



King Of Fighters ’97 Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes for PlayStation (PSX)

King Of Fighters ’97 Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes for PlayStation (PSX)

King Of Fighters ’97

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Play as Orochi characters

At the character selection screen, repeatedly press L1 + R1 in any game mode. Now Orochi Iori, Orochi Leonna, Orochi Chris, Orochi Yashiro, and Orochi Shermie will be selectable next to Shingo.

Play as Orochi

First, enable the “Play Orochi characters” code. Then, select versus or practice mode. Now at the character selection screen repeatedly press L2 + R2.

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Play as Kyo’94

At the character selection screen, highlight Kyo and press Start + Circle. You will now play as the 1994 version of Kyo.

Game Shark Codes

Player 1 Codes
Infinite Health 80018280 0067
75% Health D0018280 0067
80018280 004B
50% Health D0018280 0067
80018280 0032
25% Health D0018280 0067
80018280 0019
Low Health 80018280 0001
No Health 80018280 0000
Player 2 Codes
Infinite Health 80018480 0067
75% Health D0018480 0067
80018480 004B
50% Health D0018480 0067
80018480 0032
25% Health D0018480 0067
80018480 0019
Low Health 80018480 0001
No Health 80018480 0000

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