



Gamers Want Discs, Not Digital

Gamers Want Discs, Not Digital

Even though our lives have been completely engulfed by the digital age as of late, it would appear some are still traditionalists in many ways.

A recent study by the NPD group revealed that the core set of gamers typically prefer physical media over downloads. The report also touts their level of importance overall, stating they are the foundation that props up the industry as a whole (devoting the equivalent of a part-time job per week to the hobby). “Core gamers are really the lifeblood of the industry, spending tremendous amounts of time on their hobby of choice. With the new console generation off to a great start, we can expect the amount of time spent gaming to increase as more core gamers adopt them.” Says analyst Liam Callahan.

While the “core” may still prefer the old way of doing things, there’s no denying that the huge influx of digital has influenced the course of the market. With new services like PlayStation Now on the horizon (and streaming content being as strong as ever) it’s clear that many will have to finally release their death grip on their plastic cases and make the transition at some point.

Plus, I’m sure there were plenty of people who claimed they’d never give up their cassette tapes for those shiny new CD thingies. Same goes for iTunes and the MP3. It’s all the circle of life (digital life that is).

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