While the title of this particular news piece features the word “explains,” you may find that what Microsoft offers up in this regard is much less of an explanation and more of an excuse.
The PlayStation 4 is outselling the Xbox One by a HUGE margin (and the gap only continues to grow). So what is contributing to this ever-widening lead that Sony has over Microsoft? The Xbox 360. Yeah, you heard me right. Apparently there are those at Microsoft who think they did such a great job on their previous console, gamers simply don’t consider their next-gen tech all that vital.
If you’re like me, you’re probably shaking your head right now. But this was one of the reasons that chief marketing and strategy officer Yusuf Mehdi recently gave as to why the Xbox One is falling behind its next-gen counterpart. “People have been more satisfied with the Xbox 360 than the PS3, so in that respect people have less of a need to upgrade in the short-term due to regular updates for the Xbox 360.” He states.
Not buying that? How about this one: Mehdi also contributes the lack luster sales to the sheer volume of consoles Sony has been able to disperse around the globe. Pointing to the wider reach their competitor has, Medi says the PS4 is “in many more markets right now than we are. They’re in 40+ markets, we’re in 13.”
Let’s hope the redesigned Xbox (with its lower price tag) will help boost Microsoft’s next-gen sales. That way we won’t need to put Medi through ginning up these types of poor excuses in the press anymore.