



Family Game Night Fun Pack Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables for Xbox 360

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Family Game Night Fun Pack Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables for Xbox 360

Family Game Night Fun Pack Achievements

Accomplish the indicated achievement to get the corresponding number of Gamerscore points:

    BOP IT Maniac (30 points): Completed 100 BOP IT actions in a row without a mistake (in Singleplayer and Passing Play modes).
    Game Show Winner (15 points): Won 1 Game Show.
    Game Show Master (30 points): Won 12 Game Shows.
    Play Through All Games (30 points): Played all High Score Mania games.
    Score Master (30 points): Accumulated 1000 score in High Score Mania.
    Score Maniac (45 points): Accumulated 1500 score in High Score Mania.
    CONNECT 4 X 4 Winner (15 points): Won a game of Original CONNECT 4 X 4.
    CONNECT 4 X 4 Remix Winner (15 points): Won a game of CONNECT 4 X 4 Remix.
    CONNECT 4 X 4 Master (30 points): Won 20 games of CONNECT 4 X 4 (any game type).
    JENGA Winner (15 points): Won a game of Original JENGA (multi-player only).
    JENGA Remix Winner (15 points): Won a game of JENGA Remix (multi-player only).
    JENGA Master (30 points): Won 20 games of JENGA (Original or Remix).
    PICTUREKA Winner (15 points): Won a game of Original PICTUREKA (multi-player only).
    PICTUREKA Remix Winner (15 points): Won a game of PICTUREKA Remix (multi-player only).
    PICTUREKA Master (30 points): Won 15 games of PICTUREKA (any game type, multi-player only).
    OPERATION Winner (15 points): Won a game of OPERATION (any game type, multi-player only).
    OPERATION Master (15 points): Won 20 games of OPERATION (any game type).
    OPERATION Maniac (30 points): Successfully completed all the OPERATION mini-games.
    BOP IT Winner (15 points): Played BOP IT Remix, and played all the extra actions.
    BOP IT Master (15 points): Played BOP IT 20 times.
    Game Night God (100 points): Complete all Achievements.
    Potato Party (45 points): Unlock all MR. & MRS. POTATO HEAD costumes.
    Oh so shiny (30 points): Unlock all Theme Park Plaza Statues.
    It’s a beautiful world (30 points): Unlock all Theme Park Plaza Building Parts.
    Plaza Party (45 points): Unlock all Theme Park Plaza Mascots.
    Living the life (15 points): Win 1 game of original THE GAME OF LIFE.
    Top of the world (15 points): Be a Doctor and own the Mansion House in THE GAME OF LIFE.
    On patrol (30 points): Be a Police Officer and bust another player for speeding in THE GAME OF LIFE.
    In the Groove (15 points): Win 1 game of original TWISTER.
    Mad Skills (15 points): Score over 90% in a game of original TWISTER.
    The Beautiful Dance (30 points): Score Perfect in any game of original TWISTER.
    Elementary (15 points): Win 1 game of original CLUE/CLUEDO.
    Clued up (30 points): Win a game of CLUE/CLUEDO with only 2 items identified on your clue sheet.
    An Eye for Detail (15 points): Get a maximum score on any CLUE/CLUEDO minigame.
    Cheesy (15 points): Win 1 game of original MOUSE TRAP.
    Pied Piper (15 points): Successfully trap another player using cheese in MOUSE TRAP.
    Da Mouse-Vinci (30 points): Build one type of each of the 5 trap types in a single game of remix MOUSE TRAP.
    Yahtzee! (15 points): Win 1 game of original YAHTZEE HANDS DOWN.
    Combo Lord (15 points): Win 4 Combo Cards in any game of YAHTZEE HANDS DOWN.
    Combo King (30 points): Win 6 Combo Cards in any game of YAHTZEE HANDS DOWN.
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