



Final Fantasy 10 HD Remaster Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables for PlayStation 3 (PS3)

Final Fantasy 10 HD Remaster Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables for PlayStation 3 (PS3)

Final Fantasy 10 HD Remaster

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Airship bonuses and destinations

After getting the airship, enter one of the following passwords when selecting a destination to get the corresponding item:

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    Auron’s Muramasa katana: Enter ” MURASAME ” as a password.
    Rikku’s Godhand Celestial weapon: Enter ” GODHAND ” as a password.
    Rikku’s Victorious armor: Enter ” VICTORIOUS ” as a password.

You can also enter one of the following coordinates to travel to the corresponding destination:

    Baaj Temple: X11, Y57
    Besaid Falls: X29, Y73
    Mi’ihen Ruins: X33, Y55
    Omega Ruins: X69, Y33
    Sanubia Sands: X12, Y41

Bonus Aeons

Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding Aeon:

    Anima: Solve the Destruction Sphere puzzle in all five main Cloisters of Trials, then go to the Baaj Temple.
    The Magus Sisters: Unlock all other Aeons, visit Belgemine in Remiem Temple, and defeat all her Aeons (Celestial Mirror required).
    Yojimbo: Reach the end of the Cavern of the Stolen Fayth.


Successfully complete one of the following tasks to get a trophy:

    Completion (Platinum): Obtain all available trophies.
    Speaking in Tongues (Bronze): Find 1 Al Bhed Primer.
    Teamwork! (Bronze): Win a blitzball match.
    The Right Thing (Bronze): Clear the Besaid Cloister of Trials.
    A Talent for Acquisition (Bronze): Steal successfully with Rikku 200 times.
    All Together (Bronze): All party members come together.
    Heartstrings (Bronze): View the “Underwater Date” scene.
    Show Off! (Bronze): Win a blitzball tournament.
    Striker (Bronze): Learn the Jecht shot.
    Chocobo License (Bronze): Pass all chocobo training.
    Lightning Dancer (Bronze): Dodge 200 lightning strikes and obtain the reward.
    Feel the Pain (Bronze): Obtain Anima.
    It’s All About the Money (Bronze): Obtain Yojimbo.
    Delta Attack! (Bronze): Obtain Magus Sisters.
    Theater Enthusiast (Bronze): Buy every sphere at the Luca Theater.
    Chocobo Rider (Bronze): Win a race with a catcher chocobo with a total time of 0:0:0.
    Power Strike (Bronze): Do 9999 damage or more in a single attack.
    Under the Table (Bronze): Spend 100,000 gil or more in bribes.
    Messenger from the Past (Bronze): Obtain all Jecht Spheres.
    Mega Strike (Silver): Deal 99999 damage with one attack.
    Chocobo Master (Silver): Get 5 treasure chests during the Chocobo Race at Remiem Temple and win the race.
    Sphere Master (Silver): Complete a Sphere Grid for one character.
    Blitzball Master (Silver): Unlock all slot reels.
    Learning! (Silver): Learn to use all enemy abilities.
    Summon Master (Silver): Obtain all Aeons.
    Weapon Master (Silver): Obtain all Celestial Weapons.
    Master Linguist (Gold): Find all 26 Al Bhed Primers.
    Perfect Sphere Master (Gold): Complete the Sphere Grids for all main characters.
    Perseverance (Gold): Defeat Penance.
    Overcoming the Nemesis (Gold): Defeat Nemesis.
    A Journey’s Catalyst (Silver): View “Eternal Calm”.

Additionally, there are three secret trophies:

    Overcoming the Past (Bronze): Defeat Yunalesca.
    The Destination of Hatred (Bronze): Defeat Seymour Omnis.
    The Eternal Calm (Gold): Defeat Yu Yevon.
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