



Multiple Leaks Confirm World War I Settling for Battlefield

Multiple Leaks Confirm World War I Settling for Battlefield

It looks like DICE is wanting to branch out with its next military shooter, just like Infinity Ward. For Infinity Ward, the answer was clear: the next frontier was to be the final frontier of space. DICE has opted for a more retro vibe, and it looks like Battlefield 1 (the name was just leaked ) could be going back to World War I on October 18. Believe it or not, there’s never been a WWI era Battlefield game. We’ve played Battlefield games that focus on WWII, Vietnam, future warfare, and even a cops and robbers concept, but the franchise has never put players through “the war to end all wars.”

Speculation about a WWI setting has been rampant, but today it’s a leaked image (pictured above) that surfaced just hours before DICE streams its big reveal that seems to confirm our suspicions. In the image we see what is likely a WWI-era soldier. In his hand is the famous Bergmann-Bayard pistol, probably a model 1910, which is probably the most recognizable German military pistol alongside the Luger. In his left hand the solider grips what I thought at first to be a stick grenade, but after seeing the wrist-strap it’s quite obviously a trench club. Trench clubs were commonly used in WWI as primitive-yet-effective melee weapons in the trenches, often used to finish off enemies who had been incapacitated. Of course the huge zeppelin in the background is another giveaway, as Germany was infamous for its constant (albeit relatively ineffective) use of zeppelins for airstrikes. At any rate, we’ll get the official confirmation after the reveal event , which takes place today at 4 PM EST.

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