in Rank 8 White Mountain to unlock the Factory R190 GT.

Hot Rod

Successfully complete the Lone Peak Challenge Sheet to unlock the Hot Rod.

Limited M-Type DX

Win a medal in Race: Short Reverse in Rank 6 Central Route to unlock the Limited M-Type DX.

Limited M-Type GT

Win a medal in Traffic Attack: Long Reverse in Rank 9 Central Route to unlock the Limited M-Type GT.

Limited M-Type ST

Win a medal in Grand Prix 3 in Rank 3 Eastern Bay to unlock the Limited M-Type ST.

Limited R175 ST

Win a medal in Race: Long Reverse in Rank 3 Central Route to unlock the Limited R175 ST.

Limited R190 DX

Win a medal in Road Rage: Long Reverse in Rank 6 Eastern Bay to unlock the Limited R190 DX.

Limited R205 GT

Win a medal in Traffic Attack: Short Reverse in Rank 9 Central Route to unlock the Limited R205 GT.

Logitech World Racer

Successfully complete the Rank 10 Ultimate Revenge GP to unlock the Logitech World Racer.

Mobile Diner

Win a medal in Street Car Set On Fire in Rank 3 Central Route to unlock the Mobile Diner.

Modified A165 ST

Win a medal in Grand Prix 1 in Rank 1 Motor City to unlock the Modified A165 ST.

Modified M-Type DX

Win a medal in Traffic Attack: Forwards in Rank 5 White Mountain to unlock the Modified M-Type DX.

Modified M-Type GT

Win a medal in Traffic Attack: Long Reverse in Rank 8 Eternal City to unlock the Modified M-Type GT.

Modified M-Type ST

Win a medal in Race: Short Reverse in Rank 1 Motor City to unlock the Modified M-Type ST.

Modified R185 DX

Win a medal in Grand Prix 5 in Rank 5 Eternal City to unlock the Modified R185 DX.

Modified R202 GT

Win a medal in Eliminator: Reverse in Rank 8 White Mountain to unlock the Modified R202 GT.

Nixon Special

Successfully complete the Eastren Bay Challenge Sheet to unlock the Nixon Special.

Off Road C170 Mid

Win a medal in Tram-A-Tised in Rank 3 Central Route to unlock the Off Road C170 Mid.

Off Road C180 Super

Win a medal in Noodles Of Fun in Rank 6 Central Route to unlock the Off Road C180 Super.

Prototype M-Series DX

Win a medal in Traffic Attack: Reverse in Rank 7 Angel Valley to unlock the Prototype M-Series DX.

Prototype M-Series GT

Win a medal in Road Rage: Long Forwards in Rank 10 Motor City to unlock the Prototype M-Series GT.

Prototype M-Series ST

Win a medal in Eliminator: Long Reverse in Rank 3 Eastern Bay to unlock the Prototype M-Series ST.

Prototype R175 ST

Win a medal in Traffic Attack: Long Forwards in Rank 3 Central Route to unlock the Prototype R175 ST.

Prototype R195 DX

Win a medal in Race: Forwards in Rank 7 Angel Valley to unlock the Prototype R195 DX.

Prototype R205 GT

Win a medal in Race: Forwards in Rank 10 Lone Peak to unlock the Prototype R205 GT.

Revenge Racer

Get a 100% game completion to unlock the Revenge Racer.

Saloon C175 Mid

Win a medal in Road To Ruins in Rank 2 Eternal City to unlock the Saloon C175 Mid.

Saloon C180 Super

Win a medal in Silly-Cone Valley in Rank 8 Angel Valley to unlock the Saloon C180 Super.

Sport C180 Lite

Win a medal in Shao-Lin Tumble in Rank 6 Central Route to unlock the Sport C180 Lite.

Sports C190 Super

Win a medal in Jump On The Jam in Rank 9 Motor City to unlock the Sports C190 Super.

Stock C175 Super

Win a medal in Mount Crushmore in Rank 4 Lone Peak to unlock the Stock C175 Super.


Win a medal in Drain Damage in Rank 4 Angel Valley to unlock the SUV C150 HVY.

SUV C160 Super

Win a medal in Drive-Thru Destruction in Rank 7 Lone Peak to unlock the SUV C160 Super.

Tuned M-Type DX

Win a medal in Eliminator: Forwards in Rank 7 Lone Peak to unlock the Tuned M-Type DX.

Tuned M-Type GT

Win a medal in Grand Prix 9 in Rank 9 Eastern Bay to unlock the Tuned M-Type GT.

Tuned M-Type ST

Win a medal in Road Rage: Long Reverse in Rank 4 Motor City to unlock the Tuned M-Type ST.

Tuned R180 ST

Win a medal in Race: Forwards in Rank 4 Lone Peak to unlock the Tuned R180 ST.

Tuned R195 DX

Win a medal in Race: Reverse in Rank 7 Sunshine Keys to unlock the Tuned R195 DX.

Tuned R205 GT

Win a medal in Traffic Attack: Forwards in Rank 10 Angel Valley to unlock the Tuned R205 GT.

Uitility C140 HVY

Win a medal in Mighty Docks in Rank 7 Motor City to unlock the Uitility C140 HVY.

Utility C150 Super

Win a medal in Doughnut Disturb in Rank 5 Lone Peak to unlock the Utility C150 Super.

Works M-Type DX

Win a medal in Eliminator: Short Reverse in Rank 6 Central Route to unlock the Works M-Type DX.

Works M-Type GT

Win a medal in Road Rage: Short Forwards in Rank 8 Eternal City to unlock the Works M-Type GT.

Works M-Type ST

Win a medal in Road Rage: Long Reverse in Rank 2 Eternal City to unlock the Works M-Type ST.

Works R170 ST

Win a medal in Race: Long Reverse in Rank 2 Eternal City to unlock the Works R170 ST.

Works R190 DX

Win a medal in Grand Prix 6 in Rank 6 Central Route to unlock the Works R190 DX.

Works R202 GT

Win a medal in Grand Prix 8 in Rank 8 Eternal City to unlock the Works R202 GT.

Alternate title screen

Unlock the Black Elite Racer to have that car featured at the title screen.

Easy Crashbreaker

When your Crashbreaker meter is at 99%, press A. You will only have to tap B two or three times to get a full Crashbreaker. Additionally, hold RT until the Crashbreaker meter gets to 100%. When it does, it will be easier to blow up your car.

Use Impact Time on Crash events before the Crashbreaker meter fills. The slower time makes the Crashbreaker easier to bring back up to 100% without having to wildly tap the button.

Easy Takedowns

Get behind another driver and hit them while using the boost to usually get a Takedown.

Better Crash Event ranking

If you do not get the desired rating in a Crash Event (for example, “Awesome” instead of “Great”), do not press Start. Select “Retry” before the final timer starts counting down. Wait until it is done tallying your score, then press X to retry the level. When it starts again, you will have the score you ended with in the previous round before that. It will not start with “OK” at the bottom.

Drifting around corners

When drifting around a corner (mainly hairpins), if your car is oversteering into the inside wall hold Boost and it will move away from the wall. If your car is heading for the outside wall, release Accelerate and it will move away from the wall.

While going around a curve do not release A, instead press B (brake) and turn in the desired direction and you will drift around the curve. This will help lessen crashes.

Glancing off corners

If you glance off a corner (not crash into it) while turning or drifting around it, you can hold Boost to return to top speed a lot faster than waiting for the car to accelerate itself. This is very useful on “Burning Lap” and “Preview” events where the gold medal is difficult to obtain.

Light cars

Light cars are quick, agile, and jump well but lack power in impacts and Crashbreakers. When jumping in strong winds, the Aftertouch responsiveness is affected.

Medium cars

Medium cars are good all-rounders with balanced weight, speed, and Crashbreakers that deliver a decent crash performances.

Heavy cars

Heavy cars are best at smashing through traffic, but slower with less Aftertouch responsiveness (but are less affected by wind). They have the most powerful Crashbreakers.


Accomplish the indicated achievement to get the corresponding number of Gamerscore points:

    50 To Won (25 points): Win 50 races online.
    Celebrity Status (65 points): Have a Burnout Clip in the Top 20 Downloads.
    Check It Out (10 points): Share a Burnout Clip.
    Complete Maniac (45 points): Get all Perfects in the Maniac rank.
    Crack the Unsafe (15 points): Get all Perfects in the Unsafe rank.
    Crash Addict (20 points): Win 40 crash events online.
    Crashes To Ashes (35 points): Successfully complete all Crash Intersections with Perfect ratings.
    Dominate The Dominator (60 points): Get all Perfects in the Dominator rank.
    Easily Offensive (20 points): Get all Perfects in the Offensive rank.
    Extremely Dangerous (30 points): Get all Perfects in the Dangerous rank.
    Grudge O’War (40 points): Score over 100 times with the same rival.
    Laying The Takedowns (20 points): Get 50 Takedowns online.
    Most Wanted (55 points): Get ahead of all five rivals in an online lobby.
    Not Harmless (10 points): Get all Perfects in the Harmless rank.
    Opening A Can (15 points): Get five in a row on one Revenge rival.
    Perfect Assassin (55 points): Get all Perfects in the Assassin rank.
    Race Ace (35 points): Successfully complete all race events with Perfect ratings.
    Road Warrior (25 points): Get 1,000 Takedowns.
    Run Burner, Run (20 points): Win thirty times for the Blue Team in online Road Rage.
    Rush Hour Revenge (35 points): All Traffic Attacks completed with Perfect ratings.
    Server Surfer (5 points): Compete in a Burnout Revenge event online.
    Settle With Metal (10 points): Settle a score online.
    Should Be Autographs (35 points): Successfully complete all 24 Signature Takedowns.
    Speeding Bullet (25 points): All Burning Lap and Preview events completed with Perfect ratings.
    Stack The Pack (15 points): Blow up five rivals at once.
    Start Something Ugly (5 points): Take someone down online.
    Takedowns Galore (20 points): Get 250 Takedowns.
    The Crushinator (15 points): Getting two Vertical Takedowns in a race.
    The Terminator (25 points): All Eliminator events completed with Perfect ratings.
    Totally Insane (40 points): Get all Perfects in the Insane rank.
    Triple Trouble (15 points): Get Revenge three times in an event.
    True Elite: (70 points) Get all Perfects in the game.
    Truly Fearless (25 points): Get Perfects in the Fearless rank.
    World Rage (35 points): Successfully complete all Road Rage events with Perfect ratings.
    Wreck Reckless (15 points): Get all Perfects in the Reckless rank.
    Your Opinion Counts (10 points): Recommend a Burnout Clip.
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