



Check Out The Division’s New Gear Set Bonuses

Check Out The Division’s New Gear Set Bonuses

The Division is getting a big update on April 12, and it’s called Falcon Lost. Four new sets of equipment are coming, and each one offers set bonuses when equipped. Instead of having to actually acquire all the pieces to find out what they do, screenshots are showing off how a full set benefits people who wear it.

The four sets are Path of the Nomad, Sentry’s Call, Striker’s Battlegear, and Tactician’s Authority. To get bonuses, you need to wear at least two items from the set. Once all four items are equipped, you get a special talent, as well as the two other bonuses.

Path of the Nomad:

  • 2 pieces of equipment: +50% scavenging.
  • 3 pieces of equipment: +20% health on kill.
  • 4 pieces of equipment: Nomad: when receiving fatal damage, you are instead healed up to full health. Can occur once every 10 minutes.

Sentry’s Call:

  • 2 pieces of equipment: +30% headshot damage.
  • 3 pieces of equipment: +20% damage to Elites.
  • 4 pieces of equipment: Striker: headshots mark the enemy, increasing the damage inflicted on the target by 15% for a duration of 10 seconds each. A Target can receive up to three marks.

Striker’s Battlegear:

  • 2 pieces of equipment: +20% enemy armor damage.
  • 3 pieces of equipment: 100% critical hit damage.
  • 4 pieces of equipment: Shooter: Every consecutive hit deals 1% more damage. Stacks up to 100%. Missing shots drops bonus by 2%. Bonus is reduced by 1% every second.

Tactician’s Authority:

  • 2 pieces of equipment: +4,000 skill power.
  • 3 pieces of equipment: +20% skill haste.
  • 4 pieces of equipment: Tactician’s Authority: every 60k damage your group deals adds 1% skill power to you for a max of 100% bonus. Bonus is reduced by 1% every second the group isn’t dealing damage.

Path of the Nomad looks pretty amazing, what with that healing talent. Tactician’s Authority is pretty sweet too. The Division is going to be a lot more fun with this extra equipment!

Source: GameSpot

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