Hidden pins
Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding pin. Note: They will not appear on the pin list and will not count towards your total.
- God Complex: Spin any of the planets 720 degrees with a single flick.
- House Proud: Place ten stickers or decorations in your pod.
- Who’s Who: Watch the credits completely.
Successfully complete one of the following tasks to get a trophy:
- Platinum Club (Platinum): Earn all LittleBigPlanet PlayStation Vita trophies.
- Complete Story Mode (Silver): Complete the main path of the Story.
- Aced Story Mode (Gold): Ace the main path of the Story.
- Chases The Aces (Bronze): Complete 10 Story levels in a row without being killed.
- Prize Collector (Bronze): Find and collect 50% of the Prize Bubbles in Story levels.
- House Proud (Bronze): Place 10 stickers or decorations in your pod.
- Multiplier x5 (Bronze): Score a x5 multiplier in a Story level.
- Multiplier x10 (Bronze): Score a x10 multiplier in a Story level.
- Scoreboard 50% (Bronze): Place in the top 50% of a Story Level scoreboard containing more than 50 scores.
- Scoreboard 25% (Silver): Place in the top 25% of a Story Level scoreboard containing more than 50 scores.
- The Tourist (Bronze): Complete a community level.
- Tired Of Life (Bronze): Accumulate 20 deaths in one Story level.
- First Among Equals (Bronze): Win a 4-player game.
- Social Animal (Bronze): Complete a level with more than one player.
- Complete 75 Cooperative Levels (Silver): Complete 75 unique Cooperative community levels.
- Pianist Pioneer (Bronze): Play ‘Do Re Mi’ on the piano in La Marionetta.
- Insert Coin (Bronze): Complete all achievements in one game from The Arcade.
- 25 Online Versus Wins (Bronze): Win 25 Versus community levels against at least one other online player.
- Hi Score (Silver): Collect 1,000,000 points over all story levels you have played.
- Time Well Spent (Silver): Play LittleBigPlanet PlayStation Vita on every day of the week.
- Queued Up (Bronze): Play a level that has been added to your Queue.
- Finger Cramp (Bronze): Bash 1000 bonces in ‘Bonce Tappin’.
- Double 11 (Bronze): Play LittleBigPlanet PlayStation Vita at 11 minutes past 11.
- Aspiring Director (Bronze): Publish a cut scene level.
- Fashionista (Bronze): Change your costume.
- Creative Spark (Bronze): Spend 10 active minutes in Create mode.
- Get A Life (Gold): Spend 1440 active minutes in Create mode.
- Share & Share Alike (Bronze): Publish a level.
- 50 Unique Players (Bronze): A level you published was played by 50 unique players.
- Mindful Vandalism (Bronze): Place a sticker or a decoration on another player’s sackperson.
- Balancing Act (Bronze): Balance another sackperson on an object while lifting it with touch.
- Quick Badge Job (Bronze): Publish a level with a custom badge created from a Camera photo or an in-game photo.
- God Complex (Bronze): Spin any of the planets 720 degrees with a single flick.
- Mr Know-It-All (Bronze): Watch all the tutorials.
- 40 Yays! (Bronze): Give positive feedback on 40 community levels.
- Arcade Champion (Gold): Complete all achievements in all games from The Arcade.
- Everyone’s A Critic (Bronze): Submit a review for a level.
- Happy Snapper (Bronze): Upload a photo.
- Just A Scratch (Bronze): Spin the LP disc in Jackpot City.
- Multiplier x15 (Silver): Score a x15 multiplier in a Story level.
- Rising Star (Bronze): Collect 50% of Skill Rewards in Story Mode.
- Obsessive Collecting (Silver): Find and collect 100% of the Prize Bubbles in Story levels.
Additionally, there are five secret trophies:
- Complete La Marionetta (Bronze): Complete the main path of La Marionetta.
- Complete Land of Odd (Bronze): Complete the main path of Land of Odd.
- Complete Jackpot City (Bronze): Complete the main path of Jackpot City.
- Complete Coaster Valley (Bronze): Complete the main path of Coaster Valley.
- Complete Spooky Mansion (Bronze): Complete the main path of Spooky Mansion.
The image featured at the top of this post is ©The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III key art.