



Microsoft Buys PlayFab

Microsoft Buys PlayFab

Microsoft has purchased a company by the name of PlayFab. If you haven’t heard of them, don’t feel bad. Their entire goal is to be seen and not heard. What I mean by this is that PlayFab’s purpose is to handle cloud-connected features for video games. Microsoft has bought PlayFab in an attempt to lighten their development load so they can focus on creating games.

PlayFab was created in 2014 by James Gwertzman to fill a niche in the video game industry. Developers and publishers are expected to have more cloud-based features in video games, and that detracts from their regular development time. With companies like PlayFab in the game, developers can take the time they would be using for cloud-based content creation and focus it elsewhere. PlayFab’s systems are already integrated into games like Roller Coaster Tycoon Touch and Angry Birds: Seasons .

With their purchase by Microsoft, it’s clear that PlayFab has made it to the big leagues. The parent company may use PlayFab on bigger titles. Systems like in-game development and achievement analytics could created and integrated by PlayFab. The same will be true of other cloud systems like tournaments. Hopefully this pairing allows Microsoft to make even better games with all the cloud content we like to see.

Source: Engadget

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