



New Skylanders SuperChargers Unveiled

New Skylanders SuperChargers Unveiled

The next Skylanders has finally been unveiled, and the new gimmick which will change the game around has come with it. The game is called Skylanders: SuperChargers , and the gimmick is vehicles.

SuperChargers will introduce land, sky, and sea vehicles to the series for the first time. Unlike scripted vehicle segments from other Skylanders games, these vehicles will be able to be summoned into the game via a portal, just like any other Skylanders figure. By using these vehicles in certain areas, players will be able to access content that they otherwise wouldn’t be able to if they simply went on foot. In addition, if you pair the right Skylander with the right vehicle, they will get new attacks and abilities.

Superchargers will introduce 20 new vehicle toys and twenty new Skylanders figures when it launches this September. It will be available on all current generation and last generation consoles and will also be available for mobile and PC platforms.

Source: Activision

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