Capcom’s Devil May Cry 2 is the first sequel in the franchise and the direct follow-up to the original Devil May Cry, releasing just over a year after its predecessor. Originally released on January 28, 2003, Devil May Cry 2 experienced a bit of a troubled development thanks to Capcom’s decision to hand the title off to a new team with no experience working on the original game. Capcom’s unhappiness with the original version of Devil May Cry 2 prompted them to bring in a replacement director in the form of Hideaki Itsuno, who would go on to become the series’ primary director in subsequent entries.
Despite Itsuno’s salvaging of the game, Devil May Cry 2 released to mixed reception. Players and critics alike were split on the new direction for Dante’s appearance and personality, as well as the game’s story and continuation of the original game’s lore. Difficulties during development also resulted in DMC2 featuring some issues with its balancing and encounter tuning, with the game ending up significantly easier than the first Devil May Cry. Despite its lukewarm critical reception, though, Devil May Cry 2 was a major commercial success. The title would go on to sell roughly 1.5 million units just a month after its launch, and estimates place its total lifetime sales at about 3 million units.
Devil May Cry 2 Premise

©Devil May Cry 2 gameplay screenshot – Original
Picking up shortly after the events of the first game, Dante is drawn to a museum containing a strange artifact. As it turns out, he’s not the only one with his eye on the piece, as a horde of demons show up along with a new ally, Lucia. After defeating the demons, Dante and Lucia head to the mysterious Vie de Marli to speak with Lucia’s mother, Matier. Matier clues in Dante to her former partnership with his father, the demon lord Sparda, and requests that he assist Lucia in stopping a megalomaniacal villain from resurrecting an ancient demon to absorb his power. Reluctantly agreeing to partner up with Lucia, the two set off to prevent Argosax’s resurrection and save Vie de Marli.
In terms of its gameplay, Devil May Cry 2 is largely the same as its predecessor. Players control one of two different protagonists this time around, with the game’s two discs containing separate campaigns for Dante and Lucia. As a new character, Lucia controls differently from Dante and has a unique set of abilities more geared toward fast and fluid combos. The style ranking during encounters returns once again, with players able to earn anywhere from a D rank to an S rank during each fight depending on their strings of uninterrupted hits and variance between moves. Additionally, like the first game, there are some light platforming and puzzle-solving elements to complement the combat-heavy gameplay.
Devil May Cry 2 Main Characters

©Devil May Cry 2 gameplay screenshot – Original
As the direct sequel to Devil May Cry, Devil May Cry 2 picks up just a few short months after the events of the first game. Once again players control Dante as well as newcomer Lucia as the pair tackle the demon-infested island Vie de Marli, a refuge for the adherents to an ancient religion sequestered from the New World. As it turns out, Lucia’s mother is a former ally of Dante’s father Sparda, and together the two banished the evil demon Argosax centuries earlier. With the flip of a coin deciding their fate, Dante and Lucia split up to stop the nefarious Arius and his Uroburos Corporation who are working to resurrect Argosax. Main characters in Devil May Cry 2 include:
- Dante: The main character and hero of the Devil May Cry series. Dante is a carefree demon hunter whose cavalier attitude and skill with a blade make him the bane of his evil enemies.
- Lucia: The other playable character in Devil May Cry 2, Lucia is a fellow demon hunter whose mother, Matier, has connections to Dante and his special lineage.
- Matier: An ally of Dante’s father, Sparda, and the Guardian of Vie de Marli. She helps Dante and Lucia on their quest to stop Arius.
- Arius: The main antagonist of Devil May Cry 2, Arius hopes to resurrect and summon the demon Argosax in order to absorb his power and become like a god.
Games in the Devil May Cry Series
The original Devil May Cry was a landmark title for both Capcom and the PlayStation 2, quickly becoming a best-seller and establishing Dante and the Devil May Cry franchise as mainstays. Capcom would quickly follow up the original with a sequel from a different team. Mixed reception to the first sequel ultimately resulted in Capcom spending more time between each entry, with the third game arriving in 2005 and the next two sequels similarly spaced out. The most recent game in the franchise, Devil May Cry 5, is one of the most positively received in the series since the original, and the timing is right for a Devil May Cry 6 announcement to be right around the corner. Games in the Devil May Cry series include:
- Devil May Cry (PlayStation 2, 2001)
- Devil May Cry 2 (PlayStation 2, 2003)
- Devil May Cry 3: Dante’s Awakening (PlayStation 2, 2005)
- Devil May Cry 4 (PC, PS3, Xbox 360, 2008)
- DmC: Devil May Cry (PC, PS3, Xbox 360, 2013)
- Devil May Cry HD Collection (PC, PS4, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, 2018)
- Devil May Cry 5 (PC, PS4/PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, 2019)
Devil May Cry 2 Cheats and Secrets
In addition to a handful of official cheats, Devil May Cry 2 features plenty of unlockables and secrets to discover. The original PlayStation 2 version is also compatible with the PS2 Game Shark and the handful of cheat codes available for Devil May Cry 2.
Devil May Cry 2 Cheats
Dante’s Diesel Costume and Bonus Level
Play Dante’s Mission 1, then save the game. Reset the PlayStation 2 and wait for the “Press Start button” message to re-appear. Press L3, R3, L1, R1, L2, R2, L3, R3. If done correctly, you will hear a sound. Press Start to return to the main menu. Choose the “Load Game” option, then press L1 or R1 to access the new costume. Load the game to play the bonus level.
Lucia’s Diesel Costume and Bonus Level
Play Lucia’s Mission 1, then save the game. Reset the PlayStation 2 and wait for the “Press Start button” message to re-appear. Press L3, R3, L1, R1, L2, R2, L3, R3. If done correctly, you will hear a sound. Press Start to return to the main menu. Choose the “Load Game” option, then press L1 or R1 to access the new costume. Load the game to play the bonus level.
Dante’s Diesel Costume
At any point during gameplay, press R1, R1, Triangle, Square, R2, R2
Lucia’s Diesel Costume
At any point during gameplay, press L1, L1, Triangle, Square, L2, L2
Infinite Devil Trigger
After beating the game on either Dante Must Die! or Lucia Must Die! modes, highlight any mission you wish to play in Level Select or the Bloody Palace. Hold R1 + R2 + L1 + L2 and confirm your mission selection. Continue holding the buttons until you hear the Devil Trigger sound effect from the meter filling. Your Devil Trigger meter will now be infinite.
Devil May Cry 2 Unlockables
Completing the following conditions will unlock the corresponding bonuses.
Unlockable | How to Unlock |
Dante Must Die!/Lucia Must Die! Modes | Beat Devil May Cry 2 on Hard Mode with both Dante and Lucia |
Alternate Dante Costume | Beat the game with Dante |
Alternate Lucia Costume | Beat the game with Lucia |
Dante’s Devil May Cry Costume | Beat Dante Must Die! Mode |
Evil Lucia Costume | Beat Lucia Must Die! Mode |
Trish | Beat Devil May Cry 2 on Hard Mode with Dante |
Lucia’s 2nd Costume | Beat Devil May Cry 2 on Hard Mode with Lucia |
Bloody Palace | Beat the game with both Dante and Lucia |
Hard Mode | Beat the game with both Dante and Lucia |
Level Select | Beat Devil May Cry 2 once |
King of Hell Bonus Pictures
After beating both Dante Must Die! and Lucia Must Die! modes, players can unlock 9 bonus pictures by completing the game with each character wearing different costumes.
Picture | How to Unlock |
King of Hell Bonus Picture 1 | Complete the last mission with Dante |
King of Hell Bonus Picture 2 | Complete the last mission with Dante in the Diesel costume |
King of Hell Bonus Picture 3 | Complete the last mission with Trish |
King of Hell Bonus Picture 4 | Complete the last mission with Trish on Lucia’s disc |
King of Hell Bonus Picture 5 | Complete the last mission with Dante in his original Devil May Cry costume |
King of Hell Bonus Picture 6 | Complete the last mission with Lucia |
King of Hell Bonus Picture 7 | Complete the last mission with Lucia in her Diesel costume |
King of Hell Bonus Picture 8 | Complete the last mission with Lucia’s 2nd costume |
King of Hell Bonus Picture 9 | Complete the last mission with Lucia in the Secretary costume |
Devil May Cry 2 Hidden Areas
Mission 1
Head inside the doors just to the right of the pillars where the Puia (Harpy-like enemies) appear in Mission 1. Continue through the level until you reach a wall with a face on it. Press Circle in front of this wall to enter a hidden area.
Mission 2
There are two hidden areas in Mission 2, both of which players will access the same way. In the rooms full of coffins, check each one to discover both hidden areas.
Mission 3
Either before or after riding the cargo elevator, you should come to a door positioned near two other doors with a small set of steps in front. Stand before the door on the left and press Circle to enter a hidden area.
Mission 4
Just after starting the mission, head to the first door on your left. The door itself is not very noticeable except for it sticking out slightly. Approach it and press Circle to enter a hidden area.
Mission 7
Just before heading to the roof to complete the mission, press Circle at the door to the left to enter a hidden area.
Mission 10
After defeating the giant butterfly and its larvae, you will descend a set of stairs. After the game loads, go to the first set of doors you see and press Circle to enter another hidden area.
Mission 16
After acquiring Sacrilege, jump down from the balcony where the item was located. There will be a wall that resembles a door — press Circle in front of this wall to access another hidden area.
Devil May Cry 2 Secrets
Quick Reset
While playing the game, press Start + Select to return to the title screen.
Infinite Yellow Orbs in Mission 1
After completing the game once with either character and unlocking Level Select, go to Mission 1 and collect the Yellow Orbs. Save the game and quit. You may now continue where you left off. Repeat this process to collect those Yellow Orbs as many times as you like. This trick is useful when playing Devil May Cry 2 on harder difficulty modes.
Hidden Red Orbs in Mission 1
Progress through Mission 1 as normal until you reach the point where you need to double-jump over some rubble blocking the way. Face the statue and double jump to reach the statue’s shoulder, then double jump again to reach the statue’s head. Once you’re on top of its head, a shower of Red Orbs will fall.
Dante’s Ultimate Devil Trigger Attack
While in Devil Trigger as Dante, press L1 when Dante’s life bar is low to trigger a transformation into the Demon Lord Sparda. The Sparda form is incredibly strong and deals increased damage.
Lucia’s Ultimate Devil Trigger Attack
When in Devil Trigger as Lucia, equip the Aerial Heart and fly in the air after enemies get near you. Press Triangle + Square constantly until you do not have control of Lucia.
Quick Recovery
If you get hit and thrown to the ground, press Circle as soon as you hit the ground and you will immediately bounce back up.
Double Shotgun Blast
Stand just near the edge of a building and shoot your shotgun. While shooting, go to move off the edge. The moment that you completely leave the edge, you will immediately fire another shot from your shotgun.
Trish’s Extra Abilities
Trish has two moves that Dante does not. The first is throwing Sparta, which is done by holding Triangle briefly and then releasing it. Note that while Sparta is airborne, you can shoot at the same targets it’s attacking to deal twice the damage. The second requires equipping the Aerial Heart and holding Square. Trish will fire beams of yellow light that deal substantial damage. The longer you hold Square, the more beams she will shoot at once (up to a maximum of 5).
Easy Breakaway
Whenever something grabs you (for example, those invisible grasshoppers on top of you or the giant gorilla Boss), turn on your Devil Trigger very quickly and you will easily break free.
Easy Red Orbs in Bloody Palace
Play Bloody Palace mode and defeat all the monsters. Choose the green portal to go 100 levels every time. 100 levels equals 1000 Red Orbs.
Devil May Cry 2 Game Shark Codes
Note that Devil May Cry 2‘s Game Shark codes require having both a PlayStation 2 and a PS2 Game Shark device. Alternatively, players can enter these codes into a PS2 emulator with cheat functionality.
General Cheats
Cheat | Code |
Infinite Health | 245DF1F2 9160114F 1450B172 9570116E |
Infinite Devil Trigger | CE48FB0C BCA9C292 |
Infinite Time | 14401E36 9DF80C16 |
Always SHOWTIME!! | FE48FA11 BCA99B82 |
Max Devil Trigger | DE48FB0E E3B8C292 |
Can’t Be Touched | FE48FA2F BCA99B88 |
Have All Amulets | 14101429 14F015BC 24115728 14F0150C 14115728 14F0152C 04101729 14F0552C |
Have All Characters | 14403E2F 9CF013CE |
Have All Weapons | 1410B17A 957013CE |
S Rank Mission Cheats
Use any of the following codes to earn an S Rank on the corresponding mission and difficulty setting.
Cheat | Code |
Mission 1 S Rank (Hard) | FE47EA6A BCA99B84 |
Mission 1 S Rank (Must Die!) | FE47EA04 BCA99B84 |
Mission 2 S Rank (Hard) | FE47EA75 BCA99B84 |
Mission 2 S Rank (Must Die!) | FE47EA07 BCA99B84 |
Mission 3 S Rank (Hard) | FE47EA74 BCA99B84 |
Mission 3 S Rank (Must Die!) | FE47EA06 BCA99B84 |
Mission 4 S Rank (Hard) | FE47EA77 BCA99B84 |
Mission 4 S Rank (Must Die!) | FE47EA01 BCA99B84 |
Mission 5 S Rank (Hard) | FE47EA01 BCA99B84 |
Mission 5 S Rank (Must Die!) | FE47EA00 BCA99B84 |
Mission 6 S Rank (Hard) | FE47EA71 BCA99B84 |
Mission 6 S Rank (Must Die!) | FE47EA03 BCA99B84 |
Mission 7 S Rank (Hard) | FE47EA70 BCA99B84 |
Mission 7 S Rank (Must Die!) | FE47EA02 BCA99B84 |
Mission 8 S Rank (Hard) | FE47EA73 BCA99B84 |
Mission 8 S Rank (Must Die!) | FE47EA0D BCA99B84 |
Mission 9 S Rank (Hard) | FE47EA72 BCA99B84 |
Mission 9 S Rank (Must Die!) | FE47EA0C BCA99B84 |
Mission 10 S Rank (Hard) | FE47EA7D BCA99B84 |
Mission 10 S Rank (Must Die!) | FE47EA0F BCA99B84 |
Mission 11 S Rank (Hard) | FE47EA7C BCA99B84 |
Mission 11 S Rank (Must Die!) | FE47EA0E BCA99B84 |
Mission 12 S Rank (Hard) | FE47EA7F BCA99B84 |
Mission 12 S Rank (Must Die!) | FE47EA09 BCA99B84 |
Mission 13 S Rank (Hard) | FE47EA7E BCA99B84 |
Mission 13 S Rank (Must Die!) | FE47EA08 BCA99B84 |
Mission 14 S Rank (Hard) | FE47EA79 BCA99B84 |
Mission 14 S Rank (Must Die!) | FE47EA0B BCA99B84 |
Mission 15 S Rank (Hard) | FE47EA78 BCA99B84 |
Mission 15 S Rank (Must Die!) | FE47EA0A BCA99B84 |
Mission 16 S Rank (Hard) | FE47EA7B BCA99B84 |
Mission 16 S Rank (Must Die!) | FE47EA15 BCA99B84 |
Mission 17 S Rank (Hard) | FE47EA7A BCA99B84 |
Mission 17 S Rank (Must Die!) | FE47EA14 BCA99B84 |
Mission 18 S Rank (Hard) | FE47EA05 BCA99B84 |
Mission 18 S Rank (Must Die!) | FE47EA17 BCA99B84 |
Devil May Cry 2 Cheat FAQs
How do you unlock Dante Must Die mode in Devil May Cry 2?
Unlocking the hardest difficulty in Devil May Cry 2, the Must Die! mode for both Dante and Lucia, requires the same steps as unlocking Dante Must Die! mode in the original Devil May Cry. Players must first beat the game once on Normal mode with either character and then beat it again on Hard mode. After beating the game on Hard mode, Must Die! difficulty will become available. Note that beating Devil May Cry 2 on each difficulty level with both characters rewards different bonuses such as alternate costumes.
Can you get Infinite Devil Trigger in Devil May Cry 2?
There are two ways to obtain an Infinite Devil Trigger meter in Devil May Cry 2. The first, official way to get Infinite Devil Trigger requires beating the game on Must Die! difficulty with both Dante and Lucia. After, when selecting a Mission, hold all 4 trigger buttons (R1 + R2 + L1 + L2) before accepting the mission and continue holding them after it starts until you hear the Devil Trigger sound from the meter filling. After, you will have an Infinite Devil Trigger meter. The other, unofficial way to unlock Infinite Devil Trigger requires using the PS2 Game Shark code.
Why is Devil May Cry 2 considered to be bad?
While it’s far from a terrible game, most players disavow Devil May Cry 2 for the same key reasons. Principal among them is the fact that the game features a new director and was primarily developed by an inexperienced team who did not work on the first game. As a result, Devil May Cry 2 feels vastly different from its predecessor. Another knock against Devil May Cry 2 is its lower difficulty, with many players feeling like it lacks the same level of challenge as the first game in the series.
How long to beat Devil May Cry 2?
A single playthrough of Devil May Cry 2 can be relatively short at roughly 5-7 hours, but players will need to complete the title multiple times before they unlock everything. Earning all bonuses and beating every difficulty mode with both characters will take most players 18-25 hours.
The image featured at the top of this post is ©CheatCC/Matt Karoglou.