



Jersey Devil Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes for PlayStation (PSX)

Trails of Cold Steel III key art

Jersey Devil Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes for PlayStation (PSX)

Jersey Devil 99 lives

While playing the game, press Triangle, X, Triangle, Square, Square, Circle.

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Extra lives

At the start of the game, jump on the fountain and ride the water stream to the top to collect a bonus life. Pause the game and press Square to display the status screen. Then, press Circle to resume the game. Collect the same bonus life, which will re-appear. Repeat this procedure to collect an unlimited number of lives.

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Game Shark Codes

Joker Command D001000C ????
Invincible 80053E08 004B
Infinite Health 80010044 1950
Infinite Lives 80010042 0900
Press Triangle For All 5 Letters D001000C 0010
8005AE70 0020
Press Triangle For 99 Pumpkins D001000C 0010
80010040 0063

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