



Windows 8 Getting Agawi Cloud gaming

Windows 8 Getting Agawi Cloud gaming

Microsoft has recently announced that it has signed a deal with company Agawi to bring their cloud gaming service to Windows 8.

Agawi stands for “Any Game. AnyWhere. Instantly,” and like other cloud gaming services, it allows users to stream games without actually hosting data on their computer. Agawi seems to be developed for social games and browser-based MMOs primarily, but it also seems capable of handling some AAA titles.

According to Microsoft VP Walid Abu-Hadba, this will help game developers focus their efforts on game development rather than compatibility testing. Since the hardware that will be running the game will be Microsoft standard, all game developers have to do is make sure it runs on those specs to make it play just fine on any Agawi system.

Microsoft also says that we can expect AAA titles dropping in the coming months for Windows 8. We will have to wait and see if the system ends up working as well as Microsoft hopes.

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