Cardinal Syn
Unlock all characters
When “Press Start” appears at the opening screen, press L1, R2, R1, Square, Down, Circle, Down, L2, Square(4). If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. -From: [email protected]
Perform a fatality at anytime
When “Press Start” appears at the opening screen, press Up(2), Right(2), Left, Circle(2), Down. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. -From: [email protected]
Infinite magic
When “Press Start” appears at the opening screen, press Right(3), Left, Triangle, Left(2), Square. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. -From: [email protected]
Alternate outfits
When “Press Start” appears at the opening screen, enter one of the following codes to alternate the indicated character’s outfit. -From: [email protected]
- Orion
Press R2, Down(2), Circle, Square(2), R2.
Press Square, L1, Circle, Up, Triangle, Left, Triangle.
Press Down, Square, Down, L2, Down(3).
Press Circle(3), L1, R1, Circle, Left.
View ending sequences
When “Press Start” appears at the opening screen, press Down, Up, Down, Right, Left(2), Up, Left, R1, Circle(2), L2. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. Then, your selected character’s intro will be replaced with their ending sequence. -From: [email protected]
Play as Bimorphia (PAL version)
When “Press Start” appears at the opening screen, press Right(3), Down, Square. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound.
Play as Juni (PAL version)
When “Press Start” appears at the opening screen, press Up, Left, Left, Up, Square. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound.
Play as Kahn (PAL version)
When “Press Start” appears at the opening screen, press Up(2), Down(2), Triangle. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound.
Play as Moloch (PAL version)
When “Press Start” appears at the opening screen, press Up, Right, Down, Left, Square. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound.
Play as Mongwan (PAL version)
When “Press Start” appears at the opening screen, press Down(3), Up, Triangle. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound.
Play as Redemptor (PAL version)
When “Press Start” appears at the opening screen, press Up, Down, Left, Right, Circle. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound.
Play as Stygian (PAL version)
When “Press Start” appears at the opening screen, press Left, Right, Left, Right, Triangle. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound.
Play as Vodu (PAL version)
When “Press Start” appears at the opening screen, press Left(3), Up, Circle. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound.
Play as Kron
When “Press Start” appears at the opening screen, press L2(2), Up(3), Left, Down, Up, Circle, L1. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. For the PAL version, press Up, Down, Up, Down, Triangle, Left, Right, Left, Right, Circle, R1, R2. -From: [email protected]
Play as Syn
When “Press Start” appears at the opening screen, press R1, Right, R2, Square, R1, Down, R1, R2(2), Circle. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. Alternatively, beat the game using all of the regular characters. -From: [email protected]
Perform the following fatalities like combo moves at any time during a match:
- Mongoro
Forward + Square, Triangle, Square(2), Forward + Square.
Back + Triangle, Back + Triangle, Square(2), Back + Square.
Back + Square, Square(3), Back + X.
Triangle(3), Square, Forward + Square.
Triangle, Square(3), Back + Square.
Forward + Triangle, Triangle(2), Square, Up + Square.
Forward + Triangle, Forward + Triangle, Square(2), Forward + X.
Square, Triangle, Square(2), Back + Square.
Forward + Triangle, Forward + Triangle, Square, Triangle, Forward + Triangle.
Square(3), Triangle, Forward + Square, Up + Triangle.
Square(3), Triangle, Back + Square, Up + X.
Square, Triangle, Square(2), Back + Square.
Square(4), Back + Square, Back + Square, Forward + Square.
Square(4), Forward + Square, Forward + Square, Back + Square.
Square, Triangle(2), Back + X.
Triangle(3), Back + Triangle.
-From: [email protected], [email protected], and [email protected]
1 Round To Win P1 | 801EE69C 0001 |
0 Rounds Won P2 | 801EE6D4 0000 |
P1 Character Modifier | 801EE698 00?? |
P2 Character Modifier | 801EE6D0 00?? |
Finkster Stage Only | |
P1 Infinite Health | 8001E930 0190 |
P1 Invisible | 8001E93C 0004 |
P1 Visible | 8001E93C 0001 |
P1 Frozen | 8001E940 0001 |
P2 Infinite Health | 8001E570 0190 |
P2 Invisible | 8001E57C 0004 |
P2 Visible | 8001E57C 0001 |
P2 Frozen | 8001E580 0001 |
All Stages | |
P1 Infinite Health | 801946E4 0008 801946E6 3201 801946EC 0002 801946EE 1420 |
P2 Infinite Health | 801946E4 0008 801946E6 3201 801946EC 0002 801946EE 1020 |
P1 & P2 Infinite Health | 801946F4 0000 |
Unlock Character Codes | |
Kahn | 801E7B2A 0100 |
Stygian | 801E7B2E 0100 |
Redemptor | 801E7B32 0100 |
Juni | 801E7B36 0100 |
Mongwan | 801E7B3A 0100 |
Vodu | 801E7B3E 0100 |
Bimorphia | 801E7B42 0100 |
Moloch | 801E7B46 0100 |
Syn | 801E7B48 0100 |
Kron | 801E7B4A 0100 |
Quantity Digits to Accompany Character Modifier Codes | |
00 – Mongoro 01 – Kahn 02 – Plague 03 – Stygian 04 – Vanguard 05 – Redemptor 06 – Finkster 07 – Juni 08 – Orion 09 – Mongwan 0A – Hecklar 0B – Vodu 0C – Nephra 0D – Bimorphia 0E – McKrieg 0F – Moloch 10 – Syn 11 – Kron |
The image featured at the top of this post is ©The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III key art.