



League of Legends Jungle Guide: Best Champions to Carry Patch 14.22

League of Legends Jungle Guide: Best Champions to Carry Patch 14.22

With only a few days left in the current patch cycle, many gamers are looking for the best picks to help push them over the threshold of their new peak rank. Yesterday we compiled the best picks for Mid Laners and lucky for you, we at Cheat CC have analyzed the data and compiled the best picks for your current rank.

Today, we’re compiling a list of the very best jungle champions for this patch. Unlike some of the other roles, it seems the jungle isn’t being affected much when it comes to next week’s patch. So picking up champions from this list can be useful for the foreseeable future. The best junglers can healthily clear their jungle camps while even being able to abuse the mistakes of the enemy jungler by taking theirs.

Jungle is one of the most important roles in the game and a great one can completely take control of a game. Tired of your current solo queue champions and in need of a shake-up? We at CheatCC have you covered.

Warwick (Low ELO)

  • Win Rate: 53%
  • Pick Rate: 8%
  • Ban Rate: 8%
  • Countered By: Teemo, Amumu, Lillia, Briar, Nocturne

First on our list is Warwick. After finally making his debut in the phenomenal Arcane, there’s no surprise that his play rate has been climbing. Warwick is a very easy champion to wrap your head around while also having some extra mechanics under the hood that can be used to surprise your opponent. His jungle clear is healthy, he has fantastic ganking potential, and he can catch out prime targets with his easy-to-use ultimate.

Graves (High ELO)

  • Win Rate: 52%
  • Pick Rate: 22%
  • Ban Rate: 27%
  • Countered By: Zyra, Skarner, Nunu, Byleth, Elise

Graves is currently the most picked jungler in this patch and for good reason. He’s just a solid all-around pick. However, we at CheatCC think it’s best to only pick him as a high elo player because his mechanics can be a bit awkward for new or lower-skilled players. Being able to make sure you’re outputting tons of DPS while managing your ammo takes a lot of focus and champion mastery. One of his items is getting nerfed next patch but he definitely won’t drop out of favor over a measly 100 gold increase.

Nocturne (Low ELO)

  • Win Rate: 52%
  • Pick Rate: 9%
  • Ban Rate: 16%
  • Countered By: Shyvana, Teemo, Wukong, Warwick, Trundle

One of the banes of Low Elo, Nocturne is an excellent pick right now in patch 14.22. Nocturne is very strong in lower skill brackets because of his simple kit and his 2.5-second fear that pretty much guarantees kills. It is very easy to get ahead on Nocturne and staying ahead isn’t much of a problem either with his built-in lifesteal passive as well as the spell shield on his W ability. This champion was made to thrive in Platinum and below. If you’re hard stuck, maybe it’s time to pick him up.

Skarner (High ELO)

  • Win Rate: 52%
  • Pick Rate: 8%
  • Ban Rate: 29%
  • Countered By: Byleth, Master Yi, Shaco, Ivern, Viego

Skarner, debatably, is the best jungler in the game. Ever since his rework, he has been running rampant on the riff with his very strong abilities. He just has the control when it comes to mid-game skirmishes. His new ultimate which allows him to crowd control multiple people and reposition them is just too good to pass up. Even when he’s inevitably nerfed he will always have a place in the meta just because his kit is very well designed. Fans of tank junglers will absolutely adore Skarner.

Teemo (Low ELO)

  • Win Rate: 53%
  • Pick Rate: 6%
  • Ban Rate: 21%
  • Countered By: Fiddlesticks, Shyvana, Nocturne, Kha’Zix, Zac

Teemo just can’t stop winning in this patch. While he does have nerfs incoming, it just simply won’t matter when it comes to Low ELO. Funnily enough, while he is a top laner, his kit is much better in the jungle. His invisible mushroom traps are great zoning materials and he’s able to corral the enemy team into a bad position. Teemo’s ultimate must be dealt with or respected because it can quickly melt through a team once he has his core items. Your teammates won’t like it but neither will the enemy team. Pick Teemo.

Elise (High ELO)

  • Win Rate: 51%
  • Pick Rate: 6%
  • Ban Rate: 13%
  • Countered By: Karthus, Talon, Volibear, Wukong, Teemo

Most good players of League of Legends are able to capitalize on enemy mistakes and snowball a lead. Elise is one of the best junglers to do just that, specifically in the early stages of the game. A good Elise player can crush a lane and sometimes it’s important to showcase your aura by flat-out denying the enemy top laner a chance to play the game. It’s truly all about sending a message and with a champion that allows you to express how much better you are than the enemy team, you just can’t go wrong.

Amumu (Low ELO)

  • Win Rate: 52%
  • Pick Rate: 6%
  • Ban Rate: 5%
  • Countered By: Shyvana, Teemo, Trundle, Briar, Lillia, Kayn

Autofilled? Or perhaps looking for a jungle champion who’s as easy as they come? Look no further than the emotional mummy himself, Amumu. Amumu has been a low Elo staple for years because of his tankiness and great crowd control. Maybe instead of picking up someone like Lee Sin or Rengar, low ELO players should pick Amumu. He even can be flexed into support just in case you pick him into one of his counters. But counter-picking Amumu isn’t as good as it sounds because in low ELO the games are decided by team fighting, which is where Amumu shines.

Viego (High ELO)

  • Win Rate: 59%
  • Pick Rate: 18%
  • Ban Rate: 10%
  • Countered By: Byleth, Rek’Sai, Karthus, Zyra, Hecarim

For those looking for a champion with almost limitless potential, Viego is for you. What makes Viego so strong is his ability to become any champion he takes down granting the player access to all of their basic abilities and their items. Also with the reset mechanic on his ultimate, he is a force to be reckoned with in the right hands. Unfortunately, he can be abused early and his clear speed isn’t as good as some other entries on this list. Mechanics and game knowledge must be used in tandem when piloting Viego making him perfect for players looking to one trick him.

Kayn (Low ELO)

  • Win Rate: 51%
  • Pick Rate: 8%
  • Ban Rate: 6%
  • Countered By: Teemo, Poppy, Fiddlesticks, Briar, Nocturne

An argument can be made that Kayn is not a good pick for Low ELO since he is super weak before transformation. However, I would argue that even if Kayn is put behind it shouldn’t take much for him to get back into the game. Low ELO’s biggest weakness is their inability to close out a game, even if someone becomes strong it is almost guaranteed they will do something to jeopardize their victory. It is Low ELO after all.

Once Kayn accesses his passive transformation he becomes a much stronger champion and he gets even better as he gets items. Keeping a consistent game plan and good mental is key when playing this champion.

Nidalee (High ELO)

  • Win Rate: 50%
  • Pick Rate: 7%
  • Ban Rate: 9%
  • Countered By: Gwen, Ekko, Diana,

Do not pick Nidalee unless you’re high ELO and have been playing her for years. Riot Games has continued to butcher this champion to the point where she is pretty much only played by her one tricks. Luckily enough, the meta has aligned in a way that she is perfectly viable and her one tricks are having success playing her for what feels like the first time in years. She’s a utility pick who can be useful at close and long range. Also, good luck catching her as her passive lets her move very swiftly through bushes.

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