



Pokemon Yellow Cheat Codes for Game Boy (GB)

Pokémon Yellow Version: Special Pikachu Edition

Pokemon Yellow Cheat Codes for Game Boy (GB)

Pokemon Yellow is the first definitive release in the Pokemon franchise. Everyone knows that every time a new generation of Pokemon releases, a few years later an extra game will appear that polishes the mechanics of that generation and is sold as the definitive way to experience it. It has been this way since the very beginning with Pokemon Yellow.

Pokemon Yellow was released for the Game Boy in 1998 and towards the end of the Game Boy’s life cycle. Even though it was one of the last games to be released on the Game Boy it still became the second best-selling non-bundled game for the console losing only to Pokemon Blue / Red.

Pokémon Yellow Version: Special Pikachu Edition

Pokemon Yellow Premise

Pokemon Yellow follows the same loved formula that this series has always followed, but with many changes to the foundation set by Pokemon Blue and Red. There were aesthetic changes like a change in color palette, Pokemon sprites, and some trainer sprites. Locations were changed as well, such as Cerulean Cave, and Cinnabar Gym. And finally, the most iconic change was making the Pokemon mascot Pikachu the only Pokemon you can receive at the beginning instead of the normal Bulbasaur, Squirtle, and Charmander.

Pokemon Yellow battle screenshot

Pokemon Yellow Main Characters

  • Red: The player character
  • Professor Oak: The Pokemon professor who gives Red his starter Pokemon.
  • Blue: Professor Oak’s grandson and your rival.
  • Brock: Pewter City’s Gym Leader who specializes in Rock type Pokemon.
  • Misty: Cerulean City’s Gym Leader who specializes in Water type Pokemon.
  • Lt. Surge: Vermilion City’s Gym Leader who specializes in Electric type Pokemon.
  • Erika: Celadon City’s Gym Leader who specializes in Grass type Pokemon.
  • Koga: Fuchsia City Gym Leader who specializes in Poison type Pokemon.
  • Sabrina: Saffron City’s Gym Leader who specializes in Psychic type Pokemon.
  • Blaine: Cinnabar Island’s Gym Leader who specializes in Fire type Pokemon.
  • Giovanni: Viridian City’s Gym Leader and the Boss of Team Rocket. He specializes in Normal type Pokemon.
  • Lorelei: The first member of the Elite Four. She specializes in Water and Ice Type Pokemon.
  • Bruno: The second member of the Elite Four. He specializes in Rock and Fighting Type Pokemon.
  • Agatha: The third member of the Elite Four. She specializes in Poison and Ghost Type Pokemon.
  • Lance: The fourth member of the Elite Four. He specializes in Dragon Type Pokemon.
  • Jessie: Team Rocket member
  • James: Team Rocket member

Other Pokemon Titles In The Series

  • Pokemon Red and Blue (Green in Japan) (1996/1998)
  • Pokemon Yellow: Special Pikachu Edition (1998/1999)
  • Pokemon Gold and Silver (1999/2000)
  • Pokemon Crystal (2000/2001)
  • Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire (2002/2003)
  • Pokemon FireRed and LeafGreen (2004)
  • Pokemon Emerald (2004/2005)
  • Pokemon Diamond and Pearl (2006/2007)
  • Pokemon Platinum (2008/2009)
  • Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver (2009/2010)
  • Pokemon Black and White (2010/2011)
  • Pokemon Black 2 and White 2 (2012)
  • Pokemon X and Y (2013)
  • Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire (2014)
  • Pokemon Sun and Moon (2016)
  • Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon (2017)
  • Pokemon Let’s Go, Pikachu! and Let’s Go, Eevee! (2018)
  • Pokemon Sword and Shield (2019)
  • Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (2021)
  • Pokemon Legends: Arceus (2022)
  • Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (2022)
  • Pokemon Scarlet and Violet: The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero (2023)

Pokemon Yellow Cheat Codes


Alter Toxic Damage

Normally when under the effects of Toxic or “Bad Poisoning”, your Pokemon takes incrementing amounts of damage: 1/16, 1/8, 3/16, and so on, of their max HP. You can negate this by switching out; when the Pokemon returns, it will only be taking a flat 1/8 damage like regular Poisoning.

Beat the Game in 0:00

There is a way to beat the game in zero-second flat. It’s a common glitch that many speedrunners use in their glitch allow any % runs. To do this glitch first, ensure no other save file exists on your game. If it does, you can use the following combination to clear the save file: Hold Up, Select, and B at the title screen. Start a new game and do the usual introduction, but choose “ASH” for your name and “BLUE” for your rival’s. Once you have control, walk downstairs in your house to the tile north of the eastern tile of the entrance mat. Open the menu and then save the game. When you select “YES”, very quickly thereafter (the timing can take several tries), turn off the console mid-save. (The timing is between the text box with “YES”/”NO” disappearing and the save confirmation message changing.)

If done right, you can access your file and go into the Pokemon menu, but it’s blank and extended beyond 6 Pokemon. Grab a Pokemon between slots 1-9 (those immediately on-screen) and swap it with slot 10’s Pokemon. Take slot 11 and switch it with slot 9. Go to your Items menu next, and hold Down until the cursor stops flashing. Hit A and glitch the menu, then hit Down, A, Down, A in that order. Now look down the list for a Master Ball. Go down one more item and press Select. Scroll down until you see another Master Ball, and press Select to swap it with the item you grabbed. Now, toss 68 of that item. Exit the menu and then exit your house to walk straight into the Hall of Fame.

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Boost Leech Seed’s Absorption

Leech Seed is a move well-known for absorbing 1/16 of the target’s HP and healing the user of the move by the same amount. However, you can actually boost this damage through the unintended effects of Toxic. When you use Toxic to Badly Poison a foe, and then use Leech Seed on them, Leech Seed’s damage will also increment: thus, you regain 1/16, then 1/8, then 3/16, then 1/4, and so on, of your HP. Toxic will also be taking effect at this time, dealing the same amount of damage. In other words, you not only regain tons of HP but also double the damage of Toxic, from one point of view.

Bypass Cycling Road Guard

You can get onto the Cycling Road without needing a Bicycle. Simply hold Left while the guard warns you that you must have the Bicycle to enter the Cycling Road. (If you already obtained the Bicycle, this still works if the Bicycle is in the PC.) In doing so, you will bypass the guard; if you continue onto Cycling Road, you’ll still ride a bike.

Drain Move Substitute Glitch

In the Japanese releases of Pokemon Red, Blue, Green, and Yellow, as well as all versions of Pokemon Gold, Silver, and Crystal, there is a glitch involving Substitute — no matter the accuracy of the move, if it is a move that absorbs HP (e.g. Absorb, Giga Drain, Mega Drain), the move will have a 100% chance to miss!

Get 2 level 100 Mews before Misty

You can completely trivialize the game with this glitch and honestly, who doesn’t want two level 100 Mews? First, you must have an Abra in your party. Go up Nugget bridge in Cerulean City and to the left to the trainer facing north. Stand right to his left and make sure he doesn’t see you. Head north until he is off-screen. Go one step east. Step south and pause the game before he has a ! over his head. Use teleport. Fight the first trainer in Cerulean gym and use Growl 6 times. Kill his Pokemon and go back to Nugget Bridge. The game will pause automatically. Press B to find a level 1 Mew. Catch it and put it at the front of your party. Go in tall grass, find a wild Pokemon, and switch Mew with a different Pokemon. Kill the wild Pokemon. Mew will level up to 100. Do this glitch again with the trainer facing north on the route to Bill’s house to get another level 100 Mew.

Have Pikachu instantly like you

When you first start your game, you will have 1 potion in your pc that’s in your room. Get it out. Continue playing the game until you get Pikachu but haven’t battled Gary’s Eevee yet. Use the potion on Pikachu 5 times (even though it won’t have any effect). Fight Gary and WIN. After the battle, when your Pikachu comes out of the Poke ball, he will like you.

Hyper Beam Recharge Perpetuation

This glitch can be executed on Pokemon who have used Hyper Beam and are Frozen during their recharging turn. If you use Haze on this Pokemon, it will thaw out — however, it will always be recharging from its Hyper Beam, meaning it and its Trainer can do nothing until you defeat it. You can capitalize on this with healing across the party, massive stat boosts, and inevitably killing the Pokemon.

Invisible PC

In the Celadon Hotel, you will notice that the graphics and internal structure of the building are much the same as that of a Pokemon Center. There is even a PC here, although it is invisible: it is in the same spot as a normal Pokemon Center along the east wall. The same is also true of some of the Rest Houses in the Safari Zone that have Pokemon Center-like designs. You can interact with this PC as normal to insert and withdraw your Pokemon.

However, take note that if saving is done your actual location will not be saved. This can be used to some degree for sequence-breaking glitches and speed-running by saving in one area by changing PC boxes, and then reloading the file. You’ll have all your progress done as before, but your location will be the same as the file before this save. For example, you can save normally in Pallet Town, then do so in the Celadon Hotel by using its invisible PC. When you reload, you’ll have met all the progress you made between Pallet Town and the Celadon Hotel but will be back in Pallet Town.


This glitch is executed when a Pokemon using Fly or Dig becomes Paralyzed before the turn on which they attack: it is only done by being Paralyzed when you are high up in the air when using Fly. If this occurs, you will be invulnerable. This glitch lasts until your Pokemon uses Fly or Dig again and is successful in doing so, you switch Pokemon, the Pokemon faints, or the battle ends.

Negate Burn/Paralysis Stat Losses

Normally, when Burned, a Pokemon’s Attack stat is halved, and when Paralyzed their Speed is halved. However, if you use Swords Dance (if Burned) or Agility (if Paralyzed), the stat loss is negated. For example, under the intended mechanics, Swords Dance and Burn would return you to normal damage output, but it actually doubles your damage output. The same is true for Speed, Paralysis, and Agility.

Stat Boosting Errors

During the game, you will find that several Gym Badges actually boost your stats, like Attack, specifically with a multiplier of 1.125x; similarly, Burn halves Attack and Paralysis quarters Speed. While not intended to be applied multiple times to the same stat, they can be by affecting other stats. (For example, to stack Attack boosts from the BoulderBadge, get hit by Tail Whip, which affects Defense.) The multipliers get reapplied. You can use this to tank hits from Pokemon that use the moves; an example would be taking three Tail Whips, resulting in a 42.4% boost in Attack from the BoulderBadge. You can also use this to affect the opponent’s stats; for example, if you Burn them, and then hit them with Tail Whip, their Attack is halved a second time! Note, however, that directly affecting the stat you want to stack boosts/losses on — for example, using Growl on a Burned Pokemon, or using Belly Drum while stacking Attack boosts — will nullify the stacking, returning the values to their intended quantities.

Further, when a Pokemon raises its own stat stages, modifiers due to Paralysis or Burn are applied to the opposing Pokemon even though they don’t possess them. For example, if your Pokemon is Burned and uses Double Team to boost evasion, the opponent’s Attack stat gets halved, even though they are not burned.

Struggle Glitch

Normally in Pokemon, the move Struggle (used when a Pokemon is at 0 PP for all moves) is intended to be a typeless move. However, in these games, it is mistakenly coded as a Normal-type move. This means that you can use a Ghost-type Pokemon against them and easily win as they won’t be able to hurt you.

Vending Machine Glitch

Atop the Celadon Dept. Store are several Vending Machines. You can buy Fresh Water, Soda Pop, and Lemonade from them. There is a glitch involving the costs of these items — if you can afford the Fresh Water ($200), but neither of the other two ($300 & $350), you can still buy the latter two items. Your money will deplete to zero afterward.

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Walk Through Walls

First, begin this by going to the Safari Zone in Fuschia. Arrive there with only one Pokemon in your party, and this Pokemon must be Poisoned (PSN). Enter the Safari Zone gatehouse and pay $500 to begin playing. Immediately upon entrance, go back into the gatehouse and, when asked if you wish to leave, say “No.”. Then save the game, reset the console, then reload your save file.

When you reload, begin counting every single step you take — this is very crucial to this glitch. When you reload, go into the Safari Zone building and opt to not play the game. Walk around now and be sure to do so near a ledge. Count until you have taken 499 steps and land the 499th step next to the ledge. (You can also count for 124 flashes of the screen, due to Poisoning, and 3 additional steps.) Heal your Pokemon periodically as well so that they do not faint (keeping the Poison active).

On the 500th step, do it so that you walk off the aforementioned ledge, thereby ending your Safari Game from earlier in mid-air. You will return to the Safari Zone gatehouse. Do not try leaving through the exit or your game will crash! This is why I mentioned keeping Poison active: you have to have your Poisoned Pokemon — your lone Pokemon in the party — faint by walking around due to Poison. You will then return to the last-used Pokemon Center, your Pokemon fully healed — however, there’s a key difference in that you now can walk through walls and across the water — basically anywhere you wish! The effects of this glitch will last until you enter a battle, speak with an NPC, or enter a building.


Get the Diploma

Complete your Pokedex (Mew is optional) and visit the game designer in the Celadon Mansion. He will give you a diploma as a reward.


Get through grassy areas without a single random encounter.

Once you’ve obtained the HM Cut you can use it to teach some of your Pokemon the attack of the same name.

This ability now cannot only be used to cut down certain trees but also to get rid of any grass so you don’t have to bother with any random encounters. When saving and loading or leaving and reentering the area you used to cut in, the grass will have returned.

Level-Based Damage Boost

For reasons unknown, if your Pokemon has a Level that ends in 0, 3, 5, or 8, their damage will be boosted by approximately 3%. Thus, it is possible for you to have Pokemon with the same Attack stat, but because one is Level 98 and the other is Level 99 with slightly lower DVs, the Level 98 one can deal the same or more damage.

Pikachu’s Beach Mini-Game

Use the Pikachu from your Pokemon Yellow in every match in the Tournament mode of Pokemon Stadium. Pikachu should learn Surf. Now go south of Fuschia City and into the house at the beach. Talk to the man inside. Make sure Pikachu is in your party. You should be able to play a mini-game.

X Accuracy Trick

Unlike later games in the Pokemon series, in this game X Accuracy will make every move you use — until you switch out or are KO’ed — 100% likely to hit, no matter the nature of the move. Even those that are one-hit KO moves like Horn Drill, whose accuracy calculations are special, are 100% likely to hit, so it becomes easy to spam Horn Drill, Guillotine, etc., after the use of an X Accuracy.

Game Shark Codes

The codes below require a third-party device like Game Shark or Action Replay to work. These devices inject code into a game to alter its gameplay. Be careful though, as this can cause many unintended effects in a game or its saved files. If used improperly, you can even completely break your cartridge. Use the following codes with caution. If you are emulating this title, then these codes should work still as long as your emulator supports Game Shark/ Action Replay Codes.

01FBA5CF All Pokemon have enough experience to level up to
Level 245-254. They just have to fight to level up.

You don’t learn skills when you level up with the code, you just get tons of HP, Attack, Defense, Speed, and Special. Also, some Pokemon might make the game freeze when they are about to level up with the
code. If that happens, just change FB to F8, F9, or FA.

01??6BD1 HP Modifier (Larger)
01??6CD1 HP Modifier (Smaller)
01FF87D1 Infinite PP (1st Position)
01FF88D1 Infinite PP (2nd Position)
01FF89D1 Infinite PP (3rd Position)
01FF8AD1 Infinite PP (4th Position)
01??8BD1 Level Modifier
01??8CD1 Max HP Modifier (Larger)
01??8DD1 Max HP Modifier (Smaller)
01??8ED1 Max Attack Modifier (Larger)
01??8FD1 Max Attack Modifier (Smaller)
01??90D1 Max Defense Modifier (Larger)
01??91D1 Max Defense Modifier (Smaller)
01??92D1 Max Speed Modifier (Larger)
01??93D1 Max Speed Modifier (Smaller)
01??94D1 Max Special Modifier (Larger)
01??95D1 Max Special Modifier (Smaller)
01FF55D3 Have All Badges
010017D0 Protect Status
01FFD5CF Never Miss & Have More Criticals
01??7BCF Buy Item At Store Modifier (Slot 1)
01??7DCF Buy Item At Store Modifier (Slot 2)
01033BD1 No Random Battles
01??1ED1 Start With A Pokemon Modifier
01F00DD7 Infinite Time (Safari Zone)
016446DA Infinite Safari Balls
010A13D7 Float On Air
01631ED3 Infinite Quantity 1st Position
016320D3 Infinite Quantity 2nd Position
016322D3 Infinite Quantity 3rd Position
016324D3 Infinite Quantity 4th Position
016326D3 Infinite Quantity 5th Position
016328D3 Infinite Quantity 6th Position
01632AD3 Infinite Quantity 7th Position
01632CD3 Infinite Quantity 8th Position
01632ED3 Infinite Quantity 9th Position
016330D3 Infinite Quantity 10th Position
01FF15D0 Infinite HP (In Battle)
01282CD0 Infinite PP (1st Position)
01282DD0 Infinite PP (2nd Position)
01282ED0 Infinite PP (3rd Position)
01282FD0 Infinite PP (4th Position)
01??21D0 Enemy LV Modifier
01??D8CF Change Monster Pic
01??26D1 LV Modifier Of Creatures Before You Battle
01??D7CF Capture Pokemon Modifier
0170E8CF Enemy Can’t Attack & Burned At Beginning of Match

0199A3D5 Infinite Casino Coins

013972D1 Pacific Pikachu

01??76D1 Trainer ID# Modifier

01??78D1 Exp. Modifier

019946D3 Infinite Money

01FF09D3 Seen All Pokemon On PokeDex

01??72D1 Skill Modifier (1st Position)
01??73D1 Skill Modifier (2nd Position)
01??74D1 Skill Modifier (3rd Position)
01??75D1 Skill Modifier (4th Position)
01??1BD0 Skill Modifier (1st Position)
01??1CD0 Skill Modifier (2nd Position)
01??1DD0 Skill Modifier (3rd Position)
01??1ED0 Skill Modifier (4th Position)

Change ?? to

00 Nothing
01 Pound
02 Karate Chop
03 Double Slap
04 Comet Punch
05 Mega Punch
06 Pay Day
07 Fire Punch
08 Ice Punch
09 Thunder Punch
0A Scratch
0B Vice Grip
0C Guillotine
0D Razor Wind
0E Swords Dance
0F Cut
10 Gust
11 Wing Attack
12 Whirl Wind
13 Fly
14 Bird
15 Slam
16 Vine Whip
17 Stomp
18 Double Kick
19 Mega Kick
1A Jump Kick
1B Rolling Kick
1C Sand Attack
1D Head Butt
1E Horn Attack
1F Fury Attack
20 Horn Drill
21 Tackle
22 Body Slam
23 Wrap
24 Take Down
25 Thrash
26 Double Edge
27 Tail Whip
28 Poison Sting
29 Twin Edle
2A Pin Missile
2B Leer
2C Bite
2D Growl
2E Roar
2F Sing
30 Supersonic
31 Sonicboom
33 Acid
34 Ember
35 Flamethrower
36 Mist
37 Water Gun
38 Hydro Pump
39 Surf
3A Ice Beam
3B Blizzard
3C Psybeam
3D Bubblebeam
3E Aurora Beam
3F Hyper Beam
40 Peck
41 Drill Peck
42 Submission
43 Low Kick
44 Counter
45 Seismic Toss
46 Strength
47 Absorb
48 Mega Drain
49 Leech Seed
4A Growth
4B Razor Leaf
4C Solar Beam
4D Poisonpowder
4E Stun Spore
4F Sleep Powder
50 Petal Dance
51 String Shot
52 Dragon Rage
53 Fire Spin
54 Thundershock
55 Thunderbolt
56 Thunder Wave
57 Thunder
58 Rock Throw
59 Earthquake
5A Fissure
5B Dig
5C Toxic
5D Confusion
5E Psychic
5F Hypnosis
60 Meditate
61 Agility
62 Quick Attack
63 Rage
64 Teleport
65 Night Shade
66 Mimic
67 Screech
68 Double Team
69 Recover
6A Harden
6B Minimize
6C Smoke Screen
6D Confuse Ray
6E Withdraw
6F Defense Curl
70 Barrier
71 Light Screen
72 Haze
73 Reflect
74 Focus Energy
75 Hide
76 Metronome
77 Mirror Move
78 Selfdestruct
79 Egg Bomb
7A Lick
7B Smog
7C Sludge
7D Bone Club
7E Fire Blast
7F Waterfall
80 Clamp
81 Swift
82 Skull Bash
83 Spike Cannon
84 Constrict
85 Amnesia
86 Kinesis
87 Softboiled
88 Hi Jump Kick
89 Glare
8A Dream Eater
8B Poison Gas
8C Barrage
8D Leech Life
8E Lovely Kiss
8F Sky Attack
90 Transform
91 Bubble
92 Dizzy Punch
93 Spore
94 Flash
95 Psywave
96 Splash
97 Acid Armor
98 Crabhammer
99 Exposion
9A Fury Swipes
9B Bonemerang
9C Rest
9D Rock Slide
9E Hyper Fang
9F Sharpen
A0 Conversion
A1 Tri Attack
A2 Super Fang
A3 Slash
A4 Substitute
A5 Struggle

01??1CD3 Total Item Number Modifier
01??1DD3 Item Modifier 1st Position
01??1FD3 Item Modifier 2nd Position
01??21D3 Item Modifier 3rd Position
01??23D3 Item Modifier 4th Position
01??25D3 Item Modifier 5th Position
01??27D3 Item Modifier 6th Position
01??29D3 Item Modifier 7th Position
01??2BD3 Item Modifier 8th Position
01??2DD3 Item Modifier 9th Position
01??2FD3 Item Modifier 10th Position

Change ?? to

01 Master Ball
02 Ultra Ball
03 Great Ball
04 Poke Ball
05 Town Map
06 Vicycle
07 Surf Without Pokemon
08 Safari Ball
09 Poke-Dex
0A Moon Stone
0B Antidote
0C Burn Heal
0D Ice Heal
0E Awakening
0F Parlyz Heal
10 Full Restore
11 Max Potion
12 Hyper Potion
13 Super Potion
14 Potion
15 Boulder Badge
16 Cacade Badge
17 Thunder Badge
18 Rainbow Badge
19 Soul Badge
1A Marsh Badge
1B Volcano Badge
1C Earth Badge
1D Escape Rope
1E Repel
1F Old Amber
20 Fire Stone
21 Thunder Stone
22 Water Stone
23 HP Up
24 Protein
25 Iron
26 Carbos
27 Calcium
28 Rare Candy
29 Dome Fossil
2A Helix Fossil
2B Secret Key
2D Bike Voucher
2E X Accuracy
2F Leaf Stone
30 Card Key
31 Nugget
32 PP Up
33 Poke Doll
34 Full Heal
35 Revive
36 Max Revive
37 Grand Special
38 Super Repel
39 Max Repel
3A Dire Hit
3B Coin
3C Fresh Water
3D Soda Pop
3E Lemonade
3F S.S. Ticket
40 Gold Teeth
41 X Attack
42 X Defend
43 X Speed
44 X Special
45 Coin Case
46 Oak’s Parcel
47 Item Finder
48 Silph Scope
49 Poke Flute
4A Lift Key
4B Exp. All
4C Old Rod
4D Good Rod
4E Super Rod
4F PP Up
50 Ether
51 Max Ether
52 Elixer
53 Max Elixer

01??63D1 Pokemon Modifier

Change ?? to

01 Rhydon
02 Kangaskhan
03 Nidoran(m)
04 Clefairy
05 Spearow
06 Voltorb
07 NidoKing
08 Slobro
09 Ivysaur
0A Exeggutor
0B Lickitung
0C Exeggcute
0D Grimer
0E Gengar
0F Nidoran(f)
10 NidoQueen
11 Cubone
12 Rhyhorn
13 Lapras
14 Arcanine
15 Mew
16 Gyarados
17 Shellder
18 Tentacool
19 Gastly
1A Scyther
1B Staryu
1C Blastoise
1D Pinsir
1E Tangela
21 Growlithe
22 Onix
23 Frearow
24 Pidgey
25 Slowpoke
26 Kadabra
27 Graveler
28 Chansey
29 Machoke
2A Mr. Mime
2B Hitmonlee
2C Hitmonchan
2D Arbok
2E Parasect
2F Psyduck
30 Drowzee
31 Golem
33 Magmar
34 Mankey
35 Electabuzz
36 Magneton
37 Koffing
3A Seel
3B Diglett
3C Tauros
40 Farfetch’d
41 Venonat
42 Dragonite
46 Doduo
47 Poliwag
48 Jynx
49 Moltres
4A Articuro
4B Zapdos
4C Ditto
4D Meowth
4E Krabby
52 Vulpix
53 Ninetails
54 Pikachu
55 Raichu
58 Dratini
59 Dragonair
5A Kabuto
5B Kabutops
5C Horsea
5D Seadra
60 Sandshrew
61 Sandslash
62 Omanite
63 Omastar
64 Jigglypuff
65 Wigglytuff
66 Eevee
67 Flareon
68 Jolteon
69 Vaporeon
6A Machop
6B Zubat
6C Ekans
6D Paras
6E Poliwhirl
6F Poliwrath
70 Weedle
71 Kakuna
72 Beedrill
74 Dodrio
75 Primeape
76 Dugtrio
77 Venomoth
78 Dewgong
7B Caterpie
7C Metapod
7D Butterfree
7E Machamp
80 Goldduck
81 Hypno
82 Golbat
83 Mewtwo
84 Snorlax
85 Magikarp
88 Muk
8A Kingler
8B Cloyster
8D Electrode
8E Clefable
8F Weezing
90 Persian
91 Marowak
93 Haunter
94 Abra
95 Alakazam
96 Pidgeotto
97 Pidgeot
98 Starmie
99 Bulbasaur
9A Venusaur
9B Tentacruel
9D Goldeen
9E Seaking
A3 Ponyta
A4 Rapidash
A5 Rattata
A6 Raticate
A7 Nindorino
A8 Nindorina
A9 Geodude
AA Porygon
AB Aerodactyl
AD Magnemite
B0 Charmander
B1 Squirtle
B2 Charmeleon
B3 Wartortle
B4 Charizard
B9 Oddish
BA Gloom
BB Vileplume
BC Bellsprout
BD Weepinbell
BE Victreebell

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