



Halo 3: ODST Bucks Retail Embargo in France

Halo 3: ODST Bucks Retail Embargo in France


Though Halo 3: ODST is not set to hit retail until September 22 nd , a handful of French gamers have already gotten their hands on the game.

Apparently, 100 or more copies of the game have been leaked to the public. According to a Microsoft spokesman, as picked up by CVG, “We are investigating a very small breach in our distribution process around the early delivery of Halo 3: ODST units. We are also investigating Xbox LIVE accounts that show activity related to Halo 3: ODST and will take action against those we believe have procured copies of the game illegitimately.”

While it seems a little harsh to take action against gamers who purchased retail copies, albeit early, Microsoft was quick to clarify that it’s the pirates they’re worried about, not early gaming. Stephen Toulouse, Head of Policy and Enforcement for Xbox LIVE, stated in a Tweet: “Clarity on the ODST thing. We will not be banning legitimate customers from Xbox LIVE who play early.”

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