



God of War Soundtrack Available on Spotify

God of War Soundtrack Available on Spotify

As we get ever closer to the release of the 2018 version of God of War , fans are grasping ravenously for any content they can get their hands on, like new trailers, reviews, and even soundtracks! The God of War soundtrack has been released today via Spotify for anyone interested in giving it a listen.

The soundtrack contains 21 different scores ranging from 47 seconds long to a grand six minutes and 48 seconds. It was composed by Bear McCreary, who had a few little anecdotal facts to share about its creation on the PlayStation Blog.

First off, there is one title in the soundtrack that means more than possibly all the others. It’s now called “Memories of Mother,” and functions as the theme song for Atreus’ mother. Originally however, it was meant to be a theme for Kratos. The team decided it just wasn’t the right fit, and it was abandoned. It was only later when McCreary was tasked with Atreus’ mother’s theme that he remembered this melody. If you only have time to listen to one song in the whole soundtrack, I think McCreary would be delighted for it to be “Memories of Mother.”

The soundtrack of course also includes the eventual theme song for Kratos that premiered with a live orchestra at E3 2016. But, if you listen closely enough, you should hear remnants of the “Memories of Mother” piece throughout the rest of the soundtrack.

Head on over to Spotify to give the haunting melodies a listen.

Source: PlayStation Blog

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