



Cheat Code Central: Creature Shock Strategy Guide

Cheat Code Central: Creature Shock Strategy Guide

Creature Shock Strategy Guide

Mission To Saturn:
The asteroids cannot be destroyed.

Shoot the targets which fire at your ship and ignore the passive objects. If a target gets too close, avoid it and allow it to fly past.

The only vulnerable areas on the final target are the two light ovals that fire at your ship. Target those areas while avoiding all other objects and incoming fire. Destroy the final target to complete the mission.

Aboard The Alien Ship:
Random aliens that will be encountered include a flat “centipede” on the floor and walls (vulnerable spot: head) and a flying “bat” (vulnerable spot: body).

Shoot all the aliens that crawl out of the trenches.

Your character will face three circular openings. Rotate to the right and enter the opening to the far right.

Move forward and kill the tusked biped alien armed with a gun. Its vulnerable spot is the yellow sphere on its chest.

Move through the circular door. Move forward and follow the tunnel as it curves to the left. Stop and rotate to the left after the curve. Examine the door in the circular protrusion in the wall to open it. Select the red sphere to boost the gun’s energy capacity.

Rotate to the right and continue to follow the tunnel until an intersection is reached. Follow the fork to the right.

Move forward along the tunnel to reach the next intersection. Follow the fork to the right. Kill the large “spider” on the wall. Its vulnerable spot is the green sphere on its underbelly.

Move forward along the tunnel to reach the next intersection. Follow the fork to the right.

Move forward along the tunnel and enter the circular door. Enter the chamber. Target the jumping “spiders” in the center of the screen first, and then the flying “wasps”. Shift back to the center of the screen as more jumping “spiders” appear.

Move forward to the circular opening on the far wall. Your character will slip into the opening and slide downward. Keep the cursor on the left part of the screen and quickly press the appropriate button when the chute splits to follow the left path.

Your character will tumble into another section of tunnels. Move forward along the tunnel and enter the circular door. The path moves over a bridge that splits in the center of a large chamber. Follow the fork to the right.

A large blue “larvae” will drop down over your character. Use a smart bomb when the creature shoots an energy beam from its tail. The creature will fall in front of your character. Use the shield to defend against the creature’s bite attack. Fire another smart bomb to kill the creature when it attacks with its tail again. Enter the circular door that the creature was blocking.

Move forward along the tunnel to reach the next intersection. Follow the fork to the left.

Move forward along the tunnel to reach the next intersection. Follow the fork to the right and enter the circular door.

Move forward into the center of the large chamber. Captain Sumoki will enter the chamber through one of the other circular doors and morph into a large horned creature. Fire the last smart bomb when the creature’s eyes are visible. Use the shield to defend your character against the creature’s attacks. Fire the gun at the creature’s eyes when they are visible until it is defeated to complete the mission.

Mission To Tethys:
Follow the blue alien probe as it flies over the surface of the moon. There are many forks in the path that must be followed. Note that quick sharp turns must be executed on a few of the forks.

Always follow the blue probe and ignore the red decoy probe that appears from time to time.

At certain points, large blast doors that close off the entire width of the path will appear. Shoot at the doors to open them. Fly through the opening and continue to follow the probe.

Avoid the falling stalactites in the underground sequences.

Many of the alien targets can be ignored. Concentrate on following the probe and avoiding the walls.

Hitting a bridge pylon with the ship will not result in damage. Instead, the ship will be delayed until it is moved over an open area.

Inside The Dome:
Random aliens that will be encountered include a flying spiked sphere (vulnerable spot: center), a saucer emitting a blue beam (vulnerable spot: moving blue area in center), and a giant “worm” in the tunnels (vulnerable spot: center of its mouth).

Shoot the spinning aliens. Enter the middle triangular door.

Move forward and enter the triangular door. Your character will enter a silver section of hallway. A creature resembling a large tentacled “eye” will drop from the ceiling. Quickly shoot the creature’s eye when it opens to destroy it. Your character will be killed if the creature is allowed to approach too closely.

Enter the triangular door that the creature was blocking and move forward. Follow the hall as it turns red and curves to the left.

Continue to follow the hall until a round protrusion on the left wall appears. Rotate to the left and examine the door in the protrusion in the wall to open it. A red sphere will restore your character’s body armor to full strength. Rotate to the right and continue to follow the hall.

Follow the hall as it turns red and curves to the right. The hall will end in a “T” intersection. Follow that hall that branches to the left.

Enter the triangular door to enter a chamber that contains a machine in the center. Kill the “eye” creature that will appear from behind the machine. Enter the triangular door on the right side of the chamber.

Follow the hall and watch the metal walkway as your character moves forward. Your character will enter a section of hallway where the metal walkway branches to the left. (If your character reaches a chamber with three circular and triangular exits, the walkway branch was missed.) Stand at the branch and rotate to the left. Move forward along the new hallway.

Follow the hall as it turns red and curves to the right. Enter the triangular door.

Your character will face a group of ovoid creatures that move along pipe-like tracks. Use the shields and wait until a creature pauses to fire. Shoot and destroy the creature while it is motionless.

After all the creatures are destroyed, rotate to the right. Your character will be facing three doors. Move forward and rotate to the left. In this position, the pipe-like tracks will be on the left and the round door will be to the right. Enter the triangular door directly in front of your character.

Move forward and follow the hallway as it turns red and curves to the right. Follow the hall and watch the metal walkway as your character moves forward. Your character will enter a section of hallway where the metal walkway branches to the left. (If your character reaches a small chamber with a circular section of floor, the walkway branch was missed.) Stand at the branch and rotate to the left. Move forward along the new hallway.

Follow the hall as it turns red and curves to the right. Enter the triangular door to enter a small room. Rotate to the left and examine the door in the protrusion in the wall to open it. A red sphere will restore your character’s body armor to full strength. Rotate to face the triangular door and enter.

Return to the point where the metal walkway branched. Follow the branch that leads to the left.

Move forward along the hall and enter the triangular door.

Your character will enter a small chamber and stand on a circular section of floor. Move the pointer to the top of the screen and move upward. The floor section will rise.

Enter the triangular door directly in front of your character. Move forward along the hall. Follow the hall as it turns red and curves to the right.

Enter the triangular doorway to enter a large chamber. The chamber contains a semi-circular path and a bridge that leads to a central circular door. (The central circular door leads back to the last red sphere that was obtained.) A large “spider” creature will attack. Rotate with the creature if it moves off-screen. Use a smart bomb when the creature’s red eye is visible to knock the creature off the ledge. The “spider” will re-appear as your character walks towards the central circular door. Use another smart bomb to destroy the creature. Enter the triangular door on the other side of the chamber.

Follow the hall as it turns red and curves to the right. Follow the hall and watch the metal walkway as your character moves forward. Your character will enter a section of hallway where the metal walkway branches to the right. (If your character reaches a small chamber with a circular section of floor, the walkway branch was missed.) Stand at the branch and rotate to the right. Move forward along the new hallway.

Follow the hall as it turns red and curves to the left. Continue to move forward until your character encounters a large walking gun. Shoot the area (or use the last smart bomb) on the right side of the gun turret next to the creature’s “neck” to destroy its gun turret. Shoot the red sphere on its right “shoulder” to destroy that appendage. Shoot the red sphere underneath its forward leg as it attacks to destroy the creature.

Move forward along the hall and enter the triangular door. Your character will enter the generator chamber. Shoot several times at the bottom of the structure hanging from the ceiling to destroy the transmitter. The walkway will collapse. Enter the triangular door at the top of the walkway. The display in the lower right corner will show the amount of time remaining before the complex explodes.

Retrace the path used to enter the complex to return to the ship and complete the mission.

Aboard The Alien Mothership:
Move forward, rotate right, and enter the door. Move forward and follow the hall as it turns to the right. Continue following the hall and watch the sides as your character moves forward to look for an intersection. Rotate left and move forward at the intersection.

Follow the hall as it turns to the left. Use the door at the end of the hall to enter a large chamber. Move to the opposite end of the chamber.

A large alien will rise from the floor. Shoot the red row on the creature’s helmet. After the creature’s head-piece is destroyed, the alien will re-appear behind your character and throw him through the wall.

Your character will jump on a conveyor belt, followed by the large alien. Shoot the creature’s eyes until it falls. Do not allow the creature to approach too closely.

Your character will jump off the conveyor belt and run down a hall to a doorway. Shoot the large alien as it approaches. Watch the crosshairs and fire when it is highlighted with triangles. The creature will be too far away to aim at a specific location.

The doors will close before the large alien can attack your character. A trap door will open and drop your character into another chamber. The creature will arm itself with a jetpack and gun and re-appear in the chamber.

As the creature flies over the central platform in the chamber, shoot the red rectangle that appears in the front of the jetpack. Fire the smart bombs when the red rectangle is visible.

During the final battle, do not allow the creature to get behind your character. If necessary, move the cross-hairs to the bottom of the screen and press the appropriate button to move back. The creature will move behind pillars to the left and right of the chamber. After backing up to this new location, turn left or right as necessary to face the creature directly. The creature’s pattern is to shoot the gun, fire an energy ball, shoot the gun, and punch. Timed correctly, there are at least two times during they cycling of this pattern that it will be vulnerable. The ending animation will begin after the creature is killed.

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