Splendid in Social Situations
Metroid Prime: Federation Force was destined to be divisive. It’s a Metroid game that doesn’t star Samus Aran. It’s a multiplayer-focused title on a system where most people prefer or are forced to go solo. The Blast Ball mode is arriving on the heels of Rocket League and is destined to be compared to it, even though it isn’t a totally similar experience. People are going to be coming in with opinions . That’s a shame, because this is a quite the enjoyable game, provided it’s played properly.
Every player in Metroid Prime: Federation Force is a new member of the Galactic Federation’s marines. It’s a role our icon, Samus, once held. As a new recruit, you’re dispatched to the Bermuda region, where you’ll undertake about 30 missions on three desolate and (allegedly) empty worlds. There’s the icy Excelcion, the ruin-filled Bion, and the technologically advanced Talvania. Each one offers its own sort of sensitive situations for a soldier like yourself to solve.
Metroid Prime: Federation Force isn’t big on story, instead offering self-contained adventures in each mission. Yet, each of these three worlds is quite well defined. When you arrive on one for a mission, you can find computer stations set up to deliver insightful lore about the location and possible denizens or pieces of equipment you’ll encounter. Each one feels set up for certain situations. The Bermuda region’s worlds inject personality into a game that otherwise lacks a cast of actual characters.
While pirates can appear on each world, it feels like Excelcion is there for dealing with wildlife, as the first few missions have you clearing out a minor infestation and trapping Ice Titans. Bion offers challenges that make you think, such as blasting orbs to openings to unlock doors or using equipment to destroy obstacles and create paths. Talvania offers more electronic and mechanical challenges, and can do things like send you scavenging for keys or dealing with rogue equipment. It lends atmosphere and overarching themes to a game that could otherwise have been very scattered. Instead, everything works well together, offering connections that I appreciated as I continued through the adventure.
Speaking of working well, Metroid Prime: Federation Force offers quite the competent control scheme. Players can choose from standard or motion controls. I was using a New Nintendo 3DS and was impressed by how well it lent itself to the game. Most of the triggers are used for weaponry, allowing you to target enemies and allies or fire primary or auxiliary weapons. The circle pad moves your marine, while the left trigger lets you jump and hover over brief distances. X shuffles auxiliary ammo, while the circle nub controls the camera and allows for more precise aiming. It’s incredibly comfortable and allows for the sort of exact movements that ensure you’ll hit specific weak points in enemies’ armor. The tutorial takes the time to go over each of these elements so that, after the about five-minute introduction, you’re ready to handle anything.
The social elements are rather impressive as well. Metroid Prime: Federation Force is all about working with a team of four to accomplish your goals. You can map the four most common phrases you’ll find yourself saying to the directional pad, which is handy. While preparing for a match, preset phrases allow you to alert people as to your auxiliary loadouts and plans for the mission. Once you’ve touched down on a planet, it’s possible to switch the touch screen view to check on your allies’ health, pinpoint their locations on a map, or choose from the predetermined phrases you didn’t map to issue directions, ask for aid, or comment on the situation. The ability to use the 3DS’ microphone would have improved the situation even further, but the options provided are competent enough.
Which is good, because you’re going to want to play Metroid Prime: Federation Force with friends. While it is possible to go it alone, you don’t want to. Trust me on this. I went through missions by myself, because I was having problems finding someone to work with, and it wasn’t pleasant. The mission time goals were clearly set with at least a two-person team in mind, as I never came close to meeting those times when tackling certain puzzles or some tedious boss fights solo. They’re set up so that efficiency demands you be in two, three, or even four places at once, and that just isn’t possible if you’re playing by yourself. The optional drones you can equip hover around your character and only supply a very minor amount of additional firepower, not the intelligence needed to properly accomplish certain tasks. If you can find at least one other person to play with, Metroid Prime: Federation Force is a much improved affair.
The same sentiment applies to Blast Ball, a soccer-inspired mini-game that divides people into two teams of three and tasks them with using their blasters to shoot the ball into the opposing team’s goal. People may liken it to Rocket League , due to the number of players participating and the ability to temporarily disable opponents, but this is a more deliberate and slightly slower affair. Whereas Rocket League requires constant motion and can encourage chaotic maneuvers, positioning is more important in Blast Ball. Your movements and actions are precise, allowing you an earlier opportunity to exercise more exact shots. I especially appreciated that the techniques I learned there could be applied to some puzzle segments in the main campaign.
Metroid Prime: Federation Force isn’t what you expect when you think of a game carrying the Metroid name. It’s a more freeform experience that encourages you to gather together friends, either locally or online, and cooperatively carry out missions of varying degrees of complexity and difficulty. In the right conditions, it can be wonderful. Find at least one friendly face and you’ll make the galaxy a better place. But, space is cruel to those who choose to go it alone. If you know at least one other person who’ll join the force with you, say “Oorah” and head into battle.
The Bermuda Region’s three worlds all look and feel distinct, giving a nice sense of diversity as we carry out an array of varying missions. 4.5 Control
Metroid Prime: Federation Force’s New Nintendo 3DS control schemes are absolutely perfect, allowing you to comfortably fight monsters and pirates. 3.0 Music / Sound FX / Voice Acting
The soundtrack isn’t amazing, but the sound effects add an appropriate amount of ambiance. Also, players can choose from male and female voices for their marines. 4.0 Play Value
Metroid Prime: Federation Force is a great amount of fun with friends, and the ability to earn three medals in missions and collect mods encourages you to revisit completed areas. 4.0 Overall Rating – Great
Not an average. See Rating legend below for a final score breakdown.
Review Rating Legend | |||
0.1 – 1.9 = Avoid | 2.5 – 2.9 = Average | 3.5 – 3.9 = Good | 4.5 – 4.9 = Must Buy |
2.0 – 2.4 = Poor | 3.0 – 3.4 = Fair | 4.0 – 4.4 = Great | 5.0 = The Best |
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