



New Zerg Race for Starcraft II Announced by Blizzard

New Zerg Race for Starcraft II Announced by Blizzard


Blizzard has launched a section on their Starcraft II website detailing a new race called the Zerg. As of right now only two units, the Hydralisk and the Mutalisk, have been officially revealed. However, early rumor reports translated from Korean by blizzplanet.com detail six other units.

Blizzard info:


Type: Medium Assault Warrior

Core Genus: Slothien

Primary Attack: Needle Spines

The peaceful herbivore herds of slothien were assimilated into the zerg Swarm to produce one of the fiercest and most diabolical of the zerg strains. The evolutionary matrix of the caterpillar-like slothien was supercharged by the Overmind, twisting the hapless creatures into the nightmarish killers known as hydralisks. These once mild creatures now hunger for blood and violence, and they are infamous for acting in a particularly savage fashion.


Type: Medium Attack Flyer

Core Genus: Mantis Screamer

Primary Attack: Glave Wurm

The mutalisk has been little changed from its original form, the roving mantis screamer of the desolate Dinares sector. In their original forms these creatures were capable of atmospheric and deep-space flight, although how they accomplished such a feat is poorly understood. Apparently they were even capable of migrating between stars, presumably while in some kind of larval form.

Blizzplanet info:


Upgrades from the Overlord and now has an attack. The Overlord doesn’t have detection. You must upgrade to Overseer in order to gain detection of burrowed and invisible enemy units. However, the detection range has been increased.


The queen is a vastly different unit. She has the powerful ability to control Zerg base defense. The queen can create special structures and extend creep. It has the ability to create toxic creep. And it can make buildings regenerate faster. You can only create one Queen at a time on the map. It has an ability named Deep Tunnel which allows it to move to any hatchery spread on the map.


The roach is a very fast moving unit with 90 hit points that recovers health quickly. Requires sustained damage to effectively kill it.


The infestor replaces the defiler. It can cast dark swarm. It may move toward the enemy while burrowed. Disease seems to mimic the Science Vessel’s irradiation. The Infestor can infest any building including barracks.


The corruptor attacks air units. Instead of destroying them, it “corrupts” them possessing the enemy unit. It can cause a large group of units to fight each other, quickly turning the tide of the battle.

Swarm Guardian

The swarm guardian is much like the original guardian, but it can now also create broodlings and has a longer range of attack.

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