



Nintendo Left Missingno in Pokemon Red and Blue

Nintendo Left Missingno in Pokemon Red and Blue

Pokemon Red and Blue are coming to the Nintendo 3DS eShop on February 27, 2016. They’re both experiencing some tweaks, such as the ability to connect wirelessly to another copy on a different 3DS, but some things remain the same. By which I mean, you can still encounter MissingNo.

MissingNo was a glitched Pokemon in the original Pokemon Red and Blue. An easy way to encounter, or even catch, him was to set your name to ASH, talk to the old man who teaches you to catch Pokemon in Viridian City and say you aren’t in a hurry. Fly to Cinnabar Island after his demonstration. Surf to Cinnabar’s east coast. If you keep surfing along the coastline, you’ll eventually fight MissingNo. Doing so increases the sixth item in your inventory, causes a glitch in the Hall of Fame, and may give you a chance to catch him.

As shown in this video from someone who already has the Virtual Console port of Pokemon Blue , MissingNo is still there.

So, who’s catching MissingNo in Pokemon Red or Blue again this weekend?

Source: YouTube

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