



Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare…the Best FPS of 2016?

Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare…the Best FPS of 2016?

Let me begin by empathizing with the haters to a degree. I know why y’all are mad. We all do, because you show up to every news article and trailer for Infinite Warfare and crap all over the comments section to let us know exactly what you think. Your sentiments, as far as I can tell, might be expressed like this:

Infinite Warfare looks like the same old crap. We’re tired of futuristic shooters, and we’re ready for something totally new (like WWI?). The reveal trailer for Infinite Warfare was garbage, and Infinity Ward knows that the game can’t stand on its own. That’s why they’re releasing Modern Warfare Remastered at the same time, and – how pathetic – they’re forcing us all to buy Infinite Warfare in order to play Modern Warfare Remastered . R.I.P. Infinite Warfare , Battlefield 1 is going to eat your lunch.

I’d say that about sums it up, and rather modestly. Here’s the thing, though: those arguments don’t amount to much. How many RPGs have we seen with a high-fantasy setting? The list of RPGs with castles, horses, swords, armor, and magic is almost endless, yet The Witcher 3 still got everyone excited. The reveal trailer for Infinite Warfare was weak, but the E3 trailer was incredible. Infinity Ward made the absolutely brilliant call to not give away the game until the very end; they knew if their logo or the game’s name came up at the beginning, everyone would dismiss the footage no matter how incredible it was. Everyone was duly excited by the trailer, and several critics were left eating crow after discovering the game they were slobbering over was Infinite Warfare . It looks fantastic.

I can almost understand the outrage over Modern Warfare Remastered being locked behind the Infinite Warfare pay-wall. This is something we’ve been wanting for so long, and it looks so good. Seriously, If you haven’t seen the new gameplay footage from the “Crew Expendable” mission, you have to see it to believe it. Raven has done an incredible job recreating this game; it looks brand new, and the lighting effects are some of the best I’ve seen on the PS4. And Modern Warfare ‘s multiplayer defined an entire generation of online, competitive shooters. The fact that we can look forward to that inspiring multiplayer experience on new, clean servers and modern platforms is a dream come true.

Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare…the Best FPS of 2016?

But you guys need to understand that Infinity Ward and Activision didn’t have to make this remaster at all. This is something they’re doing to make money, and it’s something they’re doing to please fans. As far as I’m concerned, bundling the two games together accomplishes both of those goals. It’s only an extra $20, people. I guaran-damn-tee you that if Infinity Ward released Modern Warfare Remastered as a standalone game for $40, most of you would buy it. If you take into account the fact that many of you will be getting 20% off with Amazon Prime or Best Buy’s GCU, it all comes out to about $60 after all. This is a huge value, especially if you’ll toss your preconceived notions and biases, and admit that Infinite Warfare actually looks like fun.

Finally, there’s no “R.I.P. Infinite Warfare .” That’s just nonsense. Every new Call of Duty game is always crapped on, but they regularly go on to sell tens of millions of copies. Black Ops 3 featured that same, boring, futuristic setting, and it was the best-selling game of 2015. Battlefield is a wonderful series (that I actually love!), but it will never sell as well as Call of Duty . Battlefield 1 is going to be amazing, and I hope it sells really well, but I wouldn’t count on it holding a candle to Infinite Warfare ‘s sales.

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