



Fox’s Cartoons Fight in Animation Throwdown

Fox’s Cartoons Fight in Animation Throwdown

Collectible card games and mobile games are both things that are “in” right now. Crossovers are also often quite popular. Which is why a game like Animation Throwdown: The Quest for Cards is very much expected. It’s a big melting pot of a game that mashes up characters from American Dad, Bob’s Burgers, Family Guy , Futurama, and King of the Hill .

Animation Throwdown: The Quest for Cards is a single and multiplayer free-to-play game for iOS and Android devices. Over 460 cards are in the game at launch, representing variations of both major and minor characters from all five series. The ultimate goal is to keep collecting cards and beating other people so you can get more stuff. To be honest, the trailer almost makes it seem like it plays a bit like Yu-Gi-Oh or SNK vs. Capcom: Card Fighters Clash .

Aside from the absence of The Simpsons , it seems like Animation Throwdown is doing a good job of representing Fox’s Animation Domination cartoon programming. It’d be nice to see Golan the Insatiable. Or, maybe they can go way, way back and bring in characters from The Tick or The Critic!

​Source: Press Release

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