



CheatCC’s Cody Awards 2013: The Best Female Character Winner!

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CheatCC’s Cody Awards 2013: The Best Female Character Winner!

Best Female Character Winner 2013

There have been many great female heroines in gaming. Even though Ellie isn’t going to be competing with a character like Lara Croft in the bad-ass category, she brings her own style to the table that makes her so interesting. She plays in a way that feels intelligent. She picks her battles and reacts to situations in a realistic way. We get a real sense that she’s thinking things through, instead of running around with guns blazing. Definitely a refreshing approach.

Check out our full review if you’re still not convinced.

Jodie Holmes in Beyond: Two Souls

Jodie Holmes is one of those characters that will linger with you long after the game is over. In Beyond: Two Souls , you experience the ups and downs of her life, all the way through to the end. You connect with her in way that is unique and gripping, as players will control both Jodie and the “entity” known as Aiden. Without giving too much away, let’s just say your time spent with Aiden will prick your conscious, thus making the bond you feel with our protagonist that much stronger by the end.

Find out more in our full review .

Fan Choice
Ellie in The Last of Us

This year, Cheat Code Central gave its readers the chance to have a say in the Cody Awards. Here is your choice in this category based on our daily reader poll.

Find out more in our full review .

Read Our Reviews of the Other Nominees: Lara Croft in Tomb Raider Elizabeth in BioShock Infinite

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