Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga
Debug and Debug Multiplayer options
At the main menu, press Up, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, R, L, Start, Select. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound.
+1 million Studs
At the main menu, press Start, Right, Up, L, Down, Select, L, R. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. Note: This code can only be enabled once.
+3 million Studs
At the main menu, press Start(2), Down(2), Left(2), Up(2), Select. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. Note: This code can only be enabled once.
Bonus Touch Game 1
At the main menu, press Up(2), Down, L(2), R(2). If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound.
Mini-kit bonuses
Collect the ten hidden Mini-kit parts in one of the following levels to unlock the corresponding ship for viewing. The ship can be seen in the room marked with the Mini-kit icon. When all 300 Mini-kits are collected, a bonus Mini-kit of the Rebel Blockade Runner will be unlocked.
Episode 1
- Level 1: Republic Cruiser
- Level 2: Naboo Royal Starship
- Level 3: Sebulba’s Podracer
- Level 4: Naboo N-1 Starfighter
- Level 5: Sith Infitrator
- All Episode 1 Mini-Kits: Gungan Bongo
Episode 2
- Level 1: Jedi Starfighter
- Level 2: Droideka
- Level 3: Republic Attack Gunship
- Level 4: AT-TE Walker
- Level 5: Geonosian Solar Sailer
- All Episode 2 Mini-Kits: Zam Wesell’s Airspeeder
Episode 3
- Level 1: Republic AT-TE Drop Ship
- Level 2: Jedi Starfighter
- Level 3: Wookie Flying Catamaran
- Level 4: ARC-170 Starfighter
- Level 5: V-Wing Starfighter
- All Episode 3 Mini-Kits: Public Transport Ship
Episode 4
- Level 1: Star Destroyer
- Level 2: Sandcrawler
- Level 3: Luke’s Sandspeeder
- Level 4: Millennium Falcon
- Level 5: Y-Wing Starfighter
- All Episode 4 Mini-Kits: Darth Vader’s TIE Advanced
Episode 5
- Level 1: AT-AT Walker
- Level 2: Rebel Snowspeeder
- Level 3: Imperial TIE Fighter
- Level 4: X-Wing
- Level 5: Cloud Car
- All Episode 5 Mini-Kits: Slave I
Episode 6
- Level 1: Skiff
- Level 2: Imperial TIE Interceptor
- Level 3: AT-ST
- Level 4: Imperial Shuttle
- Level 5: Imperial TIE Bomber
- All Episode 6 Mini-Kits: Jabba’s Sail Barge
Red Power Brick bonuses
Collect the hidden Red Power Brick in one of the following levels to unlock the corresponding bonus for purchase at the shop. The mini-games are played in the room marked with the DS icon.
Episode 1
- Level 1: Deflection Challenge mini-game
- Level 2: Protocol Activation Panel
- Level 3: Pitstop mini-game
- Level 4: Big Blasters Extra
- Level 5: x2 Multiplier Extra
Episode 2
- Level 1: Kamino Challenge mini-game
- Level 2: Evasion Challenge mini-game
- Level 3: Astromech Activation Panel
- Level 4: Infinate Torpedoes Extra
- Level 5: x4 Multiplier Extra
Episode 3
- Level 1: Self Destruct Extra
- Level 2: Grievous mini-game
- Level 3: Super Lightsabers
- Level 4: Focus Survival mini-game
- Level 5: Unknown
Episode 4
- Level 1: Levitation Challenge mini-game
- Level 2: Unknown
- Level 3: Deflection Survival mini-game
- Level 4: Imperial Activation Panel
- Level 5: x8 Multiplier Extra
Episode 5
- Level 1: Unknown
- Level 2: Regenerate Hearts Extra
- Level 3: Kamino Survival mini-game
- Level 4: Super Blasters Extra
- Level 5: x10 Multiplier Extra
Episode 6
- Level 1: Bounty Hunter Activation Panel
- Level 2: Activation mini-game
- Level 3: Super Ewok Catapult Extra
- Level 4: Levitation Survival mini-game
- Level 5: Invincibility
Gold Bricks
Get the indicated score on the listed mini-game to unlock a Gold Brick:
- Activation: 10,000 points.
- Grievous: 20,000 points.
- Lightsaber Deflection: 40,000 points or complete the mini-game.
- Pod Race Pit Stop: 40,000 points.
The image featured at the top of this post is ©The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III key art.