



Ex-Ininity Ward CEO Has Words for Modern Warfare Remaster

Ex-Ininity Ward CEO Has Words for Modern Warfare Remaster

I’m seriously considering funding some kind of graduate study at a research college to figure out why hating on the newest Call of Duty game seems to be so popular. Every single time a new Call of Duty is announced it gets crapped on from all sides, but goes on to become a huge success. You’ve all probably seen the picture of that huge Steam community formed to boycott Modern Warfare 2 , where all of the constituent members’ statuses reflect that they’re in-game playing Modern Warfare 2 . I expect it’s with that same quality of faux zeal that everyone is hoping for Ininite Warfare and Modern Warfare Remastered to fail.

Vince Zampella, the former CEO of Infinity Ward, has given the folks at Raven Software, who are responsible for the Modern Warfare Remastered , some less-than-helpful advice. “I told them – don’t f*ck it up. That’s my on the record response. I rang them up and said, honestly, don’t f*ck it up. It’s a huge part of people’s gaming memories.” Zampella, who co-founded Respawn Entertainment, was fired from Infinity Ward for insubordination, which led to one of the game industry’s most notorious professional squabbles. He’s not wrong, though. Modern Warfare is a huge part of the modern FPS DNA, and expectations for the remaster are sky-high. It’s probably safe to assume that most are looking forward to diving into Modern Warfare Remastered ‘s multiplayer more than they are playing through Infinite Warfare , so let’s hope Raven takes Zampella’s advice to heart.

Source: WCCF Tech

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