Family Game Night Fun Pack Achievements
Accomplish the indicated achievement to get the corresponding number of Gamerscore points:
- BOP IT Maniac (30 points): Completed 100 BOP IT actions in a row without a mistake (in Singleplayer and Passing Play modes).
- Game Show Winner (15 points): Won 1 Game Show.
- Game Show Master (30 points): Won 12 Game Shows.
- Play Through All Games (30 points): Played all High Score Mania games.
- Score Master (30 points): Accumulated 1000 score in High Score Mania.
- Score Maniac (45 points): Accumulated 1500 score in High Score Mania.
- CONNECT 4 X 4 Winner (15 points): Won a game of Original CONNECT 4 X 4.
- CONNECT 4 X 4 Remix Winner (15 points): Won a game of CONNECT 4 X 4 Remix.
- CONNECT 4 X 4 Master (30 points): Won 20 games of CONNECT 4 X 4 (any game type).
- JENGA Winner (15 points): Won a game of Original JENGA (multi-player only).
- JENGA Remix Winner (15 points): Won a game of JENGA Remix (multi-player only).
- JENGA Master (30 points): Won 20 games of JENGA (Original or Remix).
- PICTUREKA Winner (15 points): Won a game of Original PICTUREKA (multi-player only).
- PICTUREKA Remix Winner (15 points): Won a game of PICTUREKA Remix (multi-player only).
- PICTUREKA Master (30 points): Won 15 games of PICTUREKA (any game type, multi-player only).
- OPERATION Winner (15 points): Won a game of OPERATION (any game type, multi-player only).
- OPERATION Master (15 points): Won 20 games of OPERATION (any game type).
- OPERATION Maniac (30 points): Successfully completed all the OPERATION mini-games.
- BOP IT Winner (15 points): Played BOP IT Remix, and played all the extra actions.
- BOP IT Master (15 points): Played BOP IT 20 times.
- Game Night God (100 points): Complete all Achievements.
- Potato Party (45 points): Unlock all MR. & MRS. POTATO HEAD costumes.
- Oh so shiny (30 points): Unlock all Theme Park Plaza Statues.
- It’s a beautiful world (30 points): Unlock all Theme Park Plaza Building Parts.
- Plaza Party (45 points): Unlock all Theme Park Plaza Mascots.
- Living the life (15 points): Win 1 game of original THE GAME OF LIFE.
- Top of the world (15 points): Be a Doctor and own the Mansion House in THE GAME OF LIFE.
- On patrol (30 points): Be a Police Officer and bust another player for speeding in THE GAME OF LIFE.
- In the Groove (15 points): Win 1 game of original TWISTER.
- Mad Skills (15 points): Score over 90% in a game of original TWISTER.
- The Beautiful Dance (30 points): Score Perfect in any game of original TWISTER.
- Elementary (15 points): Win 1 game of original CLUE/CLUEDO.
- Clued up (30 points): Win a game of CLUE/CLUEDO with only 2 items identified on your clue sheet.
- An Eye for Detail (15 points): Get a maximum score on any CLUE/CLUEDO minigame.
- Cheesy (15 points): Win 1 game of original MOUSE TRAP.
- Pied Piper (15 points): Successfully trap another player using cheese in MOUSE TRAP.
- Da Mouse-Vinci (30 points): Build one type of each of the 5 trap types in a single game of remix MOUSE TRAP.
- Yahtzee! (15 points): Win 1 game of original YAHTZEE HANDS DOWN.
- Combo Lord (15 points): Win 4 Combo Cards in any game of YAHTZEE HANDS DOWN.
- Combo King (30 points): Win 6 Combo Cards in any game of YAHTZEE HANDS DOWN.
The image featured at the top of this post is ©The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III key art.