



Cyber Tiger Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes for PlayStation (PSX)

Trails of Cold Steel III key art

Cyber Tiger Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes for PlayStation (PSX)

Cyber Tiger Badlands course

At the course selection screen, press Circle to display the password screen. Then, enter ” HARESO ” as a password.

Canyons course

At the course selection screen, press Circle to display the password screen. Then, enter ” NAMOPI ” as a password. -From: [email protected]

Sawgrass course

At the course selection screen, press Circle to display the password screen. Then, enter ” SECARE ” as a password.

Summerlin course

At the course selection screen, press Circle to display the password screen. Then, enter ” PORASO ” as a password. -From: [email protected]

All courses

At the course selection screen, press Circle to display the password screen. Then, enter ” POQAKI ” as a password.

Bonus clubs

Make an eagle on any hole to get the forged irons. Make three birdies in a row to get the rubber inserted putter.

Game Shark Codes

Unlock All Courses & Characters 8008D824 FFFF
Player 1 Codes
Infinite Super Balls 300CCD40 0063
Infinite Eye Balls 300CCD41 0063
Infinite Mulligan Balls 300CCD42 0063
Infinite Gum Balls 300CCD43 0063
Infinite Power Balls 300CCD44 0063
Infinite Ghost Balls 300CCD45 0063
Infinite Mystery Balls 300CCD46 0063
Infinite Spin Balls 300CCD47 0063
Only One Shot Recorded 800C0E44 0000
Have All Power-Up Balls
(GS 2.2 or Higher Needed)
50000402 0000
800CCD40 6363
Player 2 Codes
Infinite Super Balls 300CCEAC 0063
Infinite Eye Balls 300CCEAD 0063
Infinite Mulligan Balls 300CCEAE 0063
Infinite Gum Balls 300CCEAF 0063
Infinite Power Balls 300CCEB0 0063
Infinite Ghost Balls 300CCEB1 0063
Infinite Mystery Balls 300CCEB3 0063
Infinite Spin Balls 300CCEB2 0063
Only One Shot Recorded 800C0F30 0000
Have All Power-Up Balls
(GS 2.2 or Higher Needed)
50000402 0000
800CCEAC 6363
Player 3 Codes
Infinite Super Balls 300CD018 0063
Infinite Eye Balls 300CD019 0063
Infinite Mulligan Balls 300CD01A 0063
Infinite Gum Balls 300CD01B 0063
Infinite Power Balls 300CD01C 0063
Infinite Ghost Balls 300CD01D 0063
Infinite Mystery Balls 300CD01F 0063
Infinite Spin Balls 300CD01E 0063
Only One Shot Recorded 800C101C 0000
Have All Power-Up Balls
(GS 2.2 or Higher Needed)
50000402 0000
800CD01A 6363
Player 4 Codes
Infinite Super Balls 300CD184 0063
Infinite Eye Balls 300CD185 0063
Infinite Mulligan Balls 300CD186 0063
Infinite Gum Balls 300CD187 0063
Infinite Power Balls 300CD188 0063
Infinite Ghost Balls 300CD189 0063
Infinite Mystery Balls 300CD18B 0063
Infinite Spin Balls 300CD18A 0063
Only One Shot Recorded 800C1108 0000
Have All Power-Up Balls
(GS 2.2 or Higher Needed)
50000402 0000
800CD184 6363

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