



Cel Damage HD Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables for Xbox One

Cel Damage HD Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables for Xbox One

Cel Damage HD

Cheat mode

Enter ” PITA ” as a name to unlock all cars, tracks, and modes except plastic mode. Enter ” SUSIE! ” as a name to unlock all cars, tracks, and modes including plastic mode.

Brian The Brain and Space world

Enter the character selection screen, select “Load” then enter ” BRAINSALAD ” as a name to unlock Brian The Brain and Space world. Alternately, win Smack Attack, Gate Relay, and Flag Relay in all three levels of the Space world.

Count Earl and Transylvania world

Enter the character selection screen, select “Load” then enter ” EARLSPLACE ” as a name to unlock Count Earl and Transylvania world. Alternately, win Smack Attack, Gate Relay, and Flag Relay in all three levels of the Transylvania world.

T. Wrecks and Jungle world

Enter the character selection screen, select “Load” then enter ” TWRECKSPAD ” as a name to unlock T. Wrecks and Jungle world. Alternately, win Smack Attack, Gate Relay, and Flag Relay in all three levels of the Jungle world.

Whack Angus and Desert world

Enter the character selection screen, select “Load” then enter ” WHACKLAND ” as a name to unlock Whack Angus and Desert world. Alternately, unlock all modes (Smack Attack, Flag Rally, Gate Relay), then win all three levels in the Desert world in each one (total of nine).

Melee weapons

Enter the character selection screen, select “Load” then enter ” MELEEDEATH ” as a name.

Hazard weapons

Enter the character selection screen, select “Load” then enter ” HAZARDOUS ” as a name.

Personal weapons

Enter the character selection screen, select “Load” then enter ” UNIQUEWPNS ” as a name.

Ranged weapons

Enter the character selection screen, select “Load”, then enter ” GUNSMOKE! ” as a name.

Movement power-ups

Enter the character selection screen, select “Load”, then enter ” MOVEITNOW ” as a name.

Plastic graphics

Enter the character selection screen, select “Load” then enter ” FANPLASTIC ” as a name. Enter the event selection screen and highlight “Smack Attack”. Press Down and select the “Event Settings” button. Then, select the “Options” button and select the “Rendering Modes” button. Change this option to “Render: Plastic”. The message “Current mode: plastic” will appear. Return to the even selection screen, then proceed to select a level and begin game play. To return to normal, repeat the steps and choose the cartoon renderer at the “Rendering Modes” screen.

Pen and ink graphics

Enter the character selection screen, select “Load” then enter ” PENCILS ” as a name.

All FMV sequences

Enter the character selection screen, select “Load”, then enter ” MULTIPLEX! ” as a name.

Big head mode

While playing the game, hold LB + RB + Up.

Additional FMV sequences

Successfully complete Smack Attack, Gate Relay, and Flag Relay with each character to unlock additional FMV sequences.


Accomplish the indicated achievement to get the corresponding number of Gamerscore points:

    Toon Star (200 points): Win all levels in all modes.
    New Talent (40 points): Win any level.
    Smacker (80 points): Win all levels in Smack Attack mode.
    Speedster (80 points): Win all levels in Gate Relay mode.
    Collector (80 points): Win all levels in Flag Rally mode.
    Finale (80 points): Win 12 different matches with a single character.
    Be The Boss (80 points): Earn a first place finish in each Desert level in Smack Attack, Gate Relay and Flag Rally modes.
    Drifter (40 points): Earn double smacks by damaging an opponent in Smack Attack while powersliding with the brake.
    Flipping Out (40 points): Earn 10 boosts in one match by completing forward flips with the right stick.
    Dodgy (40 points): Complete 10 sideways dodges in one match by using the right stick or LB/RB.
    Steamroller (40 points): Flatten 3 different opponents in one Gate Relay race by dodging into them with the RS or LB/RB.
    No Favorites (40 points): Win Smack Attack while getting points from at least 10 different weapons.
    Purist (40 points): Win Smack Attack while using only your character’s favorite weapon collected from “!” powerups.
    Nitro (40 points): Win Gate Relay having used turbo boost 20 times.
    Hoarder (40 points): Win Flag Rally with at least two captures of 3 or more flags at a time.
    Smart Coyote (40 points): In Death Valley, drop the 100 ton weight on opponent by shooting the target with your Basic Attack.
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