



LittleBigPlanet 2: Special Edition Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables for PlayStation 3 (PS3)

Trails of Cold Steel III key art

LittleBigPlanet 2: Special Edition Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables for PlayStation 3 (PS3)

LittleBigPlanet 2: Special Edition

Secret pins

Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding pin. Note: They do not count towards your pin total.

    Ace In The Pack: Ace all of the Move DLC Pack story levels.
    Amy’s Birthday Pressie: Play the game on Amy’s Birthday (July 29th).
    Aquarium: Last until there are 5 fish swimming around in Pond Skater.
    Art Collector: Save one of your paintings.
    Art Dealer: Give a painting to a friend.
    Big Pond Skater, Small Pond: Accumulate a score of 10,000 playing games of Pond Skater.
    Block Buster: Score at least 300,000 points in Jam Kerblam.
    Bomb Removal Expert: Drop 100 bombs out of the grid over several games of Jam Kerblam.
    Bossa No More: Destroy the Move DLC Pack Boss in his secret lab.
    Brain Crane Pain!: Squish another player using an object you are holding with the Brain Crane.
    Community Minded (X): Play “X” Community levels that require the Move controller.
    Cross Fire: Explode two cross bombs in one shot in Jam Kerblam.
    Daniel’s Birthday Gift: Play the game on Daniel’s Birthday (August 2nd).
    Feel The Earth Move: Publish a Move required level to the Earth.
    Festive Spirit: Wear a Christmas costume on December 25th.
    Gonna Get Down On Friday: Play a Move level on a Friday.
    Great Moves: Use the Move Recorder to record a path in Create mode.
    Group Hug of 20,000: Play online at the same time as 20,000 other players.
    Halloween Hauntings: Wear the Pumpkin Head costume on October 31st.
    High Roller: Accumulate a score of 10,000 playing games of Tilt.
    High Scoring Mouse: Successfully complete Claude the field mouse with a score of at least 20,000.
    Hugely Popular!: Get a multiplier of 70x in Jam Kerblam.
    Just In Beaver: Get eaten by the hungry beaver in Pond Skater.
    Learned: Successfully complete all of the Move DLC Pack tutorials.
    Like A Puppet On A String!: Pick up another player with the Brain Crane power-up.
    Lily-livered: Last for 90 seconds in Pond Skater without collecting any Lilies.
    Locksmith: Unlock all the Move DLC Pack mini-games by collecting the keys hidden in the Move DLC Pack story levels.
    Master Of The Internets: Run an awesome LBP2 fansite.
    Ministry Of Defence: Successfully complete Home Invasion without losing any lives and saving all the sackbots.
    Mm Picked!: Have one of your levels featured in Media Molecule Picks.
    Mm’s Birthday: Play the game on Media Molecule’s Birthday (January 4th).
    Molecule: Get a job at Media Molecule.
    Move Action Hero: Successfully complete the main story levels in the Move DLC Pack.
    Nice Badge!: Use a painting as a badge for one of your levels.
    No Balls Lost!: Successfully complete Tilt with losing a ball.
    No Balls!: Successfully complete Claude the field mouse without losing any balls.
    Now Museum, Now You Don’t: Place a paint sticker in a level.
    Peaceful Solution: Score 200,000 points in Jam Kerblam without triggering a bomb.
    Platinum Club: Get the Platinum trophy for LittleBigPlanet 2: Special Edition .
    Pop Till You Drop: Accumulate a score of 300,000 playing games of Jam Kerblam.
    Prize Hoarder (%): Find and collect “%” of prizes in Move DLC Pack.
    Prolific (X): Spend “X” minutes active in Painting mode.
    Remote Control (X): Collect “X” score bubbles remotely using the Brain Crane.
    Royalty: Get a Crown in LBP1 or LBP2.
    Sack Samaritan: Save all the Sackbots in the Lost Sackbots.
    Sacksquatch (X): Explode “X” opponents in Brain Crane Pain.
    See What I Did There?: Make and distribute an awesome tutorial video or level.
    Self Portrait: Paint yourself a new avatar.
    Special Friends: Be a jolly nice game developer-love from the folks at Media Molecule.
    Super Saver: Save 500 Sackbots in games of Home Invasion.
    Thanksgiving Turkey: Wear the Turkey Head costume on Thanksgiving.
    Tilt To The Top: Successfully complete Tilt with a score of at least 20,000.
    Touching Royalty: “High Five” Media Molecule’s Alex Evans.
    Valentine Roses: Attach the Red Rose from the Valentine’s Pack to another played on Valentine’s Day.
    Wat-er Slide: Successfully complete Pond Skater with a score of at least 15,000.
    Who’s Who: Watch the credits until the end.

Free Love message

Play the “Set the Controls for the Heart of the Negativatron” level. Find the broken arcade machine with a Sackbot trying to fix it. Activate the machine, then press Up(2), Down(2), Left, Right, Left, Right, X, Circle. The arcade machine will explode, leaving the numbers “3733 5683”. When translated on a phone’s keypad, it spells “Free Love”.

Easy “Aces In Spades” trophy

Successfully complete the first Story mode level with an “Ace” rank. Return to your Pod, and pause the game. Select the “Settings” option, then choose the “Profile” tab. Select the “Back Up Profile” option. After saving the profile, return to Story mode, and choose a different level. Successfully complete that level with an “Ace” rank, then save your profile again. Repeat the process until ten levels in a row have been completed with an “Ace” rank. If you die during a level, select the “Import Profile” option, and try again.


Successfully complete one of the following tasks to get a trophy:

    10 Minutes of Create (Bronze): Spend 10 active minutes in Create mode.
    10 Story Versus Wins (Bronze): Win 10 Story mode Versus games against at least one other player offline.
    100% Complete (Platinum): Earn all LittleBigPlanet 2 trophies to unlock this platinum trophy.
    1440 Minutes of Create (Gold): Spend 24 active hours in Create mode.
    160 Yays or Boos (Gold): Give 160 positive or negative votes on community levels.
    25 Online Versus Wins (Bronze): Win 25 Versus mode community levels against at least 1 other player.
    40 Yays or Boos (Bronze): Give 40 positive or negative votes on community levels.
    50 Unique Players (Bronze): A level you published was played by 50 unique players.
    A Dip In The Stream (Bronze): Play a level from your Recent Activity.
    A Game A Day Keeps The Doctor Away (Silver): Play LittleBigPlanet 2 on every day of the week.
    A Series of Tubes (Bronze): Use a Level Link to link two of your published levels together.
    Accomplished Mover (Bronze): Complete 25 community levels that require the Motion Controller.
    Ace In The Pack (Silver): Ace all the Story levels in the LittleBigPlanet 2: Move Pack.
    Ace Story Mode (Gold): Ace every level in the story mode.
    Aces in Spades (Bronze): Ace 10 different Story levels in a row.
    Actually Quite Good (Bronze): Place in the top 25% of players in 5 community level scoreboards (with at least 50 other players in them).
    Avid Collector (Silver): Collect 100% of LittleBigPlanet 2: Move Pack prize bubbles.
    Community Spirit (Bronze): Publish a level to the community.
    Complete Avalonia (Bronze): Complete the main path of Avalonia.
    Complete Da Vinci’s Hideout (Bronze): Complete the main path of Da Vinci’s hideout.
    Complete Eve’s Asylum For The Mentally Alternative (Bronze): Complete the main path of Eve’s Asylum For The Mentally Alternative.
    Complete Story Mode (Silver): Complete the main path of the story mode.
    Complete The Factory Of A Better Tomorrow (Bronze): Complete the main path of The Factory Of A Better Tomorrow.
    Complete Victoria’s Lab (Bronze): Complete the main path of Victoria’s Lab.
    Custom Badger (Bronze): Create a custom badge for your level from a PlayStation Eye photo or an in-game photo.
    Diploma In Creation (Bronze): Complete all the tutorials in the LittleBigPlanet 2: Move Pack.
    Dive In 25 (Bronze): Dive in and play 25 random levels with other players, and don’t immediately leave!.
    Feel The Earth Move (Bronze): Publish a Motion Controller enabled level to the Earth.
    Grapple Hooked (Bronze): Create a chain of 4 players grappling each other.
    Journalistical (Bronze): Write a review.
    Just… One… More… Go… (Bronze): Play LittleBigPlanet 2 after 9pm.
    Locksmith (Bronze): Unlock all the LittleBigPlanet 2: Move Pack minigames.
    Long Term Publisher (Bronze): A level you published has been published for 7 days.
    Monster Masher (Bronze): Kill 20 monsters in Story levels.
    Mortal Coil Shuffler Extraordinaire (Bronze): Accumulate 20 deaths in one Story level.
    Multiplier 10x (Bronze): Score a 10x multiplier in a Story level.
    Multiplier 5x (Bronze): Score a 5x multiplier in a Story level.
    On A Roll (Bronze): Complete Fast Food without losing a ball.
    On The Ball (Bronze): Complete The Tail of Claude The Field Mouse without dropping a ball.
    Paparazzo (Bronze): Upload a photo.
    Path To Success (Bronze): Use the Motion Recorder to record your movements.
    Play 25 Community Levels (Bronze): Play 25 unique cooperative community levels.
    Play 5 Versus Levels (Bronze): Play 5 unique community Versus levels.
    Play 75 Community Levels (Silver): Play 75 unique cooperative community levels.
    Prize Collector (Bronze): Collect 50% of Story prize bubbles.
    Scoreboard 25% (Silver): Place in the top 25% of players in the online scoreboard for a Story level.
    Scoreboard 50% (Bronze): Place in the top 50% of players in the online scoreboard for a Story level.
    Self Portrait (Bronze): Use a painting as your avatar.
    Snappy Dresser (Bronze): Change your costume.
    Step into my Arena (Bronze): Publish a Versus mode level.
    Stick It To The Man (Bronze): Destroy the boss in Just Desserts.
    Teacher’s Pet (Bronze): You watched all the tutorials! Take a gold star, go to the top of the class..
    The Votarator 5 (Bronze): Rate 5 brand new community levels (less than 10 plays).
    The Votarator 50 (Silver): Rate 50 brand new community levels (less than 10 plays).
    Turbo Slapper (Bronze): Slap more than one player at once.
    U Know U A Playa (Silver): Spend 5 hours playing community levels.
    Uber Prize Collector (Silver): Collect 100% of Story prize bubbles.
    Who Needs Breakfast? (Bronze): Play LittleBigPlanet 2 before 9 a.m.
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