Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker HD Edition
Bonus t-shirts
At the main menu, select the “Extras” option, then choose “Network”, “Enter Passcode”. Enter one of the following passcodes to unlock the corresponding t-shirt and a volunteer recruit with a randomly generated name, portrait, and stats. Note: If you have a high number of Heroism/Hero Points (10,000 to 100,000), your chances of getting recruits with “A” and “S” rank stats increases.
T-shirt | Code |
Black with Big Boss text | 2000016032758 |
Black with Peace Walker text | 2000016032390 |
Black with White Peace Walker logo | 2000016038415 |
Fox t-shirt and stealth gun | 7335042803525442 or 6824113703281373 |
Gray with coffee cup art design | 2000016036022 |
Gray with MSF Logo | 2000016032574 |
Gray with MSF logo | 2000016032567 |
Gray with Snake art on back | 2000016032338 |
Hori | 4315098073664006 |
Navy blue with MSF logo | 2000016032635 |
Olive with Snake art | 2000016035902 |
Plain tan | 2000016038576 |
Red with Big Boss face | 2000016537833 |
Sony Walkman W-Series | 1146280403426915 |
White with Big Boss face | 2000016756791 |
White with Big Boss text | 2000016032680 |
White with coffee cup art design | 2000016032964 |
White UNIQLO | 2000016035933 |
Bonus recruits
At the main menu, select the “Extras” option, then choose “Network”, “Enter Passcode”. Enter one of the following passcodes to unlock a recruit with a randomly generated name, portrait, and stats. Note: If you have a high number of Heroism/Hero Points (10,000 to 100,000), your chances of getting recruits with “A” and “S” rank stats increases.
- 2000016032307
- 2000016032314
- 2000016032321
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- 2000016032550
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- 2000016032611
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- 2000016032635
- 2000016032642
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- 2000016032680
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- 2000016032741
- 2000016032758
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- 2000016036022
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- 2000016258073
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- 2000016537802
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- 2000016756777
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- 2000016756845
- 2000016756852
- 2000016756869
- 2000016801361
- 2000016801477
- 2000016813098
- 2000016865622
Extra Op missions
Defeat Peace Walker the third time, then successfully complete the indicated missions (in order) to unlock the next mission in the sequence:
Extra Op 14, Extra Op 22, Extra Op 67, Extra Op 103
Main Op Zadornov Search, Extra Op 32, Extra Op 15, Extra Op 8, Extra Op 56, Extra Op 90, Extra Op 76
Main Op Zadornov Search, Extra Op 42, Extra Op 19, Extra Op 95, Extra Op 39, Extra Op 35, Extra Op 106
Main Op Zadornov Search, Extra Op 112, Extra Op 16, Extra Op 33, Extra Op 71, Extra Op 21, Extra Op 93, Extra Op 86
Main Op Zadornov Search, Extra Op 63, Extra Op 74, Extra Op 57, Extra Op 59, Extra Op 84, Extra Op 40, Extra Op 82
Main Op Zadornov Search, Extra Op 60, Extra Op 78, Extra Op 36, Extra Op 108, Extra Op 34, Extra Op 99
Main Op Zadornov Search, Extra Op 116, Extra Op 17, Extra Op 101, Extra Op 110, Extra Op 43, Extra Op 97, Extra Op 118, Extra Op 23, Extra Op 24, Extra Op 105, Extra Op 25, Extra Op 70, Extra Op 26, Extra Op 27, Extra Op 94, Extra Op 44, Extra Op 41, Extra Op 77, Extra Op 20, Extra Op 89, Extra Op 55, Extra Op 79, Extra Op 9, Extra Op 66, Extra Op 73, Extra Op 107, Extra Op 58, Extra Op 61, Extra Op 92, Extra Op 62, Extra Op 100, Extra Op 64, Extra Op 65, Extra Op 87, Extra Op 111, Extra Op 45, Extra Op 46, Extra Op 102, Extra Op 47, Extra Op 48, Extra Op 91, Extra Op 49, Extra Op 75, Extra Op 50, Extra Op 83, Extra Op 37, Extra Op 98, Extra Op 104, Extra Op 72, Extra Op 85, Extra Op 109, Extra Op 96, Extra Op 81, Extra Op 113, Extra Op 115, Extra Op 117, Extra Op 119, Extra Op 68, Extra Op 120
Monster Hunter missions
Listen to all of Chico’s audio briefings by selecting a mission, choosing “Briefing Files”, then entering the Chico file library. Once you listen to all the tapes, select Extra Ops mode, and choose “[029] Item Capture”. Start the mission, take care of the three guards, and destroy the item crate. Collect its items, but instead of going to the extraction point, move south to the beach at Playa del Alba. When you enter the beach, turn left, and go down the dock. Miller will notify you about a strange animal at this location. Run down the dock to find Trenya, from the Monster Hunter series. After the dialog, you will be able to access “[121] Hunting Quest: Rathalos” in Extra Ops mode. Successfully complete the mission to unlock additional Monster Hunter related missions.
Bonus costumes
Successfully complete the indicated task or mission to unlock the corresponding costume:
- Amanda: Extra Op 67 with an “S” rank
- AUSCAM: Main Op: Barricade Destruction
- Bad Smell: Extra Op 61 with an “S” rank
- Battle suit with helmet: Randomly appears when fighting “SS” rank matches in Outer Ops
- Battle suit: Main Op: first Peace Walker battle
- Bikini: On the bridge after you complete Extra Op 68 with an “S” rank
- Choco-chip: Extra Op 45 with an “S” rank
- Gear Rex: Extra Op 125 with an “S” rank
- J. Fatigue: Available by default
- Leaf: Extra Op 14 with an “S” rank
- Liolaeus (Rathalos): Extra Op 121 with an “S” rank
- Miller: Extra Op 68 with an “S” rank
- Naked (AUSCAM): Extra Op 30
- Naked (chocolate): Outer Op
- Naked (Leaf): Outer Op
- Naked (Snake): Main Op: Tropical Cloud Fog Forest
- Naked (Splitter): Extra Op 29 or Outer Op
- Naked (Tiger Stripe): Main Op: Pursuing Amanda
- Neo Moss: Use CODEC to communicate with the ghosts until they say “The End” in Extra Op 62
- Snake: At the concrete area where the lumber is stacked in Extra Op 16
- Sneaking Suit: Main Op: Combat helicopter: Mi-24A
- Splitter: Extra Op 29 or on top of a box in Extra Op 59
- Square: Extra Op 30
- Swimming trunks: On the bridge after completing Extra Op 67 with an “S” rank
- Tiger Stripe: In Bananal Fruta De Oro sorting shed at the office in the north end in Main Op: Pursuing Amanda
- Tigrex: Extra Op 123 with an “S” rank
- T-shirt: Second floor in Extra Op 1
- Tuxedo: Chapter 4
Bonus weapons
Successfully complete the indicated task or mission to unlock the corresponding weapon:
- Air Strike Marker: Main Op: Chrysalis
- Banana: Extra Op 35
- C96: Extra Op 20 with an “S” rank
- Custom M1911A1: Extra Op 34 or Extra OP 50
- EZ Gun (LR): Extra Op 32
- EZ Gun (MR): Use the sleep CODEC and Paz will drop it in Extra Op 67
- K. Pistol: Outer Op
- M19: Extra Op 9
- M1911A1: Main Op: Contact the Sandinista Commander
- PB/6P9: Main Op: Zadornov Search 6
- PM: Extra Op 16
- Supply Marker: Main Op: Laboratory
- CAW: Outer Op
- M37: Extra Op 28
- SPAS-12: Extra Op 62
- Twin Barrel (STN): Extra Op 23
- Twin Barrel: In Bananeru Furuta (west chamber) in Main Op: pursuing Amanda
Assault rifles
- ADM63: Extra Op 45
- ADM65: Outer Op
- FAL: Bananeru Furuta de Oro area in Extra Op 36
- G11: Extra Op 48 with an “S” rank
- M16A1 (grenade and laser): Extra Op 55 with an “S” rank
- M16A1 (grenade): Extra Op 25
- M16A1 (laser sight and shotgun attachment): Extra Op 46
- M16A1 (shotgun attachment): Below the bridge in Extra Op 23
- M16A1 (smoke grenade and laser): Extra Op 66 with an “S” rank
- M16A1 (smoke grenade): Extra Op 26
- M653 (grenade): Extra Op 47
- M653 (shotgun): Extra Op 48
- M653 (smoke grenade): Extra Op 49
- M653: Extra Op 59
- Musket: Random drop by the Rathalos; breaking its head, wings, and cutting off its tail will increase the chance
- Patriot: Stun him in Extra Op 68, then check his body for the design
- RK47 (grenade): Outer Op
- RK47 (smoke grenade): Outer Op
- RK47: Extra Op 13 or Extra Op 39
- RPK: Underground passage in Extra Op 37
- SUG: Extra Op 47 with an “S” rank
Submachine guns
- M10 (barrel cover): Bananeru Furuta de Oro in Extra Op 36
- M10: Pursuing Amanda in El Sena
- M1928A1: Main Op: Base Infiltration
- MP5A2: Extra Op 57 or 49
- MP5SD2: Extra Op 37 with an “S” rank
- Uz61: Extra Op 15
Heavy machine guns
- EMW Gun: Extra Op 79 with an “S” rank
- M134: Extra Op 75
- M60 (armor piercing): Extra Op 43
- M60: Main Op: Jungle Train Tracks
- M63A1: Outer Op
- MG3 (armor piercing): Extra Op 44
- MG3: Extra Op 31
- PKM: Extra Op 28
Sniper rifles
- M1C (stamina recovery): Extra Op 46
- M1C: Materials carrying facility in Main Op: Facility
- M21: Main Op: Zadornov Search 4
- M700 (life recovery): Extra Op 41
- M700: Extra Op 58
- Mosin: Main Op: Battle Tank T-72U
- PTRD1941: Extra Op 50
- PTRS1941: Extra Op 49 with an “S” rank
- Rail Gun: Extra Op 115 with an “S” rank
- Stealth Gun: Main Op: Zeke Fight
- SVD (night vision): Outer Op
- SVD: Extra Op 35
- WA2000: Extra Op 65 with an “S” rank
- C. Gustav (FR. fulton): Extra Op 98
- C. Gustav (MP): Extra Op 24
- C. Gustav: Main Op: Chrysalis
- FIM-43: Main Op: Helicopter Battle Mi-24A
- M202A1 (rank 3 and 4): Extra Op 62 with an “S” rank or document in Extra Op 107
- M47: Extra Op 111 with an “S” rank
- RPG2: Extra Op 30
- RPG7: Extra Op 38
- Sling Band: Random drop by Gear Rex; breaking its head, claws, and cutting off its tail will increase the chance
- Sling Post: Random drop by Tigrex; breaking its head, claws, and cutting off its tail will increase the chance
- XFIM-92A: Outer Op
Throwing weapons
- Air strike marker: Main Op: Laboratory
- Chaff: Main Op: Pupa
- EM Net: Extra Op 83 with an “S” rank
- Sleep: Extra Op 27 with an “S” rank
- Smoke (color): In the swamp at Ghar El Sena map in Main Op: Zadornov
- Smoke: Research facility in Main Op: Interception
- Stun: On second floor of the cabin in Main Op: Pursuing Amanda or Extra Op 22
- Supply marker: Main Op: Pupa
Bonus items
Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding special item:
- Hay Box (Assassin’s Creed): Eagle dive off a building in Main Op: Miners’ Residence or Extra Op 50.
- Infinity Bandanna Rank 1: Successfully complete Extra Ops 119 with an “S” rank. This item gives unlimited ammunition. Tbe Infinity Bandanna Design Specs are required.
- Shield (with color): Successfully complete Extra Op 55.
- Stealth Camo Rank 5: Successfully complete Extra Ops 50 with an “S” rank. The Stealth Camouflage Design Specs and Metamaterials Technology skill (Extra Ops 49) are required.
- Stealth Mat Rank 1: Successfully complete Main Ops 33. The Stealth Mat Design Specs and Metamaterials Technology skill (Extra Ops 49) are required.
Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding insignia. Each insignia also will add the listed number of Heroism points.
- Assault Rifle Specialist: Reach the maximum level for all Assault Rifles (+2,500 Heroism Points).
- Base Master: Win 50 matches under Base (BASE Heroism Points) rules (+2,500 Heroism Points).
- Capture Pro: Win 50 matches under Capture (CAP Heroism Points) rules (+2,500 Heroism Points).
- CO-OP In Specialist: ,250 CO-OP Ins (+500 Heroism Points).
- CO-OPS Specialist Rank A: Camaraderie of 1,000,000 (+12,000 Heroism Points).
- CO-OPS Specialist Rank B: Camaraderie of 500,000 (+5,500 Heroism Points).
- CO-OPS Specialist Rank C: Camaraderie of 250,000 (+1,500 Heroism Points).
- Codename Collection Specialist Rank A: Receive all codenames (+20,000 Heroism Points).
- Codename Collection Specialist Rank B: Receive 50% of all codenames (+7,250 Heroism Points).
- Codename Collection Specialist Rank C: Receive 10% of all codenames (+1,000 Heroism Points).
- CQC Master Rank A: Use CQC over 1,000 times (+5,000 Heroism Points).
- CQC Master Rank B: Use CQC over 500 times (+2,500 Heroism Points).
- CQC Master Rank C: Use CQC over 100 times (+500 Heroism Points).
- Deathmatch Master: Win 50 matches under Deathmatch rules (+2,500 Heroism Points).
- Explosives Specialist: Reach the maximum level for all placeable weapons (+2,500 Heroism Points).
- Fulton Recovery Specialist Rank A: Perform Fulton Recoveries on 1,000 people (+2,500 Heroism Points).
- Fulton Recovery Specialist Rank B: Perform Fulton Recoveries on 500 people (+1,250 Heroism Points).
- Fulton Recovery Specialist Rank C: Perform Fulton Recoveries on 100 people (+250 Heroism Points).
- Grenade Specialist: Reach the maximum level for all throwing weapons (+2,500 Heroism Points).
- Handgun Specialist: Reach the maximum level for all handguns (+2,500 Heroism Points).
- Headshot Master Rank A: 1,000 Headshots (+5,000 Heroism Points).
- Headshot Master Rank B: ,500 Headshots (+2,500 Heroism Points).
- Headshot Master Rank C: 100 Headshots (+500 Heroism Points).
- Hold-Up Master Rank A: Hold up 500 enemy soldiers (+10,000 Heroism Points).
- Hold-Up Master Rank B: Hold up 250 enemy soldiers (+5,000 Heroism Points).
- Hold-Up Master Rank C: Hold up 100 enemy soldiers (+1,000 Heroism Points).
- Insignia Collection Specialist Rank A: Receive all Insignias (+20,000 Heroism Points).
- Insignia Collection Specialist Rank B: Receive 10% of all Insignias (+7,250 Heroism Points).
- Insignia Collection Specialist Rank C: Receive 10% of all Insignias (+1,000 Heroism Points).
- Item Creator: Develop all items (+1,000 Heroism Points).
- Machine Gun Specialist: Reach the maximum level for all MGs (+2,500 Heroism Points).
- Master of Non-Lethal Force Rank A: Successfully complete 200 missions without killing anyone (+5,000 Heroism Points).
- Master of Non-Lethal Force Rank B: Successfully complete 100 missions without killing anyone (+2,500 Heroism Points).
- Master of Non-Lethal Force Rank C: Successfully complete 50 missions without killing anyone (+500 Heroism Points).
- Mech Hunting Specialist: Capture all mechs (+1,000 Heroism Points).
- Medic Master Rank A: Combined total of 200 CPR Rescues, Rescue Box Uses, and Battle Cry Uses (+500 Heroism Points).
- Medic Master Rank B: Combined total of 100 CPR Rescues, Rescue Box Uses, and Battle Cry Uses (+500 Heroism Points).
- Medic Master Rank C: Combined total of 50 CPR Rescues, Rescue Box Uses, and Battle Cry Uses (+500 Heroism Points).
- Missile Specialist: Reach the maximum level for all missile and rocket weapons (+2,500 Heroism Points).
- Mission Completion Pro: Successfully complete over 500 missions (+3,000 Heroism Points).
- Mission Completion Specialist Rank A: Successfully complete all missions with “Rank S” in both Single and Co-Op modes (+10,000 Heroism Points).
- Mission Completion Specialist Rank B: Successfully complete all missions with “Rank A” or better in both Single and Co-Op modes (+5,000 Heroism Points).
- Mission Completion Specialist Rank C: Successfully complete all Missions in both Single and Co-Ops (+2,500 Heroism Points).
- Monster Hunting Specialist Rank A: Hunt 200 monsters (+2,500 Heroism Points).
- Monster Hunting Specialist Rank B: Hunt 100 monsters (+1,250 Heroism Points).
- Monster Hunting Specialist Rank C: Hunt 50 monsters (+250 Heroism Points).
- Mother Base Development Specialist: Improve Mother Base to the final stage of development (+1,000 Heroism Points).
- Mother Base master: Awarded for Pursuing all development at Mother Base to the final stage (+5,000 Heroism Points).
- Naked Enthusiast: Successfully complete 200 missions naked (+500 Heroism Points).
- No-Recovery Master Rank A: Successfully complete 200 missions without using recovery items (+5,000 Heroism Points).
- No-Recovery Master Rank B: Successfully complete 100 missions without using recovery items (+2,500.
- No-Recovery Master Rank C: Successfully complete 50 missions without using recovery items (+500 Heroism Points).
- OUTER OPS Specialist Rank A: Successfully complete 100% of Outer Ops missions (+5,000 Heroism Points).
- OUTER OPS Specialist Rank B: Successfully complete 50% of Outer Ops missions (+2,500 Heroism Points).
- OUTER OPS Specialist Rank C: Successfully complete 25% of Outer Ops missions (+500 Heroism Points).
- Parts Recovery Specialist Rank A: Collect 49 Mech Parts (+2,500 Heroism Points).
- Parts Recovery Specialist Rank B: Collect 30 Mech Parts (+1,250 Heroism Points).
- Parts Recovery Specialist Rank C: Collect 15 Mech Parts (+250 Heroism Points).
- Shotgun Specialist: Reach the maximum level for all shotguns (+2,500 Heroism Points).
- Snake Formation Specialist: Get 250 Snake Ins (+1,250 Heroism Points).
- Sniper Rifle Specialist: Reach the maximum level for all sniper rifles (+2,500 Heroism Points).
- Stealth Master Rank A: Successfully complete 100 missions without being spotted by the enemy (+5,000 Heroism Points).
- Stealth Master Rank B: Successfully complete 50 missions without being spotted by the enemy (+2,500 Heroism Points).
- Stealth Master Rank C: Successfully complete 25 missions without being spotted by the enemy (+500 Heroism Points).
- Stun Rod Specialist: Reach the maximum level for the stun rod (+200 Heroism Points).
- Submachine Gun Specialist: Reach the maximum level for all SMGs (+2,500 Heroism Points).
- Sync Specialist: Get 250 Snake Syncs (+2,500 Heroism Points).
- Team Deathmatch Master: Win 50 matches under Team Deathmatch rules (+2,500 Heroism Points).
- VS Battle Master Rank A: Perform 500 kills, sleeps, and knockouts in VS mode (+250 Heroism Points).
- VS Battle Master Rank B: Perform 250 kills, sleeps, and knockouts in VS mode (+250 Heroism Points).
- VS Battle Master Rank C: Perform 100 kills, sleeps, and knockouts in VS mode (+250 Heroism Points).
- VS Enthusiast Rank A: Play 250 VS matches (+2,500 Heroism Points).
- VS Enthusiast Rank B: Play 100 VS matches (+1,250 Heroism Points).
- VS Enthusiast Rank C: Play 50 VS matches (+250 Heroism Points).
- VS Fulton Recovery Specialist Rank A: Perform 100 Fulton Recoveries in VS mode (+2,500 Heroism Points).
- VS Fulton Recovery Specialist Rank B: Perform 50 Fulton Recoveries in VS mode (+1,250 Heroism Points).
- VS Fulton Recovery Specialist Rank C: Perform 10 Fulton Recoveries in VS mode (+250 Heroism Points).
- VS Master Rank A: Win 200 VS matches (+2,500 Heroism Points).
- VS Master Rank B: Win 100 VS matches (+1,250 Heroism Points).
- VS Master Rank C: Win 50 VS matches (+250 Heroism Points).
- VS Rookie: Successfully complete your first battle in a VS game (+50 Heroism Points).
- WAC Coordinator: Form an all-female MSF team (+2,500 Heroism Points).
- Weapon Creator: Develop all weapons (+1,000 Heroism Points).
- Weapon Master: Reach the maximum level for all weapons (+5,000 Heroism Points).
Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding codename:
- Ant: Frequently use short-range weapons and favor cooperation with allies to take down enemies with non-lethal force.
- Bear: Frequently use CQC and favor taking down enemies with non-lethal force.
- Bee: Frequently use short-range weapons and favor cooperation with allies to eliminate enemies with lethal force.
- Butterfly: Frequently use short-range weapons and favor taking down enemies with non-lethal force.
- Cat: Frequently use medium-range weapons and favor taking down enemies with non-lethal force.
- Deer: Frequently use medium-range weapons and favor cooperation with allies to take down enemies with non-lethal force.
- Doberman: Battle to the end using all sorts of weapons and cooperating with allies to eliminate enemies with lethal force.
- Eel: Frequently use stun rods and favor taking down enemies with non-lethal force.
- Firefly: Frequently use stun rods and favor cooperation with allies to take down enemies with non-lethal force.
- Fox: Battle to the end using all sorts of weapons to take down enemies with non-lethal force.
- Foxhound: Battle to the end using all sorts of weapons and favor cooperation with allies to take down enemies with non-lethal force.
- Gull: Frequently use long-range weapons and favor cooperation with allies to take down enemies with non-lethal force.
- Hawk: Frequently use long-range weapons and favor eliminating enemies with lethal force.
- Hound: Battle to the end using all sorts of weapons to eliminate enemies with lethal force.
- Kangaroo: Frequently use CQC and favor cooperation with allies to take down enemies with non-lethal force.
- Octopus: Frequently use weapons with explosive power and favor taking down enemies with non-lethal force.
- Orca: Frequently use weapons with explosive power and favor eliminating enemies with lethal force.
- Piranha: Frequently use weapons with explosive power and favor cooperating with allies to eliminate enemies with lethal force.
- Puma: Frequently use medium-range weapons and favor eliminating enemies with lethal force.
- Raven: Frequently use long-range weapons and favor cooperating with allies to eliminate enemies with lethal force.
- Scorpion: Frequently use short-range weapons and favor eliminating enemies with lethal force.
- Swallow: Frequently use long-range weapons and favor taking down enemies with non-lethal force.
- Whale: Frequently use weapons with explosive power and favor cooperating with allies to take down enemies with non-lethal force.
- Wolf: Frequently use medium-range weapons and favor cooperating with allies to eliminate enemies with lethal force.
Recruiting Hideo Kojima
During the interactive cutscene in the “Infiltrate The Crater Base” mission, select the truck with the license plate “Centro America 63824 Peace Sentinel” to be able to recruit Hideo Kojima.
“Love Deterrence” song
View all of Paz’s Diary entries. You will find out her final wish was to sing for the members of MSF and unlock the “Love Deterrence” (Koi No Yokushi Ryoku) song in the soundtrack.
Seeing women in their underwear
Get an “S” rank on the “Date With Paz” mission to see her in her underwear. Additionally, go to the “Staff Management” screen at Mother Base. Look for Amanda, Dr. Strangelove, and Cecile, then press Y(2) to see them in their underwear.
Paz’s diary
Defeat the harder versions of the A.I. Bosses. You can find the diary tapes inside the A.I. pods when you collect the boards.
Defeating Pupa
This trick requires the Law or RPG, M16, rations, and supply marker. Wait until Pupa stops, then fire a rocket at the large cylinder console on its front. To avoid the electric shots, do not stop moving. When it launches its lighting rods, take out a few near you with the M16, then lay flat on the ground until the lighting stops and keep firing. If you are running low on rations and/or ammunition, use the supply marker to call in more. Once it is destroyed, fire a rocket at the hatch on top of its head. You need to take the “programs”; it does not matter which ones you take out.
Accomplish the indicated achievement to get the corresponding number of Gamerscore points:
- Vic Boss (50 points): Clear every achievement.
- MAIN OPS All Rank S (30 points): Clear all MAIN OPS missions at Rank S.
- EXTRA OPS All Cleared (20 points): Clear all EXTRA OPS missions.
- EXTRA OPS All Rank A (30 points): Clear all EXTRA OPS missions at Rank A or higher.
- EXTRA OPS All Rank S (50 points): Clear all EXTRA OPS missions at Rank S.
- Big Boss (50 points): Clear all MAIN OPS and EXTRA OPS missions at Rank S.
- Fulton Recovery Veteran (10 points): Reach 300 or more Fulton recoveries.
- Hold-Up Artist (10 points): Reach at least 100 hold-ups.
- Lethal Enforcer (10 points): Reach at least 100 kills.
- Stun Specialist (10 points): Reach at least 100 stun attacks.
- Costume Collector (30 points): Obtain every costume.
- Special Staff Recruiter (20 points): Assemble all special staff members.
- Hideo Kojima (10 points): Recruit Hideo Kojima.
- Mech Catcher (10 points): Capture a mech.
- Paz’s Thoughts (20 points): Read all of Paz’s diary.
- Huey’s Thoughts (10 points): Read Huey’s love letter.
- Strangelove’s Thoughts (10 points): Read all of Strangelove’s memoirs.
- Monster Hunter (20 points): Clear all hunting quests.
- CQC Six Shot (20 points): Perform CQC six times in a row.
- Leap of Faith (10 points): Perform a Leap of Faith and obtain the Assassin’s Straw Box.
- I feel… safe (10 points): Put on a cardboard box.
- Indirect Attack (10 points): Attack enemy soldiers by blowing up an oil drum or truck (single player only).
- OUTER OPS Sortie (10 points): Carry out a mission in OUTER OPS.
- Elite Forces (30 points): Clear “Capture the Enemy Base 06” in OUTER OPS using only soldiers.
- Trader (10 points): Carry out a trade.
- Deliverer (20 points): Exchange items back and forth with another player using Delivery.
- Paz Mania (20 points): Obtain Rank S on a date with Paz.
- Kaz Mania (20 points): Obtain Rank S on a date with Kaz.
- That looks tasty! (10 points): Nicely cook a ration.
- VERSUS OPS All Rules (10 points): Play using all of the rules in VERSUS OPS.
- Divine Wind (20 points): Collect a soldier using a divine wind.
Additionally, there are 19 secret achievements:
- An Army Without Borders (10 points): Cleared Prologue: An Army Without Borders.
- A Country Without An Army (10 points): Cleared Chapter 1: A Country Without An Army.
- The Phantom Hero (10 points): Cleared Chapter 2: The Phantom Hero.
- A Nation Reborn (10 points): Cleared Chapter 3: A Nation Reborn.
- The Illusion of Peace (10 points): Cleared Chapter 4: The Illusion of Peace.
- Outer Heaven (10 points): Cleared Chapter 5: Outer Heaven.
- MAIN OPS All Rank A (20 points): Cleared all MAIN OPS missions at Rank A or higher.
- Failed again, did you? (10 points): Reached 50 or more game overs.
- There’s nothing else you can do? (10 points): Rolled 100 times or more in a single mission.
- Gives me infinite ammo (30 points): Never worry about running out of bullets ever again.
- Stealth camouflage (30 points): Never worry about being detected ever again.
- Kuwabara, Kuwabara (10 points): Listened to radio near ghost.
- I’m dead serious (10 points): Threw a chaff grenade at ZEKE (single player only).
- You’re pretty good (20 points): Shot enemy right in the middle of the rear end.
- Launched ZEKE (20 points): Completed Metal Gear ZEKE.
- Completed ZEKE (50 points): Customized ZEKE’s head parts and foot parts with special AI weapon parts.
- Vic Vos (50 points): Reached a total of 20,000 or more Camaraderie.
- Basilisk Eater (30 points): Defeated Pupa, Chrysalis, Cocoon, Peace Walker.
- Steel Eater (50 points): Defeated all AI weapons.
The image featured at the top of this post is ©Square Enix.