



Easter Eggs on The Sims 4 Loading Screens

The Sims 4 has a wide variety of characters for you to build.

Easter Eggs on The Sims 4 Loading Screens

So, we all know the Sims games are chock full of many, many, many easter eggs. You have the Harry Piffter poster, the Marker Shard, the Zero-G training bag for when you need to practice your hadokens, and so many more. If I were to write them all out, this article would probably be one of the longest on the website.

And as much as I would enjoy writing that, I will instead focus on the Easter Eggs found on the very thing most gamers despise the most. The loading screen.

The Sims 4 has a wide variety of characters for you to build.

What about it?

See, the loading screen is the “in-between” of the game and the gameplay. It’s where all the programs and files are sorted and sent into the game, creating the world as you know it. For the most part, the loading screen is often hated by players purely because of one simple fact. It’s boring.

Games are all about entertainment, and for the most part, just sitting at a screen and not doing anything is what we do at school, and many games try to make a loading screen interesting. Some have interactable sections, others like to showcase lore or give off various quotes from various sources. Or just try to make their loading screen an elevator that hides the loading.

Anyway, for the Sims, there are various quotes and various tips to help play the game!

As for actual easter eggs, like hidden goofs or gems. Sadly, that is nowhere to be seen. I know I know, this article could be called clickbait….if not for the fact that on the loading screen, you will, at times, find quotes referencing famous movies.

One such quote is a reference to David Bowe’s Jareth, the Goblin King, in Jim Henerson’s Labyrinth. The line states: “What Power? The Power of Voodoo!”

So, at times, you will find a funny quote referencing a movie. Did you find one you liked? Let us know in the comments below!

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