Deus Ex: Human Revolution Walkthrough/Strategy Guide/FAQ
Table of Contents - Walkthrough
- Prologue
- Back in the Saddle
- Securing Sarif’s Manufacturing Plant
- Tying Up Loose Ends
- Visiting the L.I.M.B. Clinic
- One Good Turn Deserves Another
- Lesser Evils
- Motherly Ties
- Investigating the Suicide Terrorist
- Voices From the Dark
- Stopping the Transmission
- Following the Clues in Highland Park
- Cloak & Daggers
- Whispers of Conspiracy
- Rotten Business
- Hunting the Hacker
- Gaining Access to Tai Yong Medical
- Shanghai Justice
- Bar Tab
- Searching for Proof
- Entering the Dragon’s Lair
- Confronting Eliza Cassan
- Finding Isaias Sandoval
- Smash the State
- Acquaintances Forgotten
- Finding Vasili Sevchenko’s GPL Device
- A Matter of Discretion
- Talion A.D.
- Stowing Away
- Rescuing Megan and Her Team
- Shutting Down Darrow’s Signal
- Extras
Augmentation List
Social Enhancer/Emotional Intelligence Enhancer
Cost: 2 Praxis Points
Use: Analyze people and persuade them into following certain courses of action.
Usefulness: Moderate/Low. It’s required to get one achievement in the game. Other than that, it’s completely unnecessary, unless you’re really bad at winning social battles. Still, using it on people can sometimes reveal little bits of info you wouldn’t otherwise get.
Radar System/Radar 1
Cost: Already Owned
Use: Track hostile targets (including security cameras, turrets, robots) up to a range of 25m. Targets must be visually acquired before they can be displayed.
Usefulness: High. It’s why you own it already. Allows you to know when enemies are alerted and which way they’re facing and moving.
Radar 2
Cost: 1 Praxis Point
Use: Doubles the radar’s range to 50m. Targets will also be displayed as soon as they are in range. Visually acquiring them is no longer required.
Usefulness: Low. There really isn’t ever a point where you’re going to need to see this far out. Also, getting this aug basically zooms the radar out, so all of the icons become pretty small. It can be hard to see.
Infolink/Cochlear Implant/Subvocal Communication Implant
Cost: Already Owned
Use: Communicate wirelessly anywhere.
Usefulness: Very High.
Stealth Enhancer/Noise Feedback
Cost: 2 Praxis Points
Use: Displays the range at which the noise you produce travels.
Usefulness: Low. It basically shows a little circle around your icon on the mini-map. If you’re any good at stealth, you won’t need this, and if you you’re not good at stealth, you still probably won’t want it.
Cones of Vision
Cost: 1 Praxis Point
Use: Displays the enemy’s cones of vision.
Usefulness: Moderate/Low. Ultimately unnecessary, since the radar tells you where everyone’s looking, but it’s still nice to see exactly where their range of vision stops.
Last Known Location Marker
Cost: 1 Praxis Point
Use: Once detected, displays an icon at the location the enemy last saw you.
Usefulness: Low. No point in having this at all, really. Unless you are bad at stealth.
Mark & Track 1.0
Cost: 1 Praxis Point
Use: Displays an icon over up to 3 targets so they can be tracked easily.
Usefulness: Moderate. Overall, it’s not really necessary, but it’s surprisingly helpful in keeping tabs on patrols. Combine this with the Smart Vision aug and you can know what everybody is up to.
Mark & Track 2.0
Cost: 1 Praxis Point
Use: Displays an icon over up to 5 targets so they can be tracked easily.
Usefulness: Moderate.
Mark & Track 3.0
Cost: 1 Praxis Point
Use: Displays an icon over up to 7 targets so they can be tracked easily.
Usefulness: Moderate/Low. You’ll rarely ever need to track so many targets.
Hacking: Capture/Capture 1/Camera Domination
Cost: Already Owned
Use: Hack level 1 terminals; Deactivate cameras linked to security hubs.
Usefulness: Very High.
Capture 2
Cost: 1 Praxis Point
Use: Hack level 2 terminals.
Usefulness: Very High. Required if you want to do any kind of exploration.
Capture 3
Cost: 1 Praxis Point
Use: Hack level 3 terminals.
Usefulness: Very High. Required if you want to do any kind of exploration.
Capture 4
Cost: 1 Praxis Point
Use: Hack level 4 terminals.
Usefulness: High. It’s nice to have if you like exploring, but you can definitely hold off on picking it up.
Capture 5
Cost: 1 Praxis Point
Use: Hack level 5 terminals.
Usefulness: Moderate/High. Again, great for exploring, but level 5 terminals are uncommon to say the least.
Turret Domination
Cost: 1 Praxis Point
Use: Disable turrets linked to security hubs or turn them against their allies.
Usefulness: High. The moment a turret sees you it turns hostile, which can ruin no-alarms playthroughs. Also, the ability to make a turret fire on enemy forces is a nifty tool.
Robot Domination
Cost: 1 Praxis Point
Use: Disable robots linked to security hubs or turn them against their allies.
Usefulness: Moderate/High. Robots and turrets are alike, except you don’t start encountering robots until later. They can almost always be snuck around, since their patrols patterns usually make them face away from you at some point. Still, the ability to turn a robot on a room of enemies is great, and if you try to take on a robot yourself with anything other than an EMP grenade, you’ll probably get creamed.
Hacking Analyze Add-On/Detection Feedback
Cost: 1 Praxis Point
Use: Place the cursor over any node to see the chances of detection.
Usefulness: Low. YOu can see the chances of detection when you get to a node, and you can infer what the chances are going to be based on its rating.
Analyze All Datastores
Cost: 1 Praxis Point
Use: Place the cursor over a datastore to view its content.
Usefulness: Low. It’s nice seeing if you should go for something, but ultimately unnecessary, especially since you have to purchase the completely useless Detection Feedback aug to get this.
Hacking: Fortify/Fortify 1
Cost: Already Owned
Use: When used on a node, it increases its rating in order to slow down trace attempts; Adds 1 point to a node’s rating.
Usefulness: Very High.
Fortify 2
Cost: 1 Praxis Point
Use: Adds 2 points to a node’s rating.
Usefulness: High. If you’re serious about hacking, you’ll want this. The ability to stave off a subroutine until you’ve finished hacking becomes more and more valuable as you encounter higher level terminals.
Fortify 3
Cost: 1 Praxis Point
Use: Adds 3 points to a node’s rating.
Usefulness: Moderate/High. Again, useful if you’re into hacking, but can be saved until later.
Hacking: Stealth/Stealth 1
Cost: 1 Praxis Point
Use: Decreases chances of detection by 15%.
Usefulness: Very High. Should be picked up immediately. Just makes things easier all around.
Stealth 2
Cost: 1 Praxis Point
Use: Decreases chances of detection by 30%.
Usefulness: High. If you’re into hacking at all, this is worth picking up.
Stealth 3
Cost: 1 Praxis Point
Use: Decreases chances of detection by 45%.
Usefulness: High. Makes things a lot easier overall, especially later in the game.
Sentinel RX Health System/Cardiovertor Defibrillator/Angiogenesis Protein Therapy
Cost: Already Owned
Use: Regenerates health.
Usefulness: Very High.
Sarif Series 8 Energy Converter/Base Energy Level/Base Recharge Rate
Cost: Already Owned
Use: Grants 2 energy cells; Charges partially depleted energy cells.
Usefulness: Very High.
Energy Level Upgrade 1
Cost: 1 Praxis Point
Use: Grants an extra energy cell.
Usefulness: Very High. If you plan on using manually-activated augs, you will need this.
Energy Level Upgrade 2
Cost: 1 Praxis Point
Use: Grants an extra energy cell.
Usefulness: High. Same as above.
Energy Level Upgrade 3
Cost: 1 Praxis Point
Use: Grants an extra energy cell.
Usefulness: Moderate/High. Same as above. Though you’ll rarely require this many cells, it allows you to cut down on how many candy bars you carry around.
Recharge Rate Upgrade 1
Cost: 1 Praxis Point
Use: Speeds up energy recharge.
Usefulness: Very High. If you plan on using manually-activated augs, you will need this.
Recharge Rate Upgrade 2
Cost: 1 Praxis Point
Use: Speeds up energy recharge.
Usefulness: High. Same as above.
Implanted Rebreather/Chemical Resistance
Cost: 2 Praxis Points
Use: Renders immune to toxic gas and gas grenades.
Usefulness: Moderate/Low. There are a few areas that can only be accessed by passing through toxic gas, but unless you plan on exploring everything, it doesn’t really impact gameplay. Also, gas grenades are almost never used by the enemy.
Hyper-Oxygenation 1
Cost: 1 Praxis Point
Use: Sprint for an extra 2.5 seconds.
Usefulness: Moderate/Low. Completely unnecessary, but you will find yourself running around a lot in the cities, going from one quest to the other.
Hyper-Oxygenation 2
Cost: 1 Praxis Point
Use: Sprint for an additional 2.5 seconds.
Usefulness: Low. See above.
Typhoon Explosive System/Light Damage Variant
Cost: 2 Praxis Points
Use: Launch mini-explosives in a 360 degree arc, at a range of 8m; Deals enough damage to kill living targets. Robots get damaged, but not destroyed.
Usefulness: Moderate. You can easily go through an entire game running and gunning without ever needing to use this. However, it can make boss fights quite a bit easier on the hardest difficulty.
Heavy Damage Variant
Cost: 1 Praxis Point
Use: Deals enough damage to kill any enemy, including all robot types.
Usefulness: Moderate/Low. Makes boss fights even easier, though it’s unnecessary. Can also take out robots in one hit, which is useful if you refuse to pick up Robot Domination.
Cybernetic Arm Prosthesis/Instant Take-Down
Cost: Already Owned
Use: Take down a single individual.
Usefulness: Very High.
Punch Through Wall
Cost: 1 Praxis Point
Use: Blast through weakened walls.
Usefulness: Low. It outlines weak walls, but you don’t need this aug to get through them. You can just shoot them until they break.
Recoil Compensation 1
Cost: 1 Praxis Point
Use: Reduces recoil by 1/2.
Usefulness: Moderate. Useful if you’re going to run and gun, but it can also be useful in stealth situations, where you’re required to nail multiple opponents in the head quickly.
Recoil Compensation 2
Cost: 1 Praxis Point
Use: Reduces all recoil.
Usefulness: Moderate/Low. Only useful if you enjoy running and gunning.
Move/Throw Heavy Objects
Cost: 1 Praxis Point
Use: Move and throw heavier objects.
Usefulness: Very High. Heavy objects are all over the place and moving them is required to gain access to plenty of side paths. There’s also some satisfaction had in hurling a dumpster at a bad guy.
Carrying Capacity 1
Cost: 1 Praxis Point
Use: Increases inventory size by 2 columns.
Usefulness: Very High. Necessary, to be honest.
Carrying Capacity 2
Cost: 1 Praxis Point
Use: Increases inventory size by another 2 columns.
Usefulness: High. Practically necessary, unless you don’t care about carrying around things to sell later.
Carrying Capacity 3
Cost: 1 Praxis Point
Use: Unlocks the inventory’s full size.
Usefulness: Moderate/High. Useful if you enjoy carrying items back to shops. Even with this upgrade, you’ll frequently run into areas where you have to drop stuff.
Aim Stabilizer/Aiming Motion Control 1
Cost: 2 Praxis Points
Use: Reduces reticule growth due to movement by 50%.
Usefulness: Moderate/Low. Only useful if you enjoy running and gunning.
Aiming Motion Control 2
Cost: 1 Praxis Point
Use: Negates all movement-induced reticule growth.
Usefulness: Low. See above.
Smart Vision/Wall-Penetrating Imager
Cost: 2 Praxis Points
Use: See through walls; Track threats through walls.
Usefulness: Moderate/Low. This is a really neat tool, and when combined with the Mark and Track augs, can make things easier. However, because of the radar, it’s still pretty unnecessary, and it saps up energy cells while it’s in use.
Retinal Prosthesis/Retinal HUD
Cost: Already Owned
Use: Displays the HUD and augmented reality.
Usefulness: Very High.
Flash Suppressant
Cost: 1 Praxis Point
Use: Protects against the effects of concussion grenades.
Usefulness: Low. Concussion grenades suck when you get hit by one, but they aren’t used that often, unless you’re constantly engaging firefights or using them yourself.
Cooldown Timer
Cost: 1 Praxis Point
Use: Know exactly when enemy combatants will drop out of their alarmed state and return to a relaxed standing.
Usefulness: Low. No real reason to have this. They still drop out of the alarmed state at the same time, so this can’t really help you in any way.
Reflex Booster/Multiple Take-Down
Cost: 2 Praxis Points
Use: Take-down 2 opponents at once.
Usefulness: Moderate. There are quite a few instances when you can use this. If you enjoy exploring and having a non-lethal, no-alarms playthrough, consider picking this up.
Icarus Landing System/Descent Velocity Modulator
Cost: 2 Praxis Points
Use: Fall from any height without fear of injury.
Usefulness: High. There aren’t many places where using this is required, but those few places do offer some nice rewards. It’s even required to get an XP Book. Also, when you reach Hengsha, you’ll be doing a lot of rooftop travelling, and this can make getting back to the streets a lot faster.
Dermal Armor/Damage Reduction 1
Cost: 2 Praxis Points
Use: Reduces damage by 15%.
Usefulness: High. Unless you’re pure stealth, this can definitely help.
Damage Reduction 2
Cost: 1 Praxis Point
Use: Reduces damage by 30%.
Usefulness: Moderate. See above.
Damage Reduction 3
Cost: 1 Praxis Point
Use: Reduces damage by 45%.
Usefulness: Moderate/Low. See above.
EMP Shielding
Cost: 1 Praxis Point
Use: Prevents augmentation deactivation and energy loss from EMP grenades and electricity.
Usefulness: Low. There is almost always a way around electricity, and the enemies don’t use EMP grenades all that much.
Cloaking System/Base Longevity
Cost: 2 Praxis Points
Use: Become invisible for a short period of time. People can still hear you move.
Usefulness: Very High. Even if you don’t stealth, this can still be used to get past a tough spot.
Longevity Upgrade 1
Cost: 1 Praxis Point
Use: Reduces energy consumption by 40%.
Usefulness: High. If you stealth, this is highly recommended.
Longevity Upgrade 2
Cost: 1 Praxis Point
Use: Reduces energy consumption by 60%.
Usefulness: Moderate. Not necessary, but saves on energy cells.
Cybernetic Leg Prosthesis/Jump Enhancement
Cost: 2 Praxis Points
Use: Jump up to 3m high (9 feet).
Usefulness: High. There are plenty of instances where jumping high can take you to other places and allow you to cross gaps faster.
Run Silently
Cost: 1 Praxis Point
Use: Run and walk silently.
Usefulness: Moderate/Low. If you’re very heavy on stealth this might be useful when coupled with the Cloak aug, but there’s no reason you can just crouch and accomplish the same thing.
Sprint Silently
Cost: 1 Praxis Point
Use: Sprint without generating any audible sound.
Usefulness: Moderate/Low. More useful than its predecessor. The ability to just sprint past people without them hearing you has some obvious benefits. Still, you can always get past people by crouching, so this is unnecessary.
Jump/Land Silently
Cost: 1 Praxis Point
Use: Jump and land from any height in total silence.
Usefulness: Low. Only useful in a few situations, and you have to dump points into the previous two augs to get here.
Sprint Enhancement
Cost: 1 Praxis Point
Use: Sprint faster.
Usefulness: Moderate. It’s handy for quickly blowing through an area of bad guys, or for just quickly getting around the cities. It’s hardly necessary though.
XP Book List
The Nature of Neuroplasticity
Location: Floor 2 of Sarif Headquarters. On a table inside Frank Pritchard’s office.
Neural Interface Protocols: The PEDOT Revolution
Location: Sarif Manufacturing Plant. After riding an elevator down and picking up your first Praxis Kit, you can enter a room with a Security Hub in it. The book is in here, underneath a small cardboard box.
Artificial Muscles
Location: Sarif Manufacturing Plant. After moving through a room filled with computer desks, you will go up some stairs. The next door you use will take you to Zeke Sanders and the end of the mission you’re on. Before using that door, look on the desk next to it for the book.
The Neural Hub – Design for a Next Generation
Location: Floor 2 of Sarif Headquarters. Office 27, on a table.
The Tyranny of Biology
Location: Floor 2 of Sarif Headquarters. Office 25, on a table.
The Visual Cortex 2.0 – The Eye, Redesigned
Location: Detroit L.I.M.B. Clinic. On a cart in the surgical ward hallway.
Nano-Augmentation – Pipedream, or Theory for the Future?
Location: Detroit. Apartment building directly behind the gas station. Go to the top floor and enter the Thorpes’ apartment. On a table in the bedroom.
Respirocyte Technology & Hazardous Environmental Parsing
Location: Detroit. Apartment building across from the basketball court, in an area behind the gas station. You can only enter via the fire escape, so head up to the first window that you can open and go inside. You’ll find an apartment on this floor with a weapon vendor inside named Seurat. The book is on a table in his bedroom.
Arms (and Legs) For Man – The Structure of Cybernetic Limbs
Location: Detroit. If you go behind the gas station, continue past the first apartments you can enter and keep going until you reach an “intersection”. If you head right, you’ll go to the basketball court. If you head left, however, you come across a fence locked with a keypad. There’s also a fire escape you can jump up onto to get into the apartment building. Once in, head to the third floor and look for an apartment locked with a level 5 keypad. Get inside there and you’ll find another door locked by a level 2 keypad. The book is in that next room, on a computer desk.
The Intelligence Circuit
Location: Detroit. Chiron Apartments. Use the elevator to get up to your own apartment, and look in Jensen’s bedroom. The book is on the table by the bed.
The Threat of Cybernetic Discognition Disorder
Location: Detroit Police Station. In the morgue, look on the desk with the computer.
Vestibular Augmentation and Enhanced Agility Factoring
Location: Detroit. Derelict Row. If you enter Derelict Row through the “front door”, you’ll quickly enter an area with three enemies. One of them patrols, while the other two just hang out by a barrel. To exit this area, you can either go under a garage door that has a hole in it, or you can go through a door to the right of that garage door. If you choose to go right, enter that door, then stay to the left. Descend into the next room and look for the book on one of four white barrels tied together.
Blurring the Boundaries Between Man and Machine
Location: F.E.M.A. Detention Center. This is after a room where you can take an upper or lower path. The upper path through the room leads you across some walkways with three guards and a control room with a big letter A on it. If you keep going, you’ll head downstairs and through a hallway. A door on the left side of the hall will lead you to a cafeteria. If you chose the lower path, you will pass through a room with a turret in it and eventually be forced into conversation with two security guards. The door after them leads to the cafeteria. Either way, there’s a room next to the cafeteria with a locked door. The code is 7984. You’ll find the book inside on a table. Just for reference, all of this takes place well after you use the elevator.
The Science and Theory Behind Cochlear Implants
Location: Hengsha, Youzhao District. There are two ways to enter the Youzhao District from the Kuaigan District. One of them is on street level. Use this entrance to get into Youzhao, then continue until you hit the street. There will be ladders and scaffolding in front of you. Use them to get to the roof. Almost immediately you will see a stairwell to your left. Use it to get down to the second floor, and enter the single apartment on this floor. The book is on the computer desk in here. Another way to enter the building is by going right once you hit the street, then taking the first left. The door to the building will be on your left in the alleyway here.
Invasive Brain Machine Interfaces
Location: Hengsha, Youzhao District. Go to the roof of the building where you found the previous XP Book (The Science and Theory Behind Cochlear Implants). If you climb up the ladders like you did with the previous book, go up some stairs to your right, then turn right again and head to the next roof. Enter the first door to your left. The book is inside, on a desk.
Understanding Vision (Part 1)
Location: Hengsha, Youzhao District. Go to the Hengsha Court Gardens. It’s an apartment building that you’re required to visit when you first reach Hengsha. If you look on your map, you’ll find it on the fourth level of the city. There’s a big outdoor “entrance” type area, and then some glass doors that lead to an elevator, which takes you up to a penthouse area. Before you move through the glass doors, look to the left and right of them. There are regular doors here that lead to apartments. Enter the left apartment and look in the kitchen for this book.
Optical Enhancement Functionality
Location: Hengsha, Kuaigan District, The Hive. Enter the Hive club and look for a door by the entrance. If you can hack it, you’ll be in a hallway. Enter the next door to get inside a room that you could see before but couldn’t get into. The book is in here, on a table with a computer and a security hub. Alternatively, you could use another door to get into the basement area. It’s on the first floor, near the stairs leading up to the second floor. If you go that way, you’ll head downstairs. Go left here, through the hallways and past the security camera. You’ll eventually go back upstairs and come across a red door to your right. This is the room with the book in it.
The Use of Neuromuscular Facilitation Systems
Location: Hengsha, Kuaigan District, The Hive. You can get into the basement from one of two doors on the first floor, or via the sewer system. If you come in through the door near the entrance of the Hive, you’ll have to go downstairs and follow the hallways all the way around until they end to reach it. If you come in through the other door, the one near the stairs inside the club, just go right when you reach an intersection and you’ll come to the office. The book is inside it, on a table.
Electrogravitic Technology Applications
Location: Hengsha, Kuaigan District, Alice Garden Pods. Go to the second floor and head for the Section 1 pods, then find Pod 143. The book is on the bed inside.
Better Than Nature?
Location: Tai Yong Medical, Assembly Lines. When you reach Tai Yong Medical, you’ll have to move through a facility and use an elevator. Just after this, you come across some electrified water on the floor. Once you shut it off, you’ll move onto the platform it was surrounding and eventually up a ladder. In this next room, there’s a vent that leads to a shaft. If you have the Icarus Landing System, you can drop down the shaft to an area with the book.
Radical Evolution is a Reality
Location: Tai Yong Medical, Laboratories. Just after getting the previous XP Book, you’ll ride a large elevator up into a public area, where keeping your gun holstered is advised. You’ll come across two hallways, both of which lead to a door that takes you into a large laboratory. If you have an Access Card (also gained when you got the previous XP Book), then the guard just lets you walk right in. In this lab, look under the large device in the middle for some crates. The book is on one of them.
Brain Implants
Location: Tai Yong Medical, Penthouse, Hangar. After the cutscene with Zhao Yun Ru, you move through a room filled with enemies and down to a hangar where you have to disable two large mechs. You should see two controls rooms on the other side of the room, a few floors up. The book is on a desk in control room 01.
HUMAN POWERED – Autonomous Energy Reclamation Systems
Location: Picus Building. After the cutscene where you talk to Eliza Cassan’s hologram, you’ll have to move through an area filled with enemies that was previously empty. You must make your way to the floor below you. If you use the elevator to get down there, then head out of the lobby and use the first door you come across. Head upstairs in that room and you’ll find the book on a table. If you dropped down the elevator shaft next to the working elevator, then you’ll exit right next to the book. If you used the breakable wall to get down, you’ll need to backtrack through the hallways and use the door just before you enter the lobby, then head upstairs in the next room.
Healing Thyself – Health Preservation Implants
Location: Picus Building, Restricted Area. This is after you ride the funicular down a long ways to the next area. You’ll soon come to a large room with two stories and a bunch of desks on the main floor. The area is filled with enemies, and there’s probably a robot on the main floor and another one patrolling a hallway on the second floor. As soon as you enter the room (via the main door or the vent), look around for an office on the second floor with big windows. The office overlooks most of the main floor. The book is inside a first floor office directly beneath the room with the big windows. The door to access this office is on the opposite side of the stairs.
Vagus Nerve Stimulators – Repurposing the Technology
Location: Detroit, Convention Center. The second time you come to Detroit, you’ll have to go to the convention center and talk to Bill Taggart. If you won the social battle with him, head to the backstage area to talk to him, but look around in the room just before the room with Taggart in it for the book next to a coffee maker. If you didn’t win the battle, you’ll still need to make it backstage and hack Taggart’s computer, which is in the same room Taggart would be, so the above instructions still apply.
Dermal Modification Processes
Location: Detroit, Sewers. The second time you come to Detroit, you’ll have to enter the sewers to find Isaias Sandoval. The book is on his desk, and you can grab it after having a conversation with Sandoval.
Understanding Vision (Part 2)
Location: Hengsha, Harvester Territory. While moving through Harvester Territory for a main quest, you should come across a room with a bunch of enemies, and there are some couches and televisions hanging from the ceiling. This is the second to last room before you speak with Tong. There’s a door in here that leads to a small operating room. If you failed to save Malik, her body will be in here. The book is also in here, on a table.
Delgado and the Stimoceiver
Location: The Omega Ranch. After shutting off the jamming signal, exit the building it’s in and enter the next building complex to the right of the original building. This is where you can find Dr. Colvin and Dr. Koss. Head up to the second floor and find room G-23. If you enter via the door, head into the room to the left and you’ll find the book in here. If you enter via the breakable wall, you’re already in the room with the book.
Reimagining Retinal Implants: Doctor Dobelle’s Success
Location: The Omega Ranch. After defeating Jaron Namir, you’ll enter a white room and a cutscene. Once the cutscene is over, hack the level 5 safe in the room to find the book inside.
Achievement/Trophy List
Platinum Trophy
You unlocked every trophy in the game.
First Takedown
5 Gamerscore/Bronze Trophy
Perform your first Takedown. Civilians don’t count, so be nice.
15 Gamerscore/Bronze Trophy
Perform 50 takedowns within the same playthrough. (Civilians don’t count)
First Hack
5 Gamerscore/Bronze Trophy
Perform your first Hack successfully.
15 Gamerscore/Bronze Trophy
Successfully hack 50 devices within the same playthrough.
5 Gamerscore/Bronze Trophy
Fully upgrade your first augmentation of choice.
Consciousness is Over-rated
15 Gamerscore/Bronze Trophy
Knock out 100 enemies in a single playthrough.
Up the Ante!
15 Gamerscore/Bronze Trophy
Upgrade your first weapon of choice.
50 Gamerscore/Silver Trophy
Complete Deus Ex: Human Revolution.
100 Gamerscore/Gold Trophy
Complete Deus Ex: Human Revolution at its hardest setting without ever changing the difficulty.
Deus Ex Machina
50 Gamerscore/Silver Trophy
Experience all the different endings that Deus Ex: Human Revolution has to offer.
100 Gamerscore/Gold Trophy
Complete Deus Ex: Human Revolution without anyone dying by your hand. (Boss fights don’t count.)
Foxiest of the Hounds
100 Gamerscore/Gold Trophy
Complete Deus Ex: Human Revolution without setting off any alarms.
50 Gamerscore/Silver Trophy
Read all 29 unique XP books within a single playthrough.
Lesser Evil
10 Gamerscore/Bronze Trophy
Deal with Mr. Carella’s indiscretion.
Motherly Ties
10 Gamerscore/Bronze Trophy
Put a grieving mother’s doubts to rest.
Cloak & Daggers
10 Gamerscore/Bronze Trophy
Deal with the man in the shadows.
Smash the State
10 Gamerscore/Bronze Trophy
Help Officer Nicholas take out the trash.
Acquaintances Forgotten
10 Gamerscore/Bronze Trophy
Follow Pritchard’s lead to uncover the truth.
Bar Tab
10 Gamerscore/Bronze Trophy
Help the Hive Bartender settle a tab.
Rotten Business
10 Gamerscore/Bronze Trophy
Help a lady in the oldest of professions clean house.
Shanghai Justice
10 Gamerscore/Bronze Trophy
It may take some sleuthing, but justice must be served.
Corporate Warfare
10 Gamerscore/Bronze Trophy
Protect a client’s interests by performing a less-than-hostile takeover.
Talion A.D.
10 Gamerscore/Bronze Trophy
Descend into the bowels of an urban jungle and confront a warrior-priest.
Gun Nut
20 Gamerscore/Bronze Trophy
Fully upgrade one of your weapons.
15 Gamerscore/Bronze Trophy
You made it through an entire hostile area without so much as a squeak. (SECRET)
The Bull
25 Gamerscore/Bronze Trophy
You defeated Lawrence Barrett, elite member of a secret mercenary hit squad. (SECRET)
The Mantis
25 Gamerscore/Bronze Trophy
You defeated Yelena Fedorova, elite member of a secret mercenary hit squad. (SECRET)
The Snake
25 Gamerscore/Bronze Trophy
You defeated Jaron Namir, Leader of Belltower’s Elite Special Operations Unit. (SECRET)
The End
25 Gamerscore/Bronze Trophy
You defeated Zhao Yun Ru and destroyed the Hyron Project. (SECRET)
Old School Gamer
10 Gamerscore/Bronze Trophy
You found all the hidden story items in Megan’s office. Point and Click much? (SECRET)
Unforeseen Consequence
15 Gamerscore/Bronze Trophy
You convinced Zeke Sanders to let his hostage go. (SECRET)
The Desk Job
15 Gamerscore/Bronze Trophy
You convinced Wayne Haas to let you into the morgue. (SECRET)
Yes Boss
15 Gamerscore/Bronze Trophy
You had an argument with your boss, David Sarif, and won. (SECRET)
Darker Shades
15 Gamerscore/Bronze Trophy
You convinced a fast-talking bartender to let you see Tong Si Hung. (SECRET)
The Throwdown
15 Gamerscore/Bronze Trophy
You convinced the smooth-talking politician Bill Taggart to tell the truth in public. (SECRET)
The Last Straw
15 Gamerscore/Bronze Trophy
You talked Doctor Isaias Sandoval out of suicide. (SECRET)
The Final Countdown
15 Gamerscore/Bronze Trophy
You showed millionaire Hugh Darrow that his logic was flawed. (SECRET)
The D Project
15 Gamerscore/Silver Trophy
You watched the entire credit list and saw the surprise at the end. (SECRET)
Good Soul
15 Gamerscore/Bronze Trophy
Against all odds, you saved Faridah Malik’s life. (SECRET)
Hangar 18
10 Gamerscore/Bronze Trophy
You found and read the secret message. Now you know too much… (SECRET)
Sentimental Value
10 Gamerscore/Bronze Trophy
You kept Megan’s bracelet for yourself. Apparently, letting go really is the hardest part. (SECRET)
The Take
10 Gamerscore/Bronze Trophy
Greedy bastard. You accepted O’Malley’s blood money and let him go. (SECRET)
Guardian Angel
10 Gamerscore/Bronze Trophy
You paid poor Jaya’s debt in full. How very…humane…of you. (SECRET)
Lucky Guess
10 Gamerscore/Bronze Trophy
Next time, Jacob better use a more complex code to arm his bombs. (SECRET)
Kevorkian Complex
10 Gamerscore/Bronze Trophy
You granted a dying man his final request. (SECRET)
The Fall
10 Gamerscore/Bronze Trophy
You sent Diamond Chan on the trip of a lifetime. (SECRET)
Super Sleuth
10 Gamerscore/Bronze Trophy
You really nailed your case against Lee Hong. (SECRET)
Ladies Man
10 Gamerscore/Bronze Trophy
You convinced Mengyao to spill the beans on the mysterious Hyron Project. (SECRET)
5 Gamerscore/Bronze Trophy
Seems you like playing with balls, eh? (SECRET)
- Walkthrough
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The image featured at the top of this post is ©The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III key art.