



Kingpin: Life Of Crime Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables for PC

Trails of Cold Steel III key art

Kingpin: Life Of Crime Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables for PC

Kingpin: Life Of Crime Cheat Codes

Load the game with the ” kingpin.exe +developer 1 ” command line. Then while playing the game, press ` to display the console prompt and enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function. Note: The codes are reset when a level begins and must be activated after the game actually starts. Some codes may only be effective in the demo version of the game.

Result Cheat Code
Toggle God mode immortal or god
Toggle no clipping mode noclip
Toggle third-person view togglecam
Spawn gibs at crosshair location gibtest
Jet pack mode give jet pack
Jump or duck to fly after jet pack
mode is activated
use jet pack
Ignored by opponents notarget
Set on-screen enemies on fire extracrispy
All weapons give weapons
All items, except cash give all
Full ammunition give ammo
Full health give health
Full armor give armor
Bullets give bullets [number]
Shells give shells [number]
Gas give gas [number]
Cash give cash [number]
.308 caliber bullets give 308cal [number]
Grenades give grenades [number]
Rockets give rockets [number]
Crowbar give crowbar
Pistol give pistol
Pistol silencer give mods
Shotgun give shotgun
Flame-thrower give flamethrower
Tommy gun give tommygun
Heavy machinegun give heavy machinegun
Grenade launcher give grenade launcher
Bazooka give bazooka
Silencer for handgun give spistol
Auto-reloading handgun give pistol reload
Health give health
Coil give coil
Watch give watch
Battery give battery
Whiskey give whiskey
Chemical plant key give chem_plant_key
Fuse give fuse
Bait shop key give shop_key
Warehouse key give warehouse_key
Lizzy’s head give lizzy head
Shipyard key give shipyard_key
Moker’s office key give office_key
Valve handle give valve
Skytram ticket give ticket
Flashlight give flashlight
Small medical kit give small health
Large medical kit give large health
Adrenaline give adrenaline
Helmet armor give helmet armor
Jacket armor give jacket armor
Legs armor give legs armor
Play selected map [Note] map [map name]

Note: Enter a map name from the following list.

Map names:

Location Map name
Skid row sr1
Sewers sewer
The Super sr2
Jax bar_sr
Mean Streets sr3
The Jesus sr4
Bike bike
Poisonville pv_h
Club Swank bar_pv
Louie’s Errand pv_1
Blanco Industries pv_b
Nikki Blanco pv_boss
Lizzie’s Problem sy_h
Salty Dog bar_sy
Pier Pressure sy1
Das Boot sy2
Steeltown steel1
Boiler Room bar_st
Steel Mill steel2
Steel Processing steel3
Moker Shipping steel4
Consequences kpcut3
Derailed ty1
Dark Passage ty2
Trainyards ty3
Depot ty4
The Picnic kpcut4
Radio City Station rc1
Enter the Dragons rc2
Streets of Fire rc3
Skytram Station rc4
Typhoon bar_rc
Central Towers rc5
Crystal Palace East rcboss1
Crystal Palace West rcboss2
Outro sequence kpcut7
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