



Lego Dimensions Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables for PlayStation 4 (PS4)

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Lego Dimensions Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables for PlayStation 4 (PS4)

Lego Dimensions

Cheat mode

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Pause the game, select the “Extras” option, and choose the “Input Code” selection. Then, enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function:

Result Code
20,000 extra studs JG17LG
Boosted Busting POWH42
“Dwarf’s Bounty” x2 stud multiplier RY7P8Z
Faulty Flux Drive HY83NB
Rare Artifact Detector (detects mini-kits) JYJAFX
“The Way Of The Brick” fast building 5MZ73E

x2 stud multiplier location

Go to The Lord Of The Rings World from Vorton World. Once you spawn, go down the stairs, turn left, and get in the Batmobile. Then, chase the blue Lego drone with the green shield around it, near the Batmobile, that is carrying the Red Brick. Run into it to get the Dwarf’s Bounty x2 stud multiplier. Next, go back to Vorton World to buy it at the unlock portal for 1 million studs.

Infinite studs

Go to the main area inside Arkham Asylum in DC Comics World. Use a vehicle with a stud collector to defeat all enemies. If you are quick enough, you can get approximately 2 million studs per minute using this trick with the x2 stud multiplier.

Go to DC Comics World – Arkham Asylum. Repair the Jukebox, then turn it on. The goons in the area will start dancing. Keep shooting them and collect the studs. They keep respawning so you can just keep shooting and collecting. It works better and is much quicker using the x2 stud multiplier, Batmobile’s Collect Studs ability (Level 2), and Stud Magnet ability (Level 3). You can get millions of studs in minutes using this trick.

At the start of the Wizard Of Oz level in the campaign, immediately turn around and destroy the silver bricks to access a hidden area. This small hidden area contains approximately 150,000 studs (or 300,000 if using the x2 stud multiplier) that are very easy to collect. Make sure to run along the main wall at the entrance. There is a whole row of studs hidden from view. Also, swim underneath the bridge for an easy 30,000 studs. This area only takes about five minutes to clear. Then, quit the level, return, and repeat the process as many times as desired.

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Go to The Lord Of The Rings World from Vorton World. Repair the Mill in Hobbiton and the Farm area near Rivendell. Then, use Wonder Woman (or any flying character or ship) to fly between the mill and farm, breaking the colored bricks (three in each area). If timed correctly, you can get it to land on purple, which gives 50,000 studs. You can do this by running with a character, but it takes a long time and is much quicker to use a flying character or ship to go back and forth. The colored bricks respawn every time you exit the area. Thus, you can go back and forth between the two area and have an infinite loop of studs available. Repeat this as many times as desired. You can use this trick to fully upgrade everything. It is recommended to first collect, buy, and activate the Dwarf’s Bounty x2 stud multiplier before doing this so you get twice the number of studs; the purple stud will then be worth 100,000 studs.

Go to DC Comics World from Vorton World. Once you spawn, get in the Batmobile, and drive over the ramp with the two blinking red arrows to reach Wayne Tower. Keep driving to the left to reach Gotham Cathedral. Hit all the cars in the parking lot at Gotham Cathedral and area that area to get over 50,000 studs in approximately two minutes. Then, pause the game, and select the “Quit to Vorton” option. Return to DC Comics World, and repeat this process as many times as desired. You will get a lot more studs using this trick with the stud multipliers.

All Red Brick locations

Search the indicated locations to find all Red Bricks, which are held by a robot/drone that you must hit (vehicle recommended) in the listed world to collect.

    Location: The Lord Of the Rings World
    Red Brick: Dwarf’s Bounty
    Effect: x2 studs.

    Location: Scooby-Doo World
    Red Brick: Villian Disguises
    Effect: Gives all major level bosses a disguise

    Location: The Simpsons World
    Red Brick: All Hail King Homer
    Effect: Character turns gold and can detect gold bricks

    Location: Ninjago World
    Red Brick: The Way Of The Brick
    Effect: Fast build

    Location: Legends Of Chima World
    Red Brick: Master Of CHI
    Effect: Double the amount of CHI

    Location: DC Comics World
    Red Brick: DC Captions
    Effect: Comic book style captions

    Location: Back To The Future World
    Red Brick: Faulty Flux Drive
    Effect: Vehicles get BTTF effects

    Location: The LEGO Movie World
    Red Brick: Rare Artifact Detector (R.A.D.)
    Effect: Detects mini-kits

    Location: Portal 2 World
    Red Brick: Aperture Enrichment Detector
    Effect: Quest detector

    Location: Jurassic World
    Red Brick: Pack Hunter
    Effect: Adds Dino hats to enemies

    Location: The Wizard Of Oz World
    Red Brick: We’re Off To See The Wizard
    Effect: Skips some songs and animations


Successfully complete one of the following tasks to get a trophy:

    Vortech’s Bane (Platinum): Collect all the trophies.
    There’s no Place Like… This. (Bronze): Complete Follow the LEGO Brick Road.
    Chroma Simpson (Bronze): Complete Meltdown at Sector 7-G.
    Of Mice and Chen (Bronze): Complete Elements of Surprise.
    In the Nick of Timey-Wimey (Bronze): Complete A Dalektable Adventure.
    Simply Walked Into… Metropolis (Bronze): Complete Painting the Town Black.
    Interdimensional Showdown (Bronze): Complete Once Upon A Time Machine in the West.
    GLaD to be out of There! (Bronze): Complete Aperture Science Enrichment Center.
    Riddle Me That! (Bronze): Complete Riddle-earth.
    Ghost… busted! (Bronze): Complete The Phantom Zone.
    Enter Your Initials: AAA (Bronze): Complete All Your Bricks Are Belong To Us.
    Zoinks! (Bronze): Complete Mystery Mansion Mash-Up.
    Tri Again Next Time (Bronze): Complete Prime Time.
    Tri Hard with a Vengeance! (Bronze): Complete The End is Tri.
    A Serious Loophole (Bronze): Complete The Final Dimension.
    Time to Break the Rules! (Bronze): Rebuild the LEGO Gateway.
    Broke the Rules! (Gold): Complete all story levels.
    The Keystone to Victory (Bronze): Collect all of the Gateway Keystones.
    Rare Artefacts, collected! (Gold): Collect 30 Minikits from levels.
    Na na na na na na na upgrades! (Silver): Upgrade the Batmobile to Model 2.
    Holy Upgrades, Batman! (Gold): Upgrade the Batmobile to Model 3.
    Home, Sweet Home (Bronze): Visit any Hub World for the First Time.
    Dimensional Explorer (Bronze): Visit the homes of Batman, Gandalf and Wyldstyle.
    Time for an Upgrade! (Bronze): Collect 5 Gold Bricks.
    The Real Golden Master! (Silver): Collect 30 Gold Bricks.
    Dimensional Dasher (Bronze): Complete a race in any of the hub worlds.
    Pedal to the Metal (Silver): Complete 5 hub races.
    The Heroes We Need (Bronze): Complete any hub world quest.
    Restoring Order (Bronze): Complete any hub world renovation.
    Official Master Builder (Silver): Complete 15 hub world renovations.
    Taking the Tube (Silver): Travel through 20 rifts throughout the game.
    Speedy Thing Goes In… (Silver): Complete Aperture Science Enrichment Center within 25 minutes.
    Forever Alone (Silver): Complete a level while only ever keeping one character active on the Toy Pad.
    Lost Property (Silver): Complete 25 ‘Locate Mode’ puzzles.
    Painting by Numbers (Silver): Complete 25 ‘Chroma Mode’ puzzles.
    Elemental, My Dear (Silver): Enter ‘Elemental Mode’ on 25 unique occasions.
    Too Old for This Shift (Silver): Shift through 50 Shift Mode rifts.
    But Does it Come in Pink? (Silver): Give the Batmobile a pink paint job.
    Do You Like Bling, Batman? (Gold): Give the Batmobile a chrome paint job.

The following trophies require the “Back To The Future Level Pack” bonus downloadable content:

    That was heavy! (Bronze): Complete Back to the Future!.
    Mr. Fusion Home Energy Reactor (Bronze): Collect any Minikit within the ‘Back to the Future!’ level.
    Rules? …We don’t need rules! (Bronze): Achieve the Rule Breaker stud goal in the Back to the Future! level.

The following trophies require the “Doctor Who Level Pack” bonus downloadable content:

    Our destiny is in the stars (Bronze): Complete ‘The Dalek Extermination of Earth’.
    A Minikit! Minikits are cool! (Bronze): Collect any Minikit within the ‘The Dalek Extermination of Earth’ level.
    People come along and break them (Bronze): Achieve the Rule Breaker stud goal in the ‘The Dalek Extermination of Earth’ level.

The following trophies require the “Ghostbusters Level Pack” bonus downloadable content:

    I ain’t afraid of no Ghosts! (Bronze): Completed ‘Ghostbusters!’.
    WE GOT ONE!!! (Bronze): Collected any Minikit within the ‘Ghostbusters!’ level.
    Rule breakin’ makes me feel good (Bronze): Achieved the ‘Rule Breaker’ stud goal in the ‘Ghostbusters!’ level.

The following trophies require the “Midway Retro Gamer Level Pack” bonus downloadable content:

    New High Score (Bronze): Complete ‘Retro Wreckage’.
    Power Up! (Bronze): Obtain any Minikit within ‘Retro Wreckage’.
    Insert Stud (Bronze): Achieve the ‘Rule Breaker’ stud goal in ‘Retro Wreckage’.

The following trophies require the “Portal Level Pack” bonus downloadable content:

    It’s been fun. Don’t come back (Bronze): Complete Aperture Science.
    When life gives you Minikits… (Bronze): Collect any Minikit within the ‘Aperture Science’ level.
    For science… you monster (Bronze): Achieve the Rule Breaker stud goal in the Aperture Science level.

The following trophies require “The Simpsons Level Pack” bonus downloadable content:

    In your face, space coyote! (Bronze): Complete The Mysterious Voyage of Homer.
    Mmmm… collectables! (Bronze): Collect any Minikit within the ‘The Mysterious Voyage of Homer’ level.
    Owww, rules? I hate rules! (Bronze): Achieve the Rule Breaker stud goal in the The Mysterious Voyage of Homer level.
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