Some of the more paranoid conspiracy theorists out there think that Google is trying to create a master race of thinking robots that will eventually come to control and subjugate us using technological monopolies and social media. Well we are here to say… you are right and we should all be afraid. Very very afraid.
Google has just taken further steps toward their robot empire by buying British startup Deep Mind. The company, founded by chess prodigy and game designer Demis Hassabis, was looking in to new ways to implement A.I. learning algorithms. Hassabis’ goal was to create a computer that learned the same way a human mind did, by recording stimuli, linking them together, reinforcing data that reoccurs and deleting data that does not. An official price for the acquisition was not given but it is estimated to have sold for at least $500 million.
Hassabis got his start in the gaming industry on projects like Black & White and Syndicate. It’s pretty cool to see him move on to bigger projects that will literally shape the future of computers as we know it. As for what Google will use Deep Mind for, they haven’t yet announced. However, we welcome our new Google overlords.
Source: Associated Press