



More DUST 514 Codes Available In PlayStation Home

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More DUST 514 Codes Available In PlayStation Home


DUST 514, the multiplayer shooter cousin of EVE Online, is going into closed beta, and you still have time to get into it.

If you happened to stop by the virtual E3 booth in PlayStation Home last week, DUST 514 was one of the biggest attractions, where Sony was giving away beta codes for the game to anyone who is interested. Luckily enough, not all the beta codes were given out, and so you still have a chance to get your own if you are interested.

All you have to do is log onto PlayStation Home and make your way to The Event Horizon Lounge. Talk to the bartender in the lounge and she will give you some info on the game, then direct you to a recruiter who will give you your beta code. It’s kind of like a real world fetch quest, in a video game. This is getting too meta for me.

If you want to stick around the Event Horizon Lounge you can also play Slay, a tabletop war game. Winning a game of Slay will get you a free DUST 514 Mercenary Dropsuit outfit for your PS Home Avatar.

By Angelo M. D’Argenio

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