



Bust-A-Groove Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes for PlayStation (PSX)

Bust-A-Groove Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes for PlayStation (PSX)


Note: This game is also titled Bust-A-Move: Dance And Rhythm Action .

Dance preview

Successfully complete the game on the easy difficulty setting.

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Play as Capoeira

Successfully complete the game on the normal difficulty setting.

Play as Robo-Z

Successfully complete the game on the hard difficulty setting.

Play as Burger Dog

Successfully complete the game on the normal and hard difficulty settings. Then, select Hamm as a character and beat the game on the normal difficulty setting again.

Play as Columbo

Successfully complete the game on the normal and hard difficulty settings. Then, select Shorty as a character and beat the game on the normal difficulty setting again.

Columbo cameo

Play as Shorty in two player mode. Go all the way through any combo twice, then complete the 0 combo. Columbo should jump out of Shorty’s pocket.

Bonus level

Successfully complete level 1 with Shorty. Then, press Up, Down, Left, Right, Circle.

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Level skip

Successfully complete the game once with any character. Then, begin a game in single player mode and press L2 + Select when a song begins to jump to the next level.

Alternate costumes

At the character selection screen, highlight a character, then hold Select and press X. Note: In the Japanese version of the game, hold Select and press Circle.

Attack opponent

Press Triangle to attack an opponent.

Dodge attacks

Press Square to avoid an attack.

Winning pose close-up

Hold Circle after successfully completing a stage.

High scoring solos

Use the following moves when you take turns dancing:

    Heat: Up, Down, Up, Circle
    Frida: Up, Down, Up, Circle
    Strike: Up(2), Left, Circle
    Hamm: Down, Right, Left, Circle
    Kelly: Right, Left, Right, Circle
    Shorty: Down(3), Circle
    Hiro: Right, Up, Down, Circle
    Pinky: Up, Left, Up, Circle
    Gas-O: Left, Down, Right, Up, Circle
    Kitty N.: Down(2), Right, Circle
    Capoeira: Right, Up, Right, X
    Robo-Z: Up, Down, Left, Right, Circle
    Columbo: See Shorty
    Burger Dog: See Hamm

Game Shark Codes

North American Version

Max Dance Points P1 80068740 FFFF
No Dance Points P1 80068740 0000
Infinite Attacks P1 80068766 0002
No Attacks P1 80068766 0000
Max Enthusiasm P1 80068738 FFFF
No Enthusiasm P1 80068738 0000
Max Dance Points P2 80068744 FFFF
No Dance Points P2 80068744 0000
Infinite Attacks P2 8006877A 0002
No Attacks P2 8006877A 0000
Max Enthusiasm P2 8006873C FFFF
No Enthusiasm P2 8006873C 0000
Enable Dance View 80051AC6 0100
80051AC8 0100
Unlock Capoeira 30051AC0 0001
Unlock Robo-Z 30051AC1 0001
Unlock Burger Dog 30051AC3 0001
Unlock Columbo 30051AC2 0001
Press Select to End Game [Note] D0068790 0100
8006870A 0C01

Note: Only press Select when the match begins or the game may lock-up.

Japanese Version

All Clear 8004E068 0107
8004E06A 0101
Max Str P1 80075D28 7000
One Dance For 65535 Points P1 80075F08 FFFF
Max Str P2 80075D2C 7000
One Dance For 65535 Points P2 80075F0C FFFF
Able to Play to Chapter 12 3006ECC1 000B
Enable Dance View 8004E06C 0101
8004E06E 0101
8004E070 0101
8004E072 0101
8004E074 0101
8004E076 0101
8004E078 0101

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