



GTA IV Ads to Remain on Philly Buses

GTA IV Ads to Remain on Philly Buses


According to KYW – 1060 via GamePolitics.com, SEPTA (South Eastern Pennsylvania Transit Authority) will not get rid of the GTA IV adverts on the side of their buses.  Unlike Chicago and Miami, Philadelphia will not kow-tow to external pressures.  KYW, the all news radio station reported the following information:

SEPTA… is standing firm in its decision run the ads on hundreds of its buses…

SEPTA officials would not be interviewed, but they issued a statement saying while some might consider the game offensive, “the advertisement is not.”

The ad campaign is slated to run for six weeks, with 350 posters on buses and other locations, generating $83,000 in revenue for SEPTA.

SEPTA last year was criticized for accepting ads for the movie “Hitman,” ads featuring images of guns.

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