



MX vs. ATV Supercross Encore Out Now on Xbox One

MX vs. ATV Supercross Encore Out Now on Xbox One

Roaring motors, dirt flying, big air, and gnarly wipeouts… It’s Supercross, baby, and it’s never looked better. Developer Rainbow Studios and Publisher Nordic Games have partnered with BlitWorks for the release of MX vs. ATV Supercross Encore , which is now available on Xbox One for $29.99. Encore improves upon its predecessor in almost every way with improved visuals, a new mode (Rhythm Racing), extra races, more tracks, seamless online play, and revamped driving physics for better control. Whether you loved the original or are looking for the perfect excuse to jump in, this is your chance to kick up some fresh dirt on the Xbox One.

Exclusive to the Xbox One version of MX vs. ATV Supercross Encore are six brand new tracks – two Supercross, two Nationals, and two Waypoing – in a huge, open world environment. Though this is a fan favorite, newcomers need not feel intimidated, as Encore includes a number of comprehensive tutorials with pro tips for beginners. You can score your copy today; MX vs. ATV Supercross Encore is available in stores as well as digitally on the Xbox Live Games Store.

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