



Loaded Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes for PlayStation (PSX)

Loaded Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes for PlayStation (PSX)

Loaded Level select

While playing the game, press Start to display the options menu. Then, hold L1 + L2 for ten seconds. Keep those buttons held and press Up, Right, Down, Left, Triangle, Circle, X, Square, X, Triangle, Square, Circle.

Level skip

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While playing the game, press Start to display the options menu. Then, hold L1 + L2 for ten seconds. Keep those buttons held and press X, R1, Triangle, R1, Square, Circle, R2(2), X, Square, Triangle, X.


While playing the game, press Start to display the options menu. Then, hold L1 + L2 for ten seconds. Keep those buttons held and press Square, Down(2), Square, Down(2), Circle. -From: [email protected]

Refill health

While playing the game, press Start to display the options menu. Then, hold L1 + L2 for ten seconds. Keep those buttons held and press Right(2), Left, Down(2), Up, Triangle, Circle. If you entered the code correctly, the extra option “Health” will appear. Select it to refill the life bar.

Refill ammunition

While playing the game, press Start to display the options menu. Then, hold L1 + L2 for ten seconds. Keep those buttons held and press Down, Right, Circle, Left, Right, Circle. If you entered the code correctly, the extra option “Ammo” will appear. Select it to increase your ammunition up to a 32,000 round limit. However, the game may display problems if 15,000 rounds are exceeded.

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Maximum firepower

While playing the game, press Start to display the options menu. Then, hold L1 + L2 for ten seconds. Keep those buttons held and press Down, Right, Down, Right, Triangle. If you entered the code correctly, the extra option “Power” will appear. Select it to set your gun’s firepower to maximum.

Extra lives

While playing the game, press Start to display the options menu. Then, hold L1 + L2 for ten seconds. Keep those buttons held and press Left, Down, Right, Triangle, Square, X, Circle.

Extra smart bombs

While playing the game, press Start to display the options menu. Then, hold L1 + L2 for ten seconds. Keep those buttons held and press R1, R2, X, Triangle, Square, Circle, R1, R2, Circle(2), Square.

Play as a walking corpse

Enter the “Health refill” code to enable the “Health” option on the options menu. Then, pause the game immediately after dying, and before regenerating. Use the “Health” option to refill the life bar. Your character can now move around as a splattered corpse, totally invulnerable to enemies. However, since your own actions are limited, this trick is of limited value. However, it is an interesting thing to try on level 6 or during a two player game.

Game Shark Codes

Have All Keys 80107AC4 000F
Always Play Level Modifier 8004B134 00??
Player 1 Codes
Infinite Lives 800CDF42 001E
Infinite Ammo 800CDF3E 03E8
Infinite Smart Bombs 800CDF40 0003
Max Power-Up 800CDF3C 7FFF
Infinite Health Level 1 800CACAC 4000
Infinite Health Level 2 800CC538 4000
Infinite Health Level 3 800C2388 4000
Infinite Health Level 4 800C42C8 4000
Infinite Health Level 5 800C78C0 4000
Infinite Health Level 6 800BAF10 4000
Infinite Health Level 7 800C7F40 4000
Infinite Health Level 8 800CBEE0 4000
Infinite Health Level 9 800CD164 4000
Infinite Health Level 10 800B0924 4000
Infinite Health Level 11 800BFEB8 4000
Infinite Health Level 12 800C6AAC 4000
Infinite Health Level 13 800C5CB0 4000
Infinite Health Level 14 800C24A8 4000
Infinite Health Level 15 800C802C 4000
Player 2 Codes
Infinite Lives D004B138 0002
800CDFCA 001E
Infinite Ammo D004B138 0002
800CDFC6 03E8
Infinite Smart Bombs D004B138 0002
800CDFC8 0003
Max Power-Up D004B138 0002
Infinite Health Level 1 D004B138 0002
800CAD2C 4000
Infinite Health Level 2 800CC5B8 4000
Infinite Health Level 3 800C2408 4000
Infinite Health Level 4 800CC348 4000
Infinite Health Level 5 800C7940 4000
Infinite Health Level 6 800BAF90 4000
Infinite Health Level 7 800C7FC0 4000
Infinite Health Level 8 800CBF60 4000
Infinite Health Level 9 800CD1E4 4000
Infinite Health Level 10 800B09A4 4000
Infinite Health Level 11 800BFF38 4000
Infinite Health Level 12 800C6B2C 4000
Infinite Health Level 13 800C5D30 4000
Infinite Health Level 14 800C2528 4000
Infinite Health Level 15 800C80AC 4000

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