



Medal Of Honor: Frontline Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables for PlayStation 3 (PS3)

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Medal Of Honor: Frontline Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables for PlayStation 3 (PS3)

Medal Of Honor: Frontline


Successfully complete one of the following tasks to get a trophy:

    A Day At The Beach (Bronze): Complete the “Your Finest Hour” mission.
    Making It Rain (Bronze): Complete the “Into the Breach” mission.
    Boom Goes the Dynamite (Bronze): Complete the “Special Cargo” mission.
    I Blowed Up U-Boat (Bronze): Complete Mission A Storm in the Port.
    Listen All Y’all It’s A Sabotage (Bronze): Complete “The Golden Lion” mission.
    Next Time Buy A Safe (Bronze): Complete the “Needle In A Haystack” mission.
    They Should Write a Book…Or Make a Movie (Bronze): Complete the “Nijmegen Bridge” mission.
    Tickets Please (Bronze): Complete the “Riding Out The Storm” mission.
    Hero at Normandy (Bronze): Earn the Army Distinguished Service Medal.
    Darth Nader (Bronze): Kill 3 enemies with one grenade.
    Hokey Pokey (Bronze): Get 20 shots in each shot location (head, torso, groin, each leg, and each arm).
    I said dance! (Bronze): Make 20 enemies hop around by shooting them in the foot.
    Crackshot (Bronze): Get 50 headshots.
    Ballbuster (Bronze): Get 50 shots in the groin.
    Hit ‘Em In The Face (Bronze): Get 20 melee kills.
    Trigger Happy (Bronze): Fire 5,000 shots.
    Thirsty (Bronze): Use 25 Medical Canteens.
    Is It Monet or Manet? (Bronze): Look behind 15 pictures in “Operation Repunzel”.
    What time is it!?! (Bronze): Destroy 15 clocks in “Operation Repunzel”.
    Kicking It Really Old School (Bronze): Play any mission using the Classic MoH Control Scheme.
    Shop Smart. Shop S-Mart. (Bronze): Get 50 kills with the shotgun.
    You Can’t Go Wrong With the Classics (Bronze): Get 50 kills with the M1 Garand.
    Pistol Pete (Bronze): Get 50 kills with the Colt .45 or the Walther P38.
    Burp Gun (Bronze): Get 50 kills with the MP40.
    Long shot (Bronze): Get 50 kills with the Springfield ’03.
    Sturmgewehr and Drang (Bronze): Get 50 kills with the STG.
    Have you met my friend, Tommy Gun? (Bronze): Get 50 kills with the Thompson SMG.
    Shhhh! (Bronze): Get 25 kills with the Welby and Scott Silenced Pistol.
    BAR None (Bronze): Get 50 kills with the Browning Automatic Rifle.
    Mashed Potatoes and Grilled Pineapple (Bronze): Get 50 kills using grenades.
    Panzerschrek The Third (Silver): Complete the “Several Bridges Too Far” mission.
    Little Engine That Could Not (Silver): Complete the “Rolling Thunder” mission.
    Grand Theft Aero (Silver): Complete “The Horten’s Nest” mission.
    Come Sail Away (Silver): Earn the Army Commendation Medal.
    Found The Needle (Silver): Earn the Soldier’s Medal.
    I Think It’s Dutch (Silver): Earn the Dutch WWII Commemorative Cross Medal.
    Striking Lightning (Silver): Earn the Legion of Merit Medal.
    Bug Spray (Silver): Earn the Distinguished Flying Service Cross.
    Full Frontal (Silver): Complete the game on any difficulty.
    Less is More (Silver): Kill 1,000 enemies.
    Heavy Medals (Gold): Earn all medals.
    You Aren’t As Tought As Audie Murphy (Gold): Complete the game on the Hard difficulty.
    ET Goin’ Home (Gold): Find the UFO in “On Track”.
    What Do You Want, a Medal? (Platinum): Earn all available trophies in Medal of Honor Frontline.

Additionally, there are two secret trophies:

    Drinking Problem (Bronze): Spill three drinks in The Golden Lion.
    That Bread IS Delicious… Healthy Too (Bronze): Eat bread to regain health.
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