Eragon Armor combinations
Successfully complete all Arena missions, then use the following combinations with the “Customize Armor” option:
- Fleet: Helm of Swiftness, Leather Jerkin, Bone Shaffron, Leather Drape, Leather Crupper
- Guardian: Chain Coif, Cuirass of Heroes, Chain Shaffron, Faceted Peytral, Chain Crupper
- Reaver: Leather Coif, Cuirass of Heroes, Doom Shaffron, Chain Peytral, Leather Crupper
- Savage: Leather Coif, Leather Jerkin, Chain Shaffron, Chain Peytral, Chain Crupper
- Stalker: Leather Coif, Leather Jerkin, Rock Shaffron, Rock Peytral, Whiptail Crupper
- Totem: Wood Helm, Wood Breastplate, Doom Shaffron, Faceted Peytral, Bone Crupper
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