Final Fantasy XV ‘s first DLC, “Episode Gladiolus” released today, kicking off the game’s character-centric plan for DLC. The next DLC, set to release sometime in June, will be called Episode Prompto and will allow players to take control of Prompto for a while.
For now though, let’s talk about good old Gladio. As you recall, he’s the main character’s best friend. He struggles in a fight with a Ravus in the main game, which leads him to think he may not be all that capable as the Shield of the King for Noctis. These hesitant feelings that Gladio has are the starting point of the DLC. He wants to get stronger to be able to protect his best friend and king.
The ability to play as a different character is what Square Enix is banking on as far as being able to bring players back to Final Fantasy XV . They figure that those who played the game originally will revel at the chance to go back and play as a different character. I’d agree with this. If I had the ability to go back into The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim and play even as one of the Khajiit caravan members, I’d do it.
Square Enix has one other trick up their sleeves however if the mere thought of playing as a different party member isn’t enough to entice you. If you finish Final Fantasy XV ‘s Episode Gladiolus , you’ll unlock a Score Attack mode. Within this mode, you need to achieve 500,000 points. Once you’ve done that. you’ll unlock the “Rugged Attire” costume for Gladio.
They call it a costume, but it’s really more of a lack of costume. Rugged Attire removes Gladio’s shirt, and yes, this does transfer to the main game. So if you haven’t picked up Final Fantasy XV at all yet, this writer humbly suggests you unlock this costume before playing the main game. Safe to say, I’ve got a great reason to pick up the game now. Dem abs, doe!
Source: Polygon